Not a children's graduation dance. Prom dance

Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children

"The House for arts and crafts for children"

Scenario for graduation in the children's exemplary choreographic group "Iskorka"

“Starfall in the ensemble again Starfall…”

additional teacher



Valentina Andreevna.

Fanfare sounds. The lights in the hall are dimmed. Poems sound against the background of the melody “Morning” by Grieg.

They believe in magic here

Here they are friends with miracles,

Fairy tales come true here

They come to visit themselves

There are no clouds visible here,

It's crowded here with smiles,

“Sparkle” lives here

In every child's heart.

The number “In the Land of Dreams” is performed.

The presenter comes out.

Ved. Good evening, dear children, dear teachers, parents, guests. This hall is usually crowded, noisy and fun when “Sparkle” gathers its children for the holidays, but today it is solemnly sad because we are graduating our pupils.

Against the background of a piece of music “Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky__ poems sound.

May is raging outside again

And the sun is shining above

Why are you and I sad?

Why do you feel so uncomfortable?

Do you remember how long ago you opened the door?

In this hall in the autumn sometimes,

Childhood flew by like a breeze

Today we say goodbye to you

with Pinyaksheva Irina and Samsonova Alina.

We invite you to come here to us.

Graduates enter the hall.

Ved. In moments of farewell, you always remember everything that happened. More than ten years ago, you first crossed the threshold of Iskorka. They came to their first lesson very small, timid, a little awkward and inept. Girls, do you remember how it was? Alina, what year did you come to Iskorka?

Alina answers.

Ved. Ira, now a question for you. Do you remember how you got into Iskorka?

Ira answers.

Ved. Six years ago, at the beginning of the school year, girls were given a questionnaire. Here are some of our graduates’ answers to it.

When asked when will I do the splits? Ira answered: I don’t know. Alina – March 29.

Question: What would I like to dance this year? Ira – “Viva Vivache”, “Sambo”. Alina - That's it.

Question: How often would I like to perform? Ira - Every day. Alina - Every month.

Question: am I ready to work at full capacity? Here the girls unanimously answered: Yes.

Question: my goal (dream) in Iskorka? Ira - Become a ballerina or dancer. Alina – do the splits and perform.

Your first performance, what dance did you perform? (graduates answer). Were these numbers also some of the first you danced? (graduates answer). Indeed, for Irina it was “The Big Wash”, and for Alina it was “Walk in the Sparkling Rain”. Do you remember these dances, could you now perform at least a few movements from them for us? Let's see how it was!

A video is playing.

Ved. These numbers are still in the group’s repertoire. Meet the preparatory group of the ensemble with the dance “Big Wash”.

A dance is being performed.

Ved. "A walk in the sparkling rain." Performed by the junior group of the ensemble.

A dance is being performed.

Against the background of the musical work "Cinderella", the first symphonic suite from the ballet, poems sound.

So what is ballet anyway?

Ballet, of course, pirouette,

Pad-bure, shan, bows,

And become worthy of the crown,

And soft, easy advice to you,

What goes straight to the soul.

Nobody can break like that

Her peace and tremble

Make every burst of movement

Ballet is a celebration of sensations.

Ved. Oh, how the girls dreamed, just like real ballerinas, to rise above the floor and flutter, spin, perform complex steps, and touch the beautiful. The dream of standing on your toes finally became a reality with the arrival of Elena Arturovna Surkova, a creative, sensitive, loving and knowledgeable person, to the team. After graduating from the Perm Choreographic School, she worked at the Opera and Ballet Theater. She performed with the troupe on stages in Russia and Europe.

Studying the classics is not an easy task. You need to have a lot of patience. New numbers have appeared in the group’s repertoire: “Goldfish”, “Breath of Nature”, “Dance of the Little Swans” and others. Let's see how it went.

A video is playing.

Ved. Beauty is not only on the screen, but also in reality. “Winter” is a fragment from the composition “Breath of Nature” performed by Irina Pinyaksheva.

The number is being performed.

Ved. Chaikovsky. Variation. Performed by Alina Samsonova.

The number is being performed.

Ved. When learning new movements, sometimes difficulties arose; everything didn’t always work out right away; efforts had to be made to make this or that movement work. This is how Batman did not succumb to fondue. And in order to somehow help the guys, Valentina Andreevna suggested trying to compose ditties, poems about such obstinate movements. The kids liked this idea. Everyone was composing, writing, singing something. Here is one of them:

Beautiful tandu movement,

But its execution is difficult

To achieve clear execution

It takes a lot of work

I'm standing at the machine, I'm standing

Rehearsing tandya

I'll try, I'll puff

And I’ll get what I need.

The presenter addresses the graduates

Ved. Who do you think wrote this? Doesn't anyone recognize themselves? And Alina Samsonova wrote this masterpiece. Here is the creation of Ira Pinyaksheva

I really love fondue

Our favorite fondue

Only your favorite fondue

I can't do it.

But that is not all. We also have ditties that the younger group of the ensemble will perform for us. Oh, you (addresses the graduates) listen carefully, among them there will be one written by one of you.

The junior group of the ensemble performs ditties.

Ved. And here is another page from the life of our graduates.

The number “Idol” is performed.

Ved. I think that you recognized (points to the mannequin) one of your teachers, Igor Pivorovich. Let's all dive back into the time when he worked with you.

A video is playing.

Ved. A special place in Iskorka is occupied by the study of folk dance. All recent achievements are associated with him. This is the Laureate of the first and second degrees at the International competition festival "Pearl of Crimea" in Alushta Ukraine, the Laureate of the first and second degree at the Russian competition "Eaglets of Russia", which was held in the All-Russian center "Orlyonok" in Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory, the Laureate of the regional competition children's choreographic groups of the Tver region in Tver.

Folk dance classes are interesting, emotional, and lively. The ensemble has many interesting, bright productions in which our graduates danced. Attention to the screen.

A video is playing.

Ved. Give it to the people

The dancing takes me away

Grief does not take me

“Oh, a thin thread” is performed by the middle group of the ensemble.

The number is being performed.

Ved. More than 10 years ago, Irina, Alina and Iskorka met. From then until today they were inseparable. But a time comes when we need to separate, whether we want it or not. So that you always remember Iskorka, we present you with our traditional gifts.

Pupils of the senior group of the ensemble bring out (T-shirts, daddies, frames with photographs, hearts and flowers).

Ved. The floor is given to the head of Solovyova, Elena Alekseevna.

The leader shows an album of graduates with decorated pages. Presents diplomas.

Ved. According to tradition, the graduates dance for the last time together with their friends, and it was the round dance “Ivushki”. But this year, at the request of the graduates, we are breaking this tradition instead of a sad, lyrical round dance, graceful “Sudarushki”. While our graduates are preparing for their performance, we have a pleasant procedure for awarding the students of the team.

The awards ceremony is underway.

Ved. “Iskorka” has many kind helpers, including our caring fathers and mothers. What they had to do: sew costumes, plan, saw, help dress before concerts, accompany on trips and much more. Here, for example: Ira Pinyaksheva’s mother became a professional in sewing ballet slippers, and Alina Samsonova’s mother masterfully learned how to embroider concert costumes with sequins. We thought for a long time about how to thank our helpers. We decided to play a lottery with valuable gifts. Please pull.

Parents pull out tickets. Instructions for use are read. Then the children bring out and present gifts.

Ved. Once again, thank you very much, our dear parents, main helpers and main sponsors. Another gift for you is the issue of “Mitus”.

The number is being performed.

Ved. The floor is given to the parents of the graduates.

Ved. Now meet our graduates with the “Sudarushki” dance.

The number is being performed.

Ved. The floor is given to graduates.

Ved. Today, when graduates stand on the threshold of adulthood, their hearts are filled with hope and love. Great love in the hearts of parents. No matter how old their children get, they will always need this love! Faith in the hearts of teachers. They are confident that their students will not get lost in life and will find something to do to their liking. There is hope in the hearts of the graduates, the hope that dreams, all the deepest desires will definitely come true. And may this Faith, Hope and Love accompany our graduates throughout their entire future journey!

The melody of the song “Starfall” sounds and girls with lit candles go out to the graduates in the center of the hall and stand in a circle. The whole team sings the farewell song “Starfall”.

Let us remember our bright dawn

How they ran to class in the morning.

How they weren’t afraid of the dark in Ozernaya

How watermelon made my stomach hurt.

Starfall in our ensemble

Our sparkles fly from the ensemble

And the girls quietly whisper to them, wait

You will always belong in our ensemble.

We will never forget these nights

How we didn’t sleep in “Orlyonok” until the morning

How in Matsesta we swam naked,

How we ran through the snow barefoot.

We will never forget Alushta:

Rehearsals, concerts as always.

Black Sea exciting surf

He gave you and me good friends.

Here we learned to dance little by little

And their whims began to win.

This room with you has become home to us

And we always want to return here.

Let us cherish “Sparkle” in our hearts,

Let's remember who helped light it

Today we will fly away in all directions,

But the ensemble will always remain in my soul.

Childhood is a special time, filled with happiness, light and fun. When a child says goodbye to kindergarten, he says goodbye to an important part of his world - to his beloved teachers and friends. By tradition, many kindergartens hold graduations for children going to school. The holiday is prepared very carefully; the script includes competitions, sweepstakes, theatrical performances and, of course, prom dance kindergarten.

Kindergarten graduation dance

Graduation in the garden- an important holiday for kids, because each of them receives parting words and wishes from their teachers, each of the children gets the opportunity to say goodbye to those who were dear and close to him for four years, who gave him his first knowledge and raised him.

Kindergarten graduation- a celebration that carries a special atmosphere. Boys and girls dress up beautifully, prepare skits for teachers and various dances with songs. At the festival, the children become artists; they organize a celebration not only for themselves, but also for their relatives.

What kind of prom dance can you put on?

There are several popular dance options that are perfect for kindergarten graduation.

Waltz - everyone's favorite classic

Couples dancing one of the most romantic dances will decorate any prom. There is no point in teaching children complex steps; the main thing is that the dance is filled with bright emotions. To choose an idea for staging a waltz, you should watch various videos; to do this, just type the query “ graduation dance video" and suitable options will be found immediately. You can choose any soundtrack, it can be everyone’s favorite “Crystal Waltz” by Chopin, or songs from your favorite cartoons.

Dancing with pigeons as a farewell to childhood

Choosing prom dance, you should pay attention to performances with doves made of paper. Since children, like chicks, are leaving the cozy nest that their kindergarten has been for a long time, such a dance will become very symbolic.

Farewell to toys

When children leave kindergarten, they not only say goodbye to their friends and teachers, but also to their toys. This can be done in the form of a dance, during which each of the future schoolchildren hands over their toys to the children from the younger group. Any dance composition can be chosen. You can search for an idea for a production on the Internet. video of children's graduation dance.

Prom dance for girls and dads

It is simply impossible to imagine a more tender and reverent dance. Of course, in order for everything to work out, dads will have to attend more than one rehearsal, but the emotions and pleasure received from the dance will be worth it. For dance, it is best to choose a composition by Igor Nikolaev called “The Little Daughter Is Growing Up.”

But there are other options father and daughter dance.

"Hipsters" performed by little preschoolers

Looking through kindergarten graduation dance on videos on the Internet, you can find many interesting options and “Hipsters” is one of them. For the dance, it is advisable for girls to wear bright dresses with polka dots, and for boys, black pants, shirts and ties to match the color of the girls’ dresses. The fiery dance will appeal to both kids and their parents.

Kindergarten graduation dance - performance by gentlemen

Boys, together with the group leader, can give girls a real surprise in the form of. Mandatory attributes are black suits and hats. This simple production will appeal to all guests, especially mothers who will look with pride at their growing sons.

What should the kids cook for their graduation?

To make the holiday brighter and more beautiful, you can invite. Professional performances with complex elements will really appeal to kids and their parents.

When arranging a graduation for a child, you should remember that this is his farewell to kindergarten, which means it must certainly be interesting and unforgettable.


Lyubov Lavrova

"Farewell Forget-Me-Not Ball"

sounds music composition “Kindergarten, kindergarten is a house for children”- the kids come in and sit on the chairs.

Music sounds (teachers come to the center of the hall)

Presenter 1.

The gardens bloom and fade little by little,

And the sun shines so cheerfully.

And our favorite kindergarten “Skazka”

On a spring day I feel a little sad.

Presenter 2.

Today in our bright hall

The guys gathered for the last time.

There will be a sea of ​​joy and a drop of sadness:

They leave us for first grade.

Meet our graduates. Today kindergarten says goodbye

(children enter accompanied by first graders)

Nadezhda Shatalova

Karina Efremova - goes to the center, bows, goes to his position

Miroslava Kolontsova - goes to the center bows, goes to his position

Sofia Taranovskaya - goes to the center, bows, goes to his position

WALTZ “Preschool Ball”-waltz with first graders

(the girls go to the center of the hall)

1 - Sophia T.:

Well, that's all, the time has come

The one we've all been waiting for!

We gathered for the last time

In our cozy room!

2 - Nadya Sh.:

Brightly decorated hall

Live bouquets.

We came to the kindergarten for the ball

With friends and family.

3 - Karina E.:

We had so much fun here,

We sang and danced...

And they didn't even notice

How suddenly they became big.

4- Miroslava K.:

We are standing dressed up now,

We say the words, worryingly,

How sad it is to leave our garden,

But we have already been given a start to school.

Song "Autumn will come soon"

Presenter 1:

You have grown up unnoticed

The kindergarten has become like a home,

We are attached to you with all our hearts

And they loved it with all their hearts!

Presenter 2:

What a pity, the moment of parting

Getting closer, closer every day.

We don't really want to say goodbye

And we will be a little sad!

Miroslava K:

Yes, we are just a little sad!

But time cannot be turned back!

And it’s time for us, it’s time to hit the road!

All children: - Farewell, beloved, kindergarten!

Ved: Our dear girls

Today is your first graduation

We're all a little worried

How are our guests, our mothers, worried?

The mother of a first grader

The bouquet is clutched in hands.

The mother of a first grader

My knees are shaking a little.

Well, school is coming,

And the school porch!

The mother of a first grader

Anxious face.

Together: Mommies, don’t be afraid, mommies, calm down!

We won’t let you down at school, we’ll dance and sing for you

Ved: Our dear guests, our girls give you a dance

Dance of graduates “Inspiration”

Presenter 1: We remember everything: like mother

Breathing anxiously and excitedly,

Secretly, perhaps wiping away tears,

She handed the baby into our hands.

Presenter 2:

And so the baby went his way,

Overcoming the steps of the floors,

I ate porridge and gained weight little by little.

He puffed, putting on his tights himself,

The years flew by so unnoticed,

Once you've rushed off, you won't be able to get it back.

Oh, our kids, how you have grown up here!

Kindergarten is seeing you off today!

Presenter 1: Dear graduates! Our Kids, with whom you have lived together all these years, came to your graduation party. They brought you their wishes!

Under music "Top, top, top" The kids enter the hall.

Presenter 2: Oh, funny, funny! You were like that too. When they grow up a little, they will also come to school with you.

Sofia Muratova:

We guys and kids have come to congratulate you all!

Enroll in first grade and don’t forget about us.

Matvey R.:

You will be going to school soon, please don’t be lazy,

We wish you guys good studies.

We honestly promise you that without you in our native garden

We won’t break the flowers, we’ll save all the toys.

We wish you to study and get straight A's!

And remember the group “Pchelka” more often.

Misha L.:

Don’t forget about us, come to us in kindergarten

And now we want to dance

DANCE OF KIDS “Barbariki”

Thank you guys

This dance is just great!

Take this, it will come in handy.

Here's a gift from all of us!

Gives a gift to kids

Ved: And the kids also prepared gifts for graduates

(give gifts) - kids give homemade bookmarks.

Presenter 2: Every child is our little bright star. And today, May 31, 2017, a new countdown begins for our stars, who, and we really hope so, will turn into big, kind, talented STARS!

Presenter 1. - Time flies, and it cannot be returned, the guys have become big.

We lit the stars, we send you on your way, you say goodbye to kindergarten.

1. Karina E.

Our kindergarten, goodbye,

The time has come to part with you.

And let us say goodbye

To confess my great love for you.

For so many long years and winters

You have become family to many.

We say goodbye

The road to school awaits us.

We don’t swear to you, but this is how we will learn,

So that everyone will finally know about us.

So that you can hear this everywhere:

“Once from a “Fairy Tale” means well done!” (together)

And now the hour of farewell has come

For adults and children.

We are leaving for school, first grade.

That's it (in unison). Farewell to our kindergarten!

DANCE “Forget-me-not waltz” -

(children give forget-me-nots to kindergarten staff.)

Everyone has one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class,

And the first textbook, and the first lesson,

And the first loud school bell.

... Which calls you to a new school life

The school bell rings

Presenter 2. -

Attention! The solemn moment has arrived:

We present the children with a document, It’s called a Diploma,

It will be a keepsake for you for the rest of your life. Everything will be: school, college,

Your first diploma is here! And try to learn like this,

To be proud of your diplomas!

Presenter 1: Dear graduates, today each of you is lucky enough to walk along the star path for the first time in your life. Let this path open you the way to new successes and achievements!

Teachers unroll a star trail on the carpet, then invite each child in turn.

Ved: The floor for the presentation of diplomas is given by the head.

Graduation and gift ov.

Presenter 2: Dear guys! All life's joys and hardships, ups and downs, disappointments and victories have always been shared with you by your glorious parents. A word to the parents of our graduates!

Parents come out - congratulations to graduates

Surprise from parents "Dad and Daughter Dance""

Presenter 2:

It's time for us to part ways!

But we ask you, don't be sad,

The kids continue their journey!

From all the employees of the kindergarten - please accept the surprise.


Ved: Oh. Someone else is in a hurry to congratulate you on the holiday! Whoever is knocking at the door, come to us quickly!


After the game program

Presenter 2:

Our holiday is over!

We would like to wish you, dear guys,

Learn, grow, meet new friends.

We will always be very proud of you,

Walk the stairs of life boldly!

Presenter 1:

The children are leaving along the school road,

But a part of us remains in them!

From the kindergarten, from the school threshold

We accompany them to school: Good morning!

Presenter 2: It’s time to send your bee flying to its dream, graduates take balloons with a bee, and the kids are waiting for them at the sweet table.

The children take the balloons apart; we go out onto the porch of the kindergarten with the balloons and release them into the sky, making a wish.

A sweet table awaits in the group

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