Open a children's development center. What is needed to open a children's development center? Organization of the process of early child development

Many aspiring businessmen are interested in how to open a children's development center from scratch. The number of such organizations is constantly growing, which, in turn, attracts entrepreneurs. This direction is promising for investment. Below is an example of a business plan for a children's development center for preschoolers.

According to VTsIOM, more than half of Russian children attend clubs, courses and other developmental institutions. In 2017, about 54% of children or 15.2 million people in Russia attended various types of developmental and educational classes, in addition to kindergartens and schools. Preschool education for children under 7 years old is a promising niche for business.

Brief description of the project (calculation for the city of Kursk)

  • Starting investment: from 800,000 rubles.
  • Payback period: at least 10 months.
  • Annual net profit: about 638,000 rubles.
  • Break-even point: 2-3 months

Project Summary

Idea: opening a children's development center from scratch, aimed at families with average and above average income. Organizational form: individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Project goals

  • Obtaining a stable profit through the provision of educational services.
  • Satisfaction consumer market middle management
  • Creating a competitive environment in the field of educational services.
  • Full development of preschool children in the children's center.

The target audience: city residents aged 25 - 45 years, with children under 7 years old, with an average income, flexible schedule, but high employment.

Average number of visitors per day: this type of business depends on seasonality. In the summer and New Year's holidays, there is a significant decline in activity - the average group size decreases from 15 people to 2 - 4. From September to December and from February to May, the number of people wishing to send their children to a development center increases.

The Children's Center offers the following courses:

Location: premises with an area of ​​about 65 sq.m., next to a children's store, clothes for mothers or a school, but not in the city center, but not far from it. In houses that are not far from the metro (no more than 20 minutes walk from the metro so that you can walk).

Opening hours: from 8:00 to 19:00.

The project is financed from our own funds in the amount of 800,000 rubles.


The business plan of a children's development center begins with the foundation - the formation of a calendar plan. The manager and founder of the project draws up a step-by-step description of all steps with a detailed elaboration of deadlines and tasks that are solved sequentially. An approximate business map of the project, designed for 3 months, is presented below.

Calendar planning for the launch of a children's development center

Children's club business plan: organizational and legal framework

Selection of organizational and legal form - important stage planning future business. For a small enterprise, an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company (LLC) is best suited. The legislation does not prohibit registering a joint stock company, but for a small enterprise this form is inappropriate.

Currently, both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs can obtain an educational license. Previously, only non-profit organizations(NPO).

Legal aspects.

  • Collection of documents.
  • Submitting them to the tax authority at your place of residence.
  • Pick up the finished kit no earlier than two weeks later.
  • Choice of taxation system.
  • Collect additional documentation: lease agreement, hiring of personnel, approval from the administration, agreement for security, waste disposal, food supply, disinfection, etc.), agreement with fire services, as well as certificates of teachers for compliance with qualifications.

Once you have decided on the legal form of your future enterprise, you can begin to calculate investments. Below we will consider in more detail the business plan of a children's development center with calculations.

Production plan

It is important to clearly state in the business plan of the child development center the requirements for the premises of the future company. It is advisable to choose a room in a place with high traffic or closer to the city center.

Room area - at least 65 square meters. meters. The advantage is a games room and a teaching room. It is also necessary to provide a separate bathroom and a room where parents can wait for the completion of classes. Remember that when renting premises, you must be guided by the standards of the SES and fire inspection authorities (fire safety rules (PPB 01-03) and SanPiN

You cannot create a children's club:

  • in the basement, semi-basement;
  • on the ground floor.

The room must have:

  • separate entrance;
  • convenient access.

When drawing up a business plan for a children's development center, pay attention to the availability of parking spaces for cars.

Equipment for children's development center

An approximate list of basic equipment that will be needed to open a development center for preschoolers is presented in the table.

State formation

To start operating a children's center for preschoolers, select qualified personnel.

Be sure to register job descriptions and adapt staff for further coordinated, efficient work. We recommend expanding your staff in the future and adding a PR manager to your team, and outsourcing accounting. This will allow you not to waste time and effort on calculating salaries and sending reports to the tax office, but to concentrate on developing your business. When outsourcing, it is important to choose a reliable company with a good reputation, such as, whose accountants have more than 20 years of experience.

Advertising campaign

*Calculation was made taking into account costs at the initial stage of project implementation. Monthly advertising costs do not include the production of a sign with the name and the production of additional banners.

Investment plan

It is important to take into account seasonality, staff qualifications, customer service, possible changes in food prices (if the program involves children staying in the center for more than 4 hours), rent, and salaries. Set aside at least 15% for additional and unforeseen expenses: lawyers and more.

When calculating costs and profits in your business plan, take into account the strong influence of seasonal factors on this type of business. During the cold season - winter, please take into account new year holidays and not a very busy center. During the summer months, you will also experience an outflow of customers, which means your profits will be minimal. Maximum demand for attending classes:

  • from September to December;
  • from February to May.

Planning expenses for the starting month and income for the year

Income for the year ranges from 638,000 rubles.

Expenses - 800,000 rubles for opening.

  • For equipment: 350,000 rubles.
  • For salary: 180,000 rubles.
  • For advertising: 83,000 rubles.
  • For rent, lawyers, security: 119,000 rubles.
  • Additional expenses: 68,000 rubles.

Possible risks

The main factor is low demand from clients and teachers. Teachers create a reputation for the center outside the walls of the institution; the image and effectiveness of word of mouth depends on the quality of the educational services they provide. The latter is especially effective in small towns with a population of up to 500 thousand people. It will also work against you if you hire insufficiently qualified personnel. In addition, you will have to take care of favorable working conditions for personnel so that personnel do not go to competitors.

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Children's development center: is this business idea promising?

Not long ago we wrote an article in which we talked about. The information was general, and at the end of the article we made a promise that over time we would begin to write specific business ideas, consider their advantages, prospects and methods of implementation.

Today we will talk about an all-female business that has been successfully implemented and operates in many large cities. I would like to say right away that the idea is quite promising, because the niche is practically unoccupied. The demand for services of this kind is growing every day, but there is still no quality offer on the market. So, we will talk about a children's development center as an idea for a women's business.

Many experts note that child development centers, or small kindergartens, will form the basis of preschool educational institutions in the future. In the USA and Europe, this practice has been used for several years, and, as you can understand, over time it will come to us.

After the collapse of the USSR, the birth rate fell sharply, and this is understandable, because in an unstable country you need to get yourself back on your feet, what can we say about children. Kindergartens were closed en masse, good workers quit. But those difficult years have already passed, and now young couples are increasingly beginning to think about children, and are not so afraid for the future, deciding to have one or more children. The demand for good kindergartens and developmental centers for children is increasing, but the supply remains at the same level.

We often hear from young parents that it is now difficult to send their children to a good preschool. Either you have to pay a bribe or wait your turn, which is not always convenient. In such cases, private centers for children come to the rescue, which act as kindergartens, but at the same time have a number of distinctive features.

What is the difference between a development center and a kindergarten?

In the last few years, along with municipal kindergartens, many centers, clubs, and private kindergartens have appeared, which are designed to serve as a standard kindergarten, only with certain differences. First of all, the difference lies in the approach to raising a child and the professionalism of teachers. It is clear that people with good education and knowledge will choose a highly paid job in a development center rather than in an ordinary state kindergarten. Thus, there is an outflow of personnel, and all the best move to private kindergartens.

The approach is another important difference between ordinary kindergartens and development centers. Specialists do not just play the role of caregivers who look after children throughout the day, but try to develop them, conduct various games, competitions, and interactive activities, based on modern methods of raising children. This is a qualitatively new level, and many parents are willing to pay more money if only their baby is in reliable and professional hands.

To illustrate the differences, you can take the education programs of some leading development centers in Moscow or other cities and familiarize yourself with them. Very often, programs are structured in such a way that in some, the presence of the mother in certain classes is mandatory. This allows not only the child to learn, but also his mother becomes more prepared for the role of “mom”. All methods have their own goals and objectives, which are clearly described by experts from development centers. These include: individual development, adaptation, creative education, etc.

Children's development center: business plan

And from the theoretical component we will move on to a more practical one. In this article we will not describe a detailed business plan for opening a children's development center, but will offer you to download individual files.

  • An example of a business plan for a children's development center -
  • Detailed version with all the numbers and calculations - download

And the most important thing I would like to add is to pay due attention to personnel selection. You must be qualitatively different from everything that is presented on the service market in your city. We do not take into account state kindergartens, but private ones are worth paying attention to. Only professionals should work in your development center, with knowledge of the matter, with an ideal attitude towards children. Remember, every employee is the face of your company. And if someone makes a mistake, everyone's reputation will suffer. What is the main thing in such a business? That's right, customer trust and a good reputation. After all, they leave their children to you, and do not give the preserved food for preservation.

Children's development center: all the intricacies of this business

When opening such a business, you need to take into account certain factors and circumstances. Don't think that everything will be as simple as it seems at first glance. Although the service is not new, it is still approached with a certain amount of caution.

  • Legal activities. If you want to work at a fairly high level, then without official registration of the enterprise this will not work. Go through the entire procedure, obtain all kinds of permits and licenses that will allow you to carry out this type of activity.

As soon as it comes to registration, many grab their heads and begin to fear bureaucratic red tape. But don't worry. There are many tips and recommendations on the Internet that will allow you to quickly collect the necessary package of documents and contact the relevant authorities.

  • Investments. It is clear that this business will require good investments. According to the most conservative estimates, the initial investment will be about 500,000 rubles. You can use your own funds, but it is advisable to attract investors by getting them interested in the idea and prospects for development in your region.
  • Room. Children need space. Therefore, it will not be possible to huddle in a one-room apartment. It is necessary to equip special game rooms, rooms for recreation and activities. Expect to need at least 100 square meters, if not more. The ideal option is to rent the premises of the former kindergarten, many of which are empty (in small towns).
  • Staff. We have already talked about it, and this factor should not be underestimated. Good staff is 90% of success of this business
  • Learn on your own and gain some knowledge. You will work with staff, you will communicate with parents, therefore, you need to have good knowledge in the field of psychology in order to resolve conflicts and get out of difficult situations. Believe me, they will arise, and you must become a guarantor of stability and calm.
  • Bank account. Don't handle cash. Only in very extreme cases. All payments must be made through the bank, because this is very convenient both for you and for clients. Enable the ability to pay for services via the Internet, use all innovative technologies to simplify monetary payments to the maximum, make them transparent and understandable.

If you decide to use the words “educational” or “training” in the name of the enterprise, you must obtain a special license. This is not necessary for a children's development center. For one teacher with completed pedagogical education, registration of an individual entrepreneur will be required, then it is possible without a license. In this case, the staff is assigned to positions with nanny responsibilities.

When choosing a tax system, there is no need to invent anything. Just choose the simplified one. This will significantly reduce the cost of an accountant and other specialists. Having learned a little about the legislation, you will be able to conduct your own affairs without involving third parties.

How to choose the right room?

We have already said that the premises for a children's development center must be at least 100 square meters. But this is only one aspect, and there are a whole host of others that must be fulfilled.

Premises for such a business must have:

  • Reception room. It needs to be a separate office. This is where you will meet with parents, discuss all issues, hold small meetings and conferences.
  • Staff office. Everyone should have their own corner, including the staff. Change clothes, relax, drink coffee, leave some things. For all these purposes you need a small technical office.
  • Game room for activities. The largest part of the room. The room should be spacious, bright, and have several entrances and exits.
  • Bedroom. Children must rest during the day. To do this, equip your bedroom.
  • Bathroom and toilet. It is desirable that they be different for children and adults.

According to fire safety rules, the premises must be equipped with fire alarms and have 1-2 backup exits.

The success of a children's development center largely depends on the teachers. Children will talk about them to their parents, and they will tell their friends, relatives, and potential clients. Of course, equipment and techniques are also important, but the main factor is always the human factor.

Features of this business

As a rule, such centers operate 9 months a year, since in the summer there are very few people who want to send their children to kindergartens. But keep in mind that rent and staff salaries will be paid. All this must be taken into account when calculating the potential profit from the business.

Be sure to research the competition. In large cities, such centers open regularly, and perhaps there is already a sufficient concentration of them in your area. Also, do not forget that many parents want their child to be as developed as possible, to learn foreign languages, to be able to draw, read, sing, etc. Find appropriate specialists who can work with children at the proper level.

The payback period for this business ranges from 3-5 years. The main expenses include:

  • Purchasing the necessary equipment
  • Rent
  • Salary Fund
  • Tax deductions

Children's development center: how to attract clients

And the last question that we will consider in this article is how to attract clients.

Your main clients will be parents who live in your area. Not even in the entire area, but in the nearest houses. Of course, when you become a popular establishment, people will talk about you and recommend you, then the geography of clients will expand. But in the first stages, an advertising company should be built on targeted action. Advertising should include announcements at entrances, inside houses, conversations with parents, invitations to events from a children's development center. It’s good to organize various holidays, concerts, competitions for kids, and invite parents and children there. This will increase your popularity and attract new customers.

If you don’t want to invent too much and engage in advertising, then contact agencies that will organize the entire scheme for attracting potential clients instead of you. This pleasure is not cheap, so be prepared to allocate an additional expense item.

Now is the time when young mothers and fathers trust public preschool institutions less and less, looking for an alternative replacement. Private kindergartens and development centers are reaching a new level. Have patience, faith, and everything will work out. The business will not pay off as quickly as you would like, but over time it will become very profitable and will generate income for many years.

In this material:

A business plan for a children's development center should be drawn up taking into account many aspects. It is worth noting that the provision of services of this type is currently in great demand. Many parents, not relying on their own strengths, want specialists to deal with the development of their children. A well-known example of a child care institution is a kindergarten, but for additional development there are many centers where it is worth taking children for classes.

You can hear a lot of negative reviews about the work of municipal kindergartens, starting with the negligent attitude of teachers and ending with inappropriate conditions. Considering all the shortcomings, parents are still forced to send their children to these preschool institutions. But there is always a more promising alternative. The children's center is an excellent replacement for a traditional kindergarten. Here, qualified specialists will take care of the development and education of children.

The main differences between a development center and a kindergarten

Teachers working in development centers are engaged in the comprehensive development of the child. Each child has the right to count on an individual approach; teachers will take into account his developmental characteristics. The specialist not only looks after the child while the parents are busy at work, but also educates him. The program includes educational lessons and exercises, all kinds of games and competitions.

Each parent pays for the center’s services to the extent that it is possible to pay workers decent wages, which are higher than in government institutions. This encourages teachers to provide high-quality services. High level wages allows you to hire exclusively qualified professionals. Specialists work with children using the latest methods of pedagogy and education. The convenience of developmental clubs is that most of them have the opportunity to leave a child for a full day or for several hours.

Large centers, in addition to the main premises for classes, have at their disposal a swimming pool, game rooms, computer and gyms, and art studios.

Before wondering how to open a children's development center, you need to decide what type it will be. The classification of such institutions is as follows:

  1. According to the specialization of the center. There are general and narrow development clubs. In the former, classes are conducted with children aimed at developing general knowledge and skills. In narrowly focused institutions, classes are held in those subjects for which the child has an inclination.
  2. According to operating mode. There are centers of kindergarten and general types. In the first, teachers work with children throughout the day. In general development institutions, classes are held only for a few hours.
  3. There are 3 options for the format of services: mini-center, studio and premium. At the first institution, classes are held only a few times a week. A mini-center does not require large investments, but one cannot count on high profits. In addition, problems may arise with finding a room for classes. A studio center is a more profitable option. In such institutions, classes are taught by qualified teachers. This type of business does not require large investments and allows you to provide better services. Due to the small number of staff, the topics of classes will be very limited. The premium development center is the most interesting option. Such an organization provides various developmental services and has several premises at its disposal. The disadvantage is the high initial costs and maintenance costs.

Development center profitability and costs

A business plan for a children's entertainment center needs to be developed taking into account possible profits and payback periods. The average payback period for such organizations is 2 years from the date of opening. This is an approximate indicator, which is influenced by too many factors: the type of center, its mode of operation, the list of services provided, how many people it will be designed for, the number of staff and other important points.

Such a business is quite profitable. The services provided are currently in great demand, regardless of status and income level. Basic expenses for opening a development institution:

  • rental of premises;
  • payment of taxes and utilities;
  • carrying out initial repairs to the premises;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • furniture, appliances, equipment, toys, dishes and necessary equipment;
  • staff salaries;
  • methodological and Consumables for learning and creativity;
  • payment for food;
  • advertising costs.

The list of costs may vary depending on the type of institution chosen.

Opening of a development center

How to open a children's development center? This is a fairly broad question; to answer it, you need to understand the basic details. Like any other commercial enterprise, a development center requires registration in accordance with current legislation.

Organizers need to decide on several points:

  • What age category of children will the center's activities cover?
  • level of qualification of teachers;
  • which development program will be used in the classroom;
  • type of work of the center and its schedule;
  • number of development groups;
  • list of services provided;
  • the audience to which the activity will be directed.

Large centers provide the following services for the development and education of children:

  • organization of multidirectional developmental activities;
  • sports activities with children;
  • holding holidays;
  • additional classes with a speech therapist and psychologist;
  • development of creative talents in children;
  • Constant monitoring of the child, taking into account the daily routine.

Before opening an institution, it is worth deciding what audience its activities will be aimed at. Any parent wants only the best for their child, but everyone's income level is different. Those people who are too limited in funds will not be able to stably and fully pay for educational services, so you should not focus on this segment of the population. It may seem that rich parents are what is needed to be a successful teacher, but such people demand only high-quality services and are very picky. In order to attract a wealthy client, a large initial investment is required. The best option are parents with average income. It is not so difficult to please such clients. If the cost level is not inflated, and services are organized at a decent level, such clients will make the business truly profitable.

Another important factor is the room chosen for the center. It must be at least 100 m² and located in areas where the presence of child care facilities is necessary. The latter can only be determined after a thorough analysis of the consumer market.

Opening a children's development center is a profitable business. In order to earn a good income and attract new clients, you need to love children and try to understand their needs. The main client is the child, and he will only want to go where he is understood and where he is interested.

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Every year there are more and more children, as the state stimulates the birth rate. And every mother wants happiness for her child. She wants her baby to develop, improve his abilities and gain new skills. It is for this reason that parents send their children to children's development centers. Such institutions are becoming increasingly popular every year, as they are an excellent alternative to classic kindergartens. More and more entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a children's development center from scratch.

Specifics of the children's development center

Before opening a children's development center, a businessman must decide on the format of the future educational institution. To make a profit, an entrepreneur must think through a teaching concept. Its proper development will attract wealthy clients who are willing to pay good money for the future of their children.

When creating a children's development center, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the age of children at whom the work of the development center will be focused;
  • principle of group formation;
  • the main direction of children's development;
  • programs and methods on the basis of which the institution will operate;
  • period of stay of children in the center;
  • presence/absence of individual lessons;
  • possibilities of psychocorrectional work with children.

The entrepreneur must then conduct a lead analysis. The further development of the center will depend on the identification of needs. The wider the range of services, the more potential visitors.

The list of functions of a children's development center may include:

  • preparation for school;
  • art classes;
  • English language teaching;
  • developmental activities;
  • dance lessons;
  • music lessons;
  • aerobics;
  • psychological consultations;
  • speech therapy lessons.

Choosing a form of ownership and OKVED codes

Having decided to open a children's center, an entrepreneur must choose a form of ownership. For the type of business, you can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But we should not forget that the cent is subject to the Law “On Education”. Business cannot operate without a license. Having registered an individual entrepreneur without a license, an entrepreneur will not be able to hire teachers for the center. To carry out work, they must also have the status of individual entrepreneur. For this reason, obtaining a license is mandatory.

Opening an individual entrepreneur is easier. But in the documents, the full name of the entrepreneur with the prefix IP will appear as the official name of the center. But this does not prevent a businessman from assigning any name to the establishment in advertising materials.

Having chosen the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must decide on OKVED codes. The following codes are suitable for the company:

  • 85.32 - childcare;
  • 92.51 – club activities;
  • 93.05 – personal services.

Portfolio of documents

First of all, an entrepreneur must obtain a license, but only if he himself does not have a pedagogical education. Here you will need to provide the following documents:

  • a rental agreement for premises or documents confirming its ownership;
  • SES permission;
  • fire department permit;
  • registration certificate;
  • educational program;
  • list of teaching materials and teaching aids;
  • information about the teaching staff;
  • LLC charter.

A package of documents must be submitted for consideration to the education committee, which is responsible for issuing such licenses.

It is more advisable to obtain a license when the establishment has already begun to generate a stable income. Before starting licensing, it is advisable to register an LLC. Until this moment, the entrepreneur can operate as an individual entrepreneur and open a children's entertainment center. It does not require teachers with special education, but will generate less income.

Choosing a location

The premises must meet certain standards

The requirements for the premises are:

  • detached non-residential premises;
  • availability of all necessary communications;
  • a fire alarm must be installed;
  • the room must have high-quality wires, good lighting and ventilation.

If repairs are needed in the premises, they must be carried out in accordance with the standards approved by SanPiN.

The list of requirements includes:

  • There should be a locker room in the room, a designated area for game room. The latter can also be used for classes.
  • A children's development center must have a bathroom.
  • The walls must be painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper.
  • Ceilings should be whitewashed or covered with water-based paint.
  • Floors must be free of defects, smooth and non-slip. In many children's centers, the floors are covered with special coverings.
  • Sockets and switches should be located at a level that a child cannot reach.

After renovation, the premises must receive approval from Rospotrebnadzor. There should be nothing unnecessary in the room. All objects that could cause injury to the child should be removed.

If you plan to open a children's development center in a city with a small population, then it should be located in a building located on the central streets. The establishment can be located in mall. To start work, a room with an area of ​​50 square meters is suitable.

If the establishment opens in big city, then the entrepreneur must take into account the presence of nearby competitors and the proximity of potential customers. Preference should be given to choosing premises in the city center or locating the center in residential areas. Do not forget that grandmothers and mothers prefer to take their children to establishments that are within walking distance.

You should not place an elite children's center in an ordinary "working" area. It will not be possible to find paying clients here.

Necessary equipment

Equipment is purchased depending on the list of services that the establishment plans to provide. To operate the center you will need:

  • playroom furniture;
  • Consumables;
  • toys;
  • Office equipment.

All equipment, gaming and educational materials must be certified. The certificate must confirm their quality and safety for visitors to the center.

To save money, consumables should be purchased in bulk.

Children's learning center staff

The staff of the children's center must have the necessary qualifications

Personnel selection is carried out depending on the services provided. For the normal functioning of the center, the establishment’s staff must include:

  • administrator;
  • cleaning lady;
  • two teachers;
  • English teachers;
  • art teacher;
  • dance teacher;
  • aerobics teacher;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist.

Teachers and educators must have appropriate education.

When hiring employees, an entrepreneur should not be afraid to ask questions. Not every person with a pedagogical education can find contact with children.

If an institution is positioned as a development center, then it must produce results. Parents are often interested in the success of their children, so the owner of a children's development center must develop a system for assessing the success of students.


Potential clients need to be interested. Even before the opening of the center, an active advertising campaign should begin. To attract visitors you should:

  • During the renovation of the premises, it is worth making an announcement about the imminent opening of the center.
  • The opening of an establishment should be bright and memorable. You can arrange a party for children. The entrance should be decorated with bright balls.
  • You can invite potential clients through women's forums. There will definitely be people who want to visit the establishment.
  • You can leave business cards at nearby offices and shopping centers.
  • It is necessary to post advertising leaflets not far from children's playgrounds.
  • Placing a bright sign at the entrance will attract potential customers.
  • An entrepreneur must create an organization website and a group in in social networks. On the pages you can talk about the events of the center, new pedagogical programs. The reviews section will allow customers to share their impressions. The center must provide services High Quality so that people start leaving positive feedback.

Costs and return on business

The business plan must include calculation of capital investments

To open a children's development center, an entrepreneur will need at least 600 thousand rubles.

Expenses for opening a children's development center (average):

Table. Capital investments

The average payback period for a children's development center is 24...30 months. The average monthly profit is about 200 thousand rubles. Net profit is at the level of 60 thousand rubles per month.

To generate additional income, experts advise organizing various children's events at the center. An entrepreneur can organize the sale of educational toys, books, art supplies and accessories.

In the evening hours, one of the offices can be rented to a private psychologist.

Master classes with a teacher can be held not only for children, but also for parents of students. This helps to increase the rate of return on investment for the children's development center.

A business plan for a children's center is a document that an entrepreneur needs to understand what and when to do to make the business successful.

Capital investments in business: 2,285,000 rubles.
Payback of the children's center: from 10 months.

It's worth starting with why business plan for a children's development center may be needed by a businessman or someone who is just planning to become one.

The fact is that the use of various clubs and sections has always been a popular topic for mothers of preschool children.

But government programs have been gradually reduced, and not everyone can afford private classes.

But taking your child to a development center where his skills will be improved in many ways is a great idea!

According to statistics, more than half of the parents of children 1-8 years old think so.

This makes the business idea of ​​opening a children's development center a popular idea.

Often young mothers themselves come to this idea, who for one reason or another no longer want to visit other people’s clubs, but are thinking about opening their own children’s center.

There is high competition in this business.

And young entrepreneurs may not fully understand how to find their niche.

In addition, the question arises about financing and the payback of the project.

It is possible to find answers and outline the path for the development of the club by drawing up a business plan for a children's development center.

Let's look at its main sections.

We analyze the relevance for the business plan of the children's center

The idea of ​​opening a children's center has indeed gained particular popularity in recent years.

Therefore, before opening a children's center, you must conduct a business plan analysis of future competitors, the target audience and the general feasibility of the solution.

It is not so difficult to complete this task on your own, without even turning to specialists.

However, before starting the analysis, it is necessary to draw up an action plan.

After all, simply by contacting 1-2 developmental children's centers under the guise of a client, you will not get a particularly useful result.

It's best to do this:

    The administrator answers calls, purchases supplies, and coordinates work.

    So you need to hire a serious, responsible girl.

    Experience is not required, but will be a big plus.

    But teachers must have not only experience working in children's institutions, but also appropriate education.

    Conduct interviews with them in person.

    After all, a problem with a teacher can become a stain on the reputation of the entire children's center.

    Marketing section in the business plan of a children's center

    As in any other business, nothing can be more effective than word of mouth.

    This is especially true in the social circles of young parents.

    But in order for people to remember you, and even tell their friends about you, you need to start somewhere.

    You can attract your first clients using the following methods:

    • placement of external advertising media (banners, banners);
    • creating your own website and promoting it;
    • distribution of leaflets in the area where the center is located;
    • posting advertisements on forums, thematic websites and others.

    Financial section of the children's center business plan

    It has already been stated that children's development centers compete strongly with each other.

    And your income (as well as costs) will directly depend on what methods and how successfully you will stay ahead of them.

    This may include the range of services offered, location, staff and level of their training, chosen advertising campaign and availability of special offers.

    Business plan for a children's development center: capital investments

    The costs of opening a children's club will depend on many parameters.

    Therefore, below is only an indicative list for a business plan for a children's development center.

    The financial cushion is the source of capital from which you will draw funds for the existence and development of the center until it reaches self-sufficiency.

    Not everyone includes this parameter in their calculations for a business plan.

    Which is why a common problem arises for young entrepreneurs: a business, having successfully existed for six months or a year, is forced to close because the money for its work is running out, and the income is not yet enough to cover expenses.

    Business plan for a children's development center: monthly investments

    These are the same systematic expenses for a children's center that need to be taken into account at the business planning stage.

    How to open a children's center and run a business competently,

    Experienced owners of this business will tell you in the video:

    Calculations of payback and profitability in the business plan of a children's center

    Naturally, the payback period directly depends on the size of capital investments in the business.

    Some sources indicate a period of six months, while others call 3-5 years.

    One thing can be said with confidence: opening a children's development center is profitable. If you apply intelligence and diligence to the development of the business.

    Business plan for a children's center– this is an important document that is simply necessary for an entrepreneur.

    Not just for getting a loan or investment.

    But also to understand what and when to do for the business to be successful.

    Therefore, it is important to draw up a plan yourself, tailored to your specific needs, and not look for ready-made options on the Internet.

    Or you can turn to specialists if this work is beyond your capabilities.

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