Ostrich breeding at home. Ostrich breeding business plan

If your place of residence is a village or countryside, then one of the main areas of income can be called livestock farming. But a novice businessman is unlikely to be able to organize a horse farm, since this requires huge financial resources.

It is much more advisable to pay attention to something smaller in scale and start or. Another interesting business idea is opening an ostrich farm.

Market and competitor analysis

If we take into account the climatic conditions, we can conclude that the temperature regime of the middle zone suggests breeding only the black African ostrich. The strength of their immune system guarantees the fact that this bird adapts to any climate.

Ostrich meat is a very valuable food product, which is characterized by low calorie content and high protein content.

We must not forget that normal development of an ostrich can only be ensured if there are large paddocks and enclosures; accordingly, the farm must be located in a sufficiently large space, and for endless Russia, as you know, this is not a problem.

An ostrich farm is something new, exotic and attractive for Russian people. In addition, the sale of finished products usually does not pose any difficulties - Russian citizens annually consume about 100 tons of meat (by the way, the figure does not increase only because domestic producers are simply unable to provide the required market volume). Consumers are also very interested in ostrich leather, which is used to make high-quality haberdashery products.

Every entrepreneur must understand that in order to confidently occupy their market niche and stand firmly on their own two feet, it may take more than one year, but this business definitely capable of providing the owner with a high, stable income. It is better to start opening a farm today, since this area has not yet been attacked by competitors, and the level of demand for the final result can boast high indicators.

Production plan

As mentioned earlier, the most susceptible to Russian climatic conditions is African breed of ostrich. A bird can lead a normal life and breed within from +35 to -25 degrees. In cold winter times, the adult does not even need a heated room.

When choosing a place for a future pasture, you need to take into account not only the size of the existing family, but also its potential for reproduction. The ostrich loves freedom very much.

So, if initially the herd includes 25 families, each of which consists of 3 individuals, then their normal residence is guaranteed by a plot of area not less than 9 hectares.

Choosing a place for pasture should take into account the following important points:

  • the greatest illumination of the farm can be ensured by choosing a dry area with a slope to the south;
  • low humidity levels;
  • protection from winds;
  • optimal distance from the road combined with the possibility of access;
  • Availability of running water, sewerage and constant electricity.

The stall and pen are perhaps the most important parts of the farm. The stall is where the ostrich spends the bulk of its time, feeding and staying during the winter period.

Before you start organizing the cost, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommended space dimensions for each bird. If an ostrich is raised for the purpose of procreation, then a separate stall should be allocated for it. One individual needs 8-10 sq. m of space. Young animals under the age of 6 months cannot do without additional insulation or heating in winter time. One young bird requires from 200 cm to 6 square meters. m depending on what age she has reached.

It is necessary to provide a quarantine zone - a place where infected and sick birds will be kept.

Also, when allocating the available space for stalls, you need to take care of the order and distance that the personnel caring for all the birds will walk. So, first you should “serve” the adult representatives of the herd, then the young animals, and only then the sick individuals.

The pen provides safe walking for the birds. The presence of this space is very important, since raising an ostrich is impossible without ensuring a free lifestyle. Only thanks to proper walking can he fully develop, show much less aggression, and most importantly, this minimizes the risk of deformation of his paws, which often leads to death.

A detailed story about the organization of such activities is presented in the following video:

Financial plan

Cost items include:

  • land rental (depending on size and area);
  • arrangement of the farm (it is difficult to establish a certain amount, since it depends on the area, number of livestock, material used, etc.);
  • purchase of young animals. The cost of a one-day-old ostrich chick varies between 7,000 rubles, and to purchase a mature individual, you will have to spend at least 45,000 rubles. The price for an adult ostrich starts at 60,000 rubles, and the purchase of an ostrich family will cost at least 200,000 rubles. It is much more profitable to independently breed ostriches using an incubator, the cost of which ranges from 75 to 120 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of feed;
  • salaries for employees.

How quickly a business will pay off directly depends on the established sales market and the number of poultry being raised. As experience shows, maintaining one ostrich costs 140 euros. This includes the price of the baby ostrich itself, the purchase of food for it and other costs (dressing the skin and other expense items).

Now about profit. You can get about 40 kg from one bird. meat, which costs about 6 euros per 1 kg on the market. Leather can also be sold: 1 sq. m costs 60 euros. As a result, one ostrich will bring the owner at least 280 euros(including tax payment).

The level of competition in this area can safely be called zero, so each manufacturer has the opportunity to set its own price for the finished product. In total, the net income from one ostrich is approximately 120-140 euros.

Organizational plan

To open your own ostrich farm, you need to register your activities with the tax service. After this, you can begin renting a suitable territory and arranging the farm.

The construction of a new building is very unprofitable, so the majority of entrepreneurs seek to convert an old cowshed, stable or pigsty. The room temperature should not fall below 15 degrees Celsius. In addition, the farm must be equipped with a sewer and water supply network.

If we talk about feeding, the ostrich cannot be called a finicky bird, but despite this, its diet should be balanced and nutritious. So, he cannot do without the following products:

  • hay and straw;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • minerals (fluorine, calcium, phosphate and gravel);
  • grains (oats, corn, wheat, soybeans, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, peanuts);
  • grasses (alfalfa, silage, quinoa and nettle).

You also need to ensure there is a drinking bowl with regularly updated water.

Launch schedule

To be able to organize a successful farm, you must first start looking for a large, spacious plot of land. It is advisable that it be on the south side, since the ostrich loves the sun and warmth. In addition, it is not recommended to place the farm in a damp, windy or swampy place.

The next stage is preparing everyone necessary documents and obtaining permits (for example, certification in the veterinary control service).

You definitely need to take time to select personnel: a handyman, a livestock technician, a security guard, a watchman, a veterinarian, etc.

The purchase of the necessary equipment, feed and young animals is the moment that completes the preparation for the official start of entrepreneurial activity.

Marketing plan

A very important aspect of breeding and raising ostriches is the search for sales channels. These products are relatively new and even exotic for our country, so you need to:

  • spread your commercial offers for restaurants that offer elements of exotic cuisine;
  • place advertisements in several thematic publications;
  • create your own website.

Before starting financial investments, you need to start concluding sales agreements, as this significantly reduces possible risks.

Risk analysis

Raising ostriches, like any other farming activity, is a very risky enterprise, since nothing can protect a businessman from the occurrence of a natural disaster or epidemic leading to the death of the entire livestock. All this can cause rapid bankruptcy and loss of huge finances.

In addition, the premises must have good ventilation.

Breeding ostriches is an exotic, popular and quite profitable activity. Recently, this type of farming has become very popular in our country. We will talk about how to organize ostrich breeding as a business, where to start and how to succeed, in this article.

Business Features

If you are interested in breeding ostriches as a business, you need to understand that at first you will not be able to breed young animals for sale. Of course, this is the most profitable option, but in order to organize such a business, you need to obtain permits for poultry breeding from various authorities. In addition, representatives of regulatory authorities will regularly visit you for inspections. Receiving certificates and all kinds of certificates is unlikely to cheer anyone up, so it is better for beginners to choose the simpler path - raising domestic ostriches for meat.

In this case, you need to purchase ostrich chicks, raise them for 8–12 months until the bird reaches slaughter weight, and sell it for meat. Feeding ostriches for slaughter is much easier, since you do not have to constantly monitor their appearance. In addition, recently the demand for ostrich meat and eggs has increased significantly, so there will be no problems with the sale of such products.

When drawing up a business plan for breeding ostriches in Russia, you need to take into account that this is a rather risky activity. The bird may die as a result of epidemics or natural disasters, so in any case, reserve funds must be left for the restoration of the flock. If everything is taken into account at the planning stage, raising ostriches at home can become a reliable source of decent, stable income.


Before that, you need to decide on the breed of ostriches.

Three breeds are suitable for breeding:

  • South African;
  • Australian emu;
  • South American rhea.

The most popular South African ostriches. The weight of an adult reaches 175 kg, while females are much larger than males. This bird reproduces quickly. There are 4–5 females per male. Both females and males can hatch chicks. African ostriches are the tallest. Their height reaches 2.7–2.8 meters.

Feeding and care

The room in which you will keep adult ostriches may not be heated. But in this case, you will need deep litter. In a poultry house for six-month-old young animals, the air should warm up to +12–18 degrees. Female ostriches lay eggs from March to October. The incubation period of young animals is 45 days. Small ostrich chicks weigh approximately 1 kg and are 20-25 cm tall. Females reach sexual maturity at 18–24 months, males at 24–30 months.

If you decide to start raising ostriches at home, you should remember that this bird is an omnivore. She eats everything that can be found in nature:

  • Grass;
  • Leaves;
  • Fruits;
  • Insects, etc.

The ostrich diet consists of 50% green feed, the remaining 50% is compound feed and other feed, at the discretion of the farmer. It is worth noting that keeping and breeding ostriches is quite a troublesome task. Adult birds need to be fed 2 times a day, and young birds 3-4 times.

The average daily diet of an ostrich on farms consists of:

  • Green food (clover, cabbage, quinoa, alfalfa, nettle, etc.);
  • Rough feed (meadow grass hay, alfalfa, soybeans, straw, cereals);
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Zeren;
  • Feed additives;
  • Minerals.

One bird eats 3 kg of mixed feed per day. More information about breeding ostriches at home for beginners can be found in specialized literature.

How can you make money?

Now let’s try to figure out whether ostrich breeding as a business is profitable or not. After slaughtering a bird you receive:

  • Meat. This is a tasty and very healthy dietary product containing a large amount of protein and various microelements. In terms of taste, ostrich meat is somewhat reminiscent of veal. This product perfectly absorbs various marinades and seasonings, and lends itself to any type of heat treatment. Farmers who breed ostriches in Russia receive excellent profits from the sale of meat;
  • Fat. This product is used in cosmetology and pharmacology. It is included in various ointments, creams and other preparations;
  • Feather. The white feathers of ostriches that grow on the tail and back are bought by designers, fashion designers and companies that sew costumes for dance groups. The remaining feathers can be used as pillow filling. Farmers receive about 10% of their total income from the sale of feathers;
  • Skin. This product is in great demand among designers. They use it as a material to make stylish wallets, bags, belts and even shoes. The cost of one skin is 200–300 dollars.

Additional sources of income:

  • Eggs. The weight of one ostrich egg can reach 1800 g. It replaces 25–40 chicken eggs. Such a giant egg can sell for 10–15 dollars. This product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year. Artists buy ostrich egg shells. They use it for painting, engraving and making various jewelry. The price of fertilized eggs reaches $100 per piece;
  • Breeding chicks and an adult bird that can be used for breeding. A five-day-old ostrich chick costs $100, and a pair of adults can be sold for 4–5 thousand dollars;
  • Ostrich farm. Many people want to visit an ostrich farm and see with their own eyes how ostriches are kept. So why not make money from it? After an exciting excursion, visitors will probably want to buy an ostrich egg or feathers. Thus, the farm owner will receive a good additional income and may find regular customers to sell the products.

Financial investments

Depending on where you buy ostriches for breeding, prices can vary widely. The cost of a bird largely depends on age, breed and other factors.

If you want to buy ostriches for breeding at home, the price is approximately this:

  • One-day old chick – 6–7 thousand rubles;
  • Month-old chickens – 10 thousand rubles;
  • Adult female, age 1 year – 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • Adult male, age 2 years – 50–60 thousand rubles.

A family of ostriches of reproductive age (4–5 years) will cost you 200 thousand rubles. An incubator for breeding young animals costs 75–120 thousand rubles. To these costs should be added the costs of renting land and building a farm. In addition, do not forget that you need to purchase quality food and medicines.


It is worth noting that the business of breeding ostriches at home is quite profitable. When the bird reaches a weight of 100 kg, it is sent for slaughter. From one ostrich you will get 55 kg of meat, which can be sold for 700 rubles per 1 kg. This is the minimum price, so if you sell meat at the market, you can sell it at a higher price. From the sale of meat you will earn 38.5 thousand rubles, but that’s not all. After cutting up the bird, you'll be left with fat, skin, and feathers. You can get good money for these products. If you raise 20-30 ostriches at a time, you will earn a decent amount in a year. This type of farming, as a business idea for beginners, is considered one of the most promising directions activities in our country.

Also, we should not forget that in one season, female ostriches lay approximately 60 eggs. An ostrich egg costs 1,000 rubles, which means that you can get another 42 thousand in income per season from one female. In the future, the profitability of the enterprise largely depends on the business plan you draw up for breeding ostriches.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

According to experts, it will be an excellent start for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to open their own business in agriculture. If you are not interested in ostrich farming as a business, you can choose any other line of business, for example:

  • Geese. If you organize it, you can return all the initial investments in one season and make a good profit. Meat, fat, feathers and liver of geese are always in great demand, so there are no problems with the sale of such products;
  • Pheasants. If you are attracted, you should remember that you will need a large aviary to keep this bird. This business is suitable for those who have the opportunity to build a poultry house with a spacious range. Pheasant meat can be sold in bulk to restaurants and other establishments Catering. Adult birds are purchased in large quantities by hunting farms;
  • Partridges. Entrepreneurs who engage in business earn good money from this. Finished products are purchased by elite restaurants to prepare various gourmet dishes. In our country, few farmers are involved in raising partridges, which means that you can easily take your place in this market segment. This is not an expensive and quite promising business that any resident of a rural area can do;
  • Laying hens. According to experts,
Breeding ostriches in our country is one of the most popular and exotic types of business. An ostrich farm is a kind of start-up that has proven itself well in Russia and is one of the few free entrepreneurial niches.

Registration and organization of business

In order to organize and register a livestock farm, it is necessary to collect a huge number of permitting papers and prepare the territory. Additionally, it is worth taking into account the requirements of sanitary control, fire inspection and finding stable sources of raw materials for feeding birds.

It is not easy to support such an exotic entrepreneurial start - many Russians are not accustomed to eating “unfamiliar” meat and prefer to overpay by buying beef or pork (in extreme cases, chicken). Thus, in addition to resolving several operational issues, it is worth taking care of advertising the product so that it is in demand.

Required Documentation

Organizing any type of business begins with a trip to the tax office to register the business.

A poultry farm is a large-scale enterprise, so it would be better to open an LLC. The founder of the company is not liable for the obligations of the company with personal funds or property. Any financial costs in mandatory covered by the company's funds and property.

This can be done by writing a statement of desire to become a founder. Submit it in the prescribed manner through the government services website or directly to the territorial tax authorities.

In addition, you will need to collect a number of supporting documents from various authorities. These include:

  1. Veterinary certificate for each bird (you can get it from the seller upon purchase or from the veterinary service of the city (region, territory) where the poultry farm will be located);
  2. Sanitary certificate for the facility (the premises and conditions of detention must be checked by the city sanitary inspection in order to obtain permission to conduct business);
  3. Fire compliance (an effective fire extinguishing system must be provided in the pens and on the farm itself, a “fair plan” must be drawn up with notes on the placement of fire extinguishers and methods of exit from the premises);
  4. Documents on the compliance of food, drinking water, temperature conditions;
  5. Permission from the labor protection commission (on compliance with working conditions);
  6. Agreement on waste disposal and disposal sites.
  7. Sanitary books for workers.

Premises and equipment

The choice of premises and territory for keeping animals is the most important stage the whole thing. If we take into account the number of individuals in the family - 25 pieces, then the total area of ​​the farm should be at least 9 hectares of land. Of these, part of the land should be used for paddocks and pastures, a stall and a quarantine block (for sick, weakened and newly arrived birds).

To ensure proper care for birds on the farm, special equipment must be installed. A complete list of necessary equipment can be found in any ostrich care guide. However, at the initial stage, when the breeder is limited in financial resources, it is better to acquire an “essential kit”:

  1. Bird feeders.
  2. Sippy cups.
  3. Means for cleaning feces and other things - wheelbarrows, shovels, hoses with sprayers.
  4. Places to sleep.
  5. Fluorescent lamps.
  6. Additional heat sources.
  7. Additional ventilation shafts.
  8. Heat lamps.
  9. Bird cleaning products.

Despite the fact that the ostrich does not require special care and is absolutely not picky about food, its diet must be balanced, and the temperature and humidity in the room should be close to the climatic conditions of “warm spring”.

The list of feed additives and food products for ostriches necessarily includes the following components:

  • fluorine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, iodine;
  • hay, straw;
  • nettle, quinoa, silage, alfalfa;
  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, corn, oats, soybeans, peanuts, wheat;
  • vegetables and fresh fruits.

Stalls must contain a water supply and sewerage system, drinking bowls with clean drinking water, large windows for sufficient sunlight entering the room, fluorescent lamps (relevant in winter), additional ventilation shafts (for an abundant flow of oxygen).


An ostrich farm, like any other livestock enterprise, requires a team of specialists to maintain cleanliness, care for animals, purchase feed and organize the work process, as well as inspect and treat birds.

Therefore, poultry farm workers should include:

  1. Veterinarian.
  2. Cleaners.
  3. Bird care worker.
  4. Purchasing and Sales Manager.
  5. Organizer of excursions (if the farm will be used to generate additional income).

What can you get from breeding ostriches?

Income from ostrich breeding directly depends on the volume of supplies and the specifics of the farm’s activities. If the breeder expects to sell meat and skin, there will be one price. When selling feathers for the production of accessories and jewelry, it is different.

The size of the future “net profit” from the enterprise ranges from 200 to 250 euros (from one ostrich), taking into account constant deliveries to several customers.

As for the amount of total income from the sale of meat, skins and feathers (that is, in several directions at once), you can receive much more.

Sales of products

The sale of finished products must be carefully planned taking into account the specifics of the region. If the farm is located in a tourist area, it is more profitable to sell meat to restaurants and cafes, where anyone (usually tourists) can try such an exotic type of product. Or sell staunch meat in markets - for local residents, if there is no livestock farming in the city (region or territory) and people have to buy other types of meat at exorbitant prices.

If the poultry farm is located near a big city, it is better to sell feathers and ostrich skins. They will be used by manufacturers to create original accessories, leather goods and inexpensive colorful jewelry.

Financial component of business

Any business activity is aimed at making a profit. Some businessmen achieve the desired effect by minimizing costs - which is impossible for livestock farming (otherwise the animals will get sick and no one will buy them), others strive to open a business in a little-known area in order to create a brand and increase profits through advertising and popularization of the product (service). several times.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The total cost of opening and maintaining an ostrich farm consists of several factors:

  1. The cost of the chicks and their maintenance is 500,000 rubles.
  2. Payment of land tax and income tax 600,000 rubles.
  3. Salary to employees is 300,000 rubles.
  4. Construction and preparation of the premises - 600,000 rubles.

Thus, total amount The initial investment is 2 million rubles.

Amount of future income

As mentioned above, a well-functioning sales system and the search for new ways to solve entrepreneurial problems can bring the owner of an ostrich farm at least 250 euros per bird (or 14,000 rubles). Purchasing one family (25 individuals) will cost 700,000 rubles minus taxes and other business expenses.

Payback period

The total payback period, with an income of 700,00 rubles per month, will be only a few months. And to be more precise, 4. However, there is no ideal business plan; it will not be possible to foresee everything from start to finish.

Solving entrepreneurial problems in a little-studied area is quite simple and difficult at the same time. Consumers who are very sensitive to the quality of food and are not used to buying a “fundamentally new product” may simply not pay attention to ostrich meat. And buyers of leather goods and jewelry are unlikely to buy anything if they know that it is made from ostrich skin.

Therefore, in order to make a profit from your enterprise, you should first think carefully about the sales market and put a commercial into rotation in order to attract the attention of future consumers.

One of the options for running an effective business of your own is an ostrich farm. Breeding ostriches at home is exotic, in demand, and profitable!

Why ostrich farming?

Every year this type of farming is becoming increasingly popular, because it quickly pays for itself and begins to make a profit after one or two years.

A businessman who decides to breed ostriches at home, in addition to studying a large amount of information from various sources, is recommended to visit several farms that specialize in this type of farming. This is required to form the correct impression of the planned business and a clear idea of ​​its optimal management.

Valuable ostrich products

Why ostrich breeding? Because it:

  • Meat is a tasty and healthy dietary product that is rapidly gaining popularity due to its rich composition of microelements, high protein content and minimal presence of fat. Reminiscent of veal in taste, ostrich meat lends itself to any type of heat treatment and perfectly absorbs marinades and spices. The meat yield when cutting a carcass is approximately 25-30 kilograms, which is 40% of the bird. One sold ostrich carcass can bring 500 dollars or more, despite the fact that the price per kilogram of such meat in European and American markets ranges from 15 to 25 dollars.
  • A fat widely used in pharmacology and cosmetology, as a component in the production of soaps, balms, ointments, and creams. The most valuable is emu fat, which has bactericidal, hypoallergenic, and anti-inflammatory properties. On average, an adult bird is capable of producing from 7 to 15 kilograms of such a valuable product.
  • The skin is moisture-resistant, elastic, with a long service life (more than 30 years), is in great demand among designers and is a material for the manufacture of elite models of bags, wallets, shoes, gloves, belts, purses and cowboy shoes, popular among Americans. Ostrich skin, which is comparable in quality to snake and crocodile skin, cannot be faked. The sale of one ostrich skin, the price of which varies from 200 to 300 dollars per piece, completely pays for all the costs of breeding the bird.
  • Adult birds are also an important part of a farmer's income. As a rule, breeding chicks and individuals are sold, which can later be used to breed future offspring. A five-day-old chick in Russia costs about $100, a month-old baby ostrich can be bought for $200, and a pair of adult ostriches will cost 3.5 thousand or more.

African ostrich - a favorite of farmers

The African ostrich is the largest breed (weight 100 - 160 kg, height - about 3 meters), due to its unpretentiousness in maintenance, it is grown in more than 50 countries around the world. This bird is able to withstand high and low temperatures. The speed developed when running reaches 50 km/hour.

Emu ostriches, bred in farms ah less developed than keeping African ostriches, they do not require special care. It is important to know the behavior of this bird in natural conditions, so that the artificially created environment can then be optimized to match the natural environment familiar to such exotic creatures.

Brief description of poultry keeping

In winter, birds can be kept in unheated rooms on deep litter; for 6-month-old young animals on cold days, the room should be heated to a temperature of 12-18 degrees. The productive season for the African ostrich is from March to October. The egg production of one female per season ranges from 50 to 80 eggs, the weight of which is 1.3-1.8 kg. The incubation period of the young, which hatch simultaneously, is 45 days. The emerging ostrich chicks weigh up to 1 kilogram and are 20-25 centimeters tall. Females reach sexual maturity at 18-24 months, males at 24-30 months.

Feeding ostriches

Ostriches, being an omnivorous bird, feed on what nature provides. Preference is given to vegetation (grass, leaves, fruits, roots). They also do not disdain various animals, birds, small insects and lizards. In general, the poultry diet should consist of 50% green feed, 30% from combined feed, 20% - at the discretion and capabilities of the farmer. Adult birds and young birds over a year old need to be fed 2 times a day, young birds up to a year old - at least 3-4 times.

On farms, poultry whose average daily ration is 3 kg of feed receives:

  • (clover, rapeseed, alfalfa, quinoa, white and fodder cabbage, spinach, corn and cereal silage, mustard, nettle, beet leaves, carrots, mulberries).
  • Roughage (clover hay, alfalfa, meadow grass, soybean, seradella and cereal straw).
  • Root vegetables, fruits and vegetables (pumpkin, radish, cucumbers, carrots, beets, apples, watermelon, bananas).
  • Cereals (corn, barley, oats, wheat, rye, millet, sorghum, sunflower).
  • Feed additives and
  • Minerals (shells, gravel, limestone, egg shells), which ostriches very willingly find and eat with pleasure. This contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system. By the way, the farm area must be thoroughly cleaned, since ostriches do not disdain any small debris (nails, pieces of plastic).

Ostrich farming systems

Modern ostrich farming adheres to three main systems on which the breeding of these birds is based:

  • Intensive. Breeding and keeping ostriches is similar to stall care of livestock on livestock farms. The birds are kept in a small area under conditions where their livelihoods are fully provided by the farm staff, which has a positive effect on the development of the livestock, and especially the young. Close contact and regular grooming make the bird tamed and easy to control. In an intensive system, eggs are removed from nests and incubated, resulting in high rates of reproduction, producing up to 80 eggs per hen per year.

    • Extensive. Ostrich breeding is as close as possible to natural conditions: the bird itself more or less worries about itself. Due to free movement, females can mate with various males, as a result of which the number of fertilized eggs increases markedly.
    • Semi-intensive- combines the positive qualities of the above systems and is recommended for beginning poultry farmers. Here there is one female for every adult male.

    Where to begin? Business plan

    Breeding ostriches in Ukraine and Russia is promising business, because the unpretentiousness of this bird in care and the high cost of ostrich breeding products will pay for the new business quickly enough, starting to bring tangible profits in a fairly short period of time.

    The first step in starting your own farming business is to find a suitable area for keeping ostriches. Where to start breeding ostriches? The first steps are setting up a farm to support them and purchasing young animals or adults.

    Of course, ostrich breeding will require certain financial investments, but they are worth it, since they will pay off in the first year of ostrich farming. Although the ostrich is an unpretentious bird, the key to a successful start in the ostrich business will be creating the most comfortable conditions for it.

    Costly expense item - farm construction

    Construction of a farm will require significant costs. The cost of the investment will depend on local conditions, personal and rental arrangements, prices for building materials and the work of hired people.

    You will need to build:

    • closed, insulated room, bright and spacious, with an approximate area of ​​150 sq. meters to maintain an average herd of approximately 30 adult heads: per individual there should be at least 50 square meters. meters of land;
    • open enclosures with an area of ​​1500 sq. meters;
    • fencing;
    • communications ensuring the continuous functioning of the farm.

    It is imperative to pay attention to the remoteness of the farm from noisy highways and industries with hazardous emissions; wind protection and relief are also important. Good access roads and proper water supply are necessary conditions for the smooth operation of the farm.

    Finding less expensive ways

    Farmers who own land with buildings on it will be in an advantageous position.

    Another way with minimal investment funds will be a search somewhere in the outback for an abandoned pigsty or cowshed, surrounded by pastures and water. Of course, the premises will require repairs (heating, sewerage and ventilation) and the purchase of equipment, but this option will save a significant portion of money, which can be invested directly in the purchase of livestock.

    Buying 4 adult families and 6 - 8 females will cost 30 - 40 thousand dollars. You can purchase grown chicks, which will significantly reduce the investment, but will delay the time period for receiving the first profit.

    Breeding work is the right path to healthy livestock

    From the first days, special attention will need to be paid to selection work, periodically updating the flock with good productive birds and culling sick and unsuitable individuals. When forming families, it will be necessary to take into account the mutual sympathies of ostriches, because the mechanical connection of birds may turn out to be unproductive and will cause reduced egg production.

    You will definitely need to get an incubator, the cheapest of which, designed for 45 eggs, costs $1,500.

    To feed ostriches, you will need to buy domestic food that includes vitamin and mineral supplements. The bird will also happily consume oats, corn, barley, millet, bran, hay and straw. In summer and autumn, birds can be switched to green succulent food: alfalfa and clover.

    With a large bird population (500 individuals and above), it is advisable to establish own production feed, which will only reduce the cost of keeping ostriches. Own feed can be sold to neighboring farms.

Ostriches are gigantic birds, successfully domesticated by humans. Having appeared in the hot African savannah, they gradually reached the expanses of the European continent. From Greek, “ostrich” is translated as “camel sparrow”: the inventive Greeks succinctly noted its belonging to birds and the large size characteristic of animals. Breeding ostriches is a profitable and cost-effective investment. The enterprise turns out to be almost waste-free: meat, feathers, eggs, fat and even claws are in demand both in the domestic and foreign markets. If you strictly adhere to all components of the business plan, the initial investment will pay off within 2 or 3 years.

If just a few decades ago these giant birds were considered an exotic curiosity, exhibited exclusively in zoological parks, now Africa has become several tens of thousands of ostriches closer! The number of farms raising ostriches increases every year.

The secret to the success and profitability of this business lies in several components:

  • high profitability, which, with an average of 100%, sometimes even reaches 150%;
  • product needs: ostrich meat is not only nutritious, but also dietary. Due to its unusual origin, it is in demand among chefs of restaurants and active recreation clubs, as well as among the population concerned about the health and beauty of physical forms;

  • a constant increase in the cost of food, including an increase in the never-before-democratic price of ostrich products. Interest in ostrich products is constantly increasing;
  • free access to the national product market domestic producers, unlike their foreign colleagues. Restrictions on the import of foreign products give domestic producers carte blanche;
  • subject to all appropriate conditions, the ostrich business may qualify for benefits and other favorable conditions;

  • the unpretentiousness of these birds: thanks to their good immunity, they rarely get sick, demonstrate excellent survival rates and calmly react to the cold Russian winters;

  • income comes not only from the sale of meat and eggs, but also from the sale of lard, leather, feathers and even bird claws.

Ostrich meat can easily become an alternative to all other types of meat products. In addition, the birds are known for their high productivity: every year one female produces at least 40 babies, some of which gain up to 100 kg of live weight by the 10th month.

In 1 year from one pair of ostriches you can get:

  • 1800 kg of meat;
  • 50 m 2 leather;
  • 36 kg of feathers.

Birds retain their reproductive qualities from 25 to 35 years: the duration of this period cannot but please farmers, since the purchase of ostriches is a long-term investment.

Valuable ostrich products

The uniqueness of these birds lies in the fact that in addition to their aesthetic appeal, if we consider them solely from a consumer point of view, they represent an invaluable source of meat, eggs, feathers, fat, and leather. Even the claws of these birds can be used as accessories.

Diet meat

It is famous for its low cholesterol content: up to 34 mg per 100 g. But the presence of proteins so beneficial for the body, on the contrary, reaches 22%. In addition, it contains a most luxurious set of micronutrients. If you look at this meat from a culinary point of view, it is difficult to find any drawback in the mass of positive aspects. It is perfectly saturated with spices, which has made it so popular in Mexico and Asian countries. Europe and the United States also could not resist its “charms”: as of 2000, the level of beef consumption by Europeans decreased due to an increase in the purchase of ostrich.

Ostrich eggs

One egg weighs on average 1.5 kg. Similar to meat, it is also low in cholesterol. The gigantic size of eggs is attracting more and more buyers. The process of preparing a hard-boiled egg can take over 75 minutes! In Southern African countries, exotic bird eggs are successfully used to make baked goods. In Europe, restaurants are interested in gigantic eggs, luring guests with huge fried eggs, which can easily be divided into 10 servings.

Ostrich leather

It falls into the luxury category and is increasingly becoming an alternative to leather from animals belonging to endangered or protected species. The skin of these birds has a unique texture. It is valued due to such positive characteristics as wear resistance, elasticity and moisture resistance. The most popular skin is located on the back and chest area: it is in these areas that it has a pattern resembling air bubbles. The skin covering the limbs of birds is used primarily for making boots.

Ostrich fat

From a medium-sized ostrich you can get from 5 to 7 kg of fat, and if the bird has eaten well and managed to accumulate a sufficient amount of fat, then the amount of fat can reach up to 16 kg. Despite the fact that the most valuable and healthy fat is extracted from Emu ostriches, African ostrich fat is also popular in the market. It is famous for its hypoallergenic, antibactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it perfectly complements and enriches the beneficial components of cosmetic products. Fat is able to penetrate deeply into the epidermis, paving the way for other ingredients there, and prevents the loss of invaluable moisture. Ointments based on it are successfully used to treat muscles and joints.

Ostrich feathers

The most popular are the white feathers of males, located in the area of ​​​​the wings and tail: they are used mainly for decorative purposes. The rest of the plumage is also not left without attention: due to its anti-electrostatic properties, it is often used to clean dust on electrical appliances.

After slaughter, you can get from one ostrich:

  • 1–1.2 kg of short feathers, up to 22 cm long;
  • 0.4-0.5 kg of medium and long feathers, more than 22 cm long.

The share of feather sales is only 10% of total production.

In addition to selling products, income can be obtained from organizing excursions to ostrich farms. In addition to sightseeing walks, you can offer tourists dishes prepared with ostrich meat or eggs.

In addition, bird claws can also be sold: some factories use them as fasteners. The large shape inspired craftsmen to sell painted eggs, from which the contents had previously been extracted.

Main breeds

The ostrich is the largest bird of our time. The resemblance to a camel, so clearly noted by the Greeks, is confirmed by bulging eyes, long eyelashes and the ability to feel good in the vast desert expanses.

There are 3 ostrich breeds:

Breeding ostriches in Russia: how profitable is it?

Russia has always been famous for cattle breeding, pig farming and sheep farming. However, the pace of development of the “ostrich business” is so rapid that in terms of the profits received it will soon be able to compete with them. For home cultivation, the African black ostrich is recognized as the best option among all varieties of this overseas bird.

The average ostrich is characterized by:

  • height of a mature male - 2.7 m;
  • live weight - up to 150 kg;
  • height of a mature female - 2 m;
  • live weight - 120 kg.

By nature, ostriches are quite calm and obedient birds, so they do not cause much trouble in keeping them. Only males show concern during the mating season. An additional bonus is their rapid growth: young animals already reach the weight required for slaughter at 10 months.

Productivity characteristics

If in the natural environment females begin to lay eggs at about 4 years of age, then in private farms, the ostrich lays the first egg at 2 years.

To understand how profitable it is to breed ostriches in the temperate continental climate zone inherent in the European part of the Russian Federation, it is enough to refer to the indicators of ostrich fertility, which is impressive in its results:

  • egg production - on average from 40 to 80 eggs per productive season, sometimes from 100 or more;
  • egg weight - from 1400 to 1900 g;
  • egg length - from 15 to 21 cm;
  • diameter - 15 cm;
  • shell thickness - 0.6 cm;
  • duration of incubation period - from 42 to 45 days;
  • female productivity - from 25 to 35 years;
  • productivity of males - 40 years;
  • egg fertilization - 90%.

Females enter the sexually mature period between two and three years, and males lag behind them by 1 year, although sometimes laying hens begin to lay eggs as early as 1.5 years. Females lay eggs 2 times a year: in winter and autumn. Typically, laying lasts up to 2 months: the ostrich lays eggs approximately every 2 days. During the first season, she lays from 10 to 30 eggs, over time this figure increases significantly. Eggs obtained at the beginning and end of the productive season are characterized by a lower percentage of fertilization.

Ostriches are considered long-livers: if well-maintained, they can live up to 70 years. These birds are unusually hardy in relation to temperature changes, which allows them to be bred not only on the European territory of the Russian Federation, but also in Siberia.

Market price

The result of farmers' efforts to raise birds is in demand on the national market. Recently, poultry farmers are increasingly leaning towards the ostrich business.

NameCost, rub.
Ostrich chicks: 1 day7 000
Ostrich chicks: up to 1 month10 000
Ostriches: 2 months12 000
Ostriches: 6 months18 000
Ostriches: 10 to 12 months25 000
Mature ostriches: 2 years45 000
Adult ostriches: 3 years60 000
Family: 4─5 years200 000
Hatching ostrich egg3 000
Table ostrich egg1000―2000
Souvenir ostrich egg500
Rendered fat, 1 kg1000
Ostrich meat (fillet), 1kg1100–2200 depending on quality
Wet salted ostrich leather 1.2 - 1.4 m23 000
Tanned ostrich leather 1.2─1.4 m27000
Ostrich feather, 60 cm400

Sample business plan for ostrich breeding

Although this idea may initially seem whimsical, it is based on the solid foundation of a carefully thought out and tested business plan.

Starting points for starting the project:

  • determine product sales volumes;
  • describe the expenditure part: purchase of feed, consumption of water and electricity;
  • plan the main components of marketing;
  • find suppliers of products necessary to implement the plan;
  • assess risks;
  • fix the planned profit.

When assessing potential failures, it should be remembered that ostrich farming, like any other activity, involves certain risks. There is always a danger of natural disasters that could cause the death of the entire livestock.

In order for the “ostrich” event to be doomed to success, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Purchase or rent a spacious plot of land.

  2. Prepare necessary documentation and start obtaining the appropriate permits, for example, from the veterinary control service. Without the necessary permits, it is impossible to start an ostrich farming business.
  3. Hire staff, from a livestock specialist to a watchman. Raising ostriches alone will be problematic.
  4. Buy an ostrich incubator. The average cost of a machine with a capacity of 128 eggs is 120,000 rubles.

  5. Buy ostriches.

  6. Stock up on all the necessary food.

After completing the above points, you can begin the exciting process of breeding these amazing birds.

In order to increase income, you can start processing leather, feathers and lard. An additional source of income can be the opening of points for selling products.

Home care and maintenance

The cultivation of these birds is conventionally divided into 3 types:

  • intense;
  • semi-intensive;
  • extensive.

The first type resembles the features of keeping cattle in a stall, the principle of the second is to copy the natural living conditions of birds, and the third is a mix of these two systems.

To ensure comfortable keeping of birds, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of important points.


First of all, one should take into account the fact that the ostrich is a large bird: the height of a mature male can reach 2.7 m and weight 150 kg. Therefore, the territory for maintenance must be extensive. In addition, the bird is quite mobile, therefore, it requires a lot of open space.

  1. Earth. When choosing a place to create an ostrich farm, you should take into account the terrain, the presence of a forest belt that protects from the winds, the distance from the city limits and highways, and the provision of electricity and sewerage.

  2. Terrain. You should choose dry land with a groundwater level of at least 1 m. It is advisable that there is a slight slope of the topography to the south: in this position the sun will illuminate the area better.

  3. Pen length. Birds love open areas: the minimum length of the enclosure should be 40 m.

  4. Walking area area. It is recommended to set aside at least 0.4 hectares for walking birds. It is also advisable to equip the area with 2-meter fences.

  5. Fencing the territory. If a metal mesh is used instead of a fence, you should purchase an option with small cells: curious birds will not be able to stick their heads through the small holes and damage them.

    The size of the cells in the fencing mesh should be much smaller than the ostrich's head, approximately 30x30 mm

After arranging the territory, you can move on to equipping the premises for housing ostriches.

Containment room

The “ostrich house” must meet a number of requirements, without which it is impossible to raise a full-fledged livestock.

  1. As a housing facility, you can rent an abandoned pig barn or build a new stall. It is desirable that its height be at least 3 m. For a family consisting of one male and two females, the occupied area should be 12x16 m. Doors should be made wide, from 1.2 m.

  2. If the stall has a concrete floor, it is necessary to use a sufficiently large layer of hay or shavings as bedding. Otherwise, the birds may freeze.

  3. Male ostriches are polygamous individuals: one family can have up to 4 females. It is recommended to keep families separate: for this purpose, the stall should be equipped with partitions separating one “social unit” from another.

  4. The part of the enclosure adjacent to the room should be filled with sand: birds love to pamper themselves with a sand bath.

  5. Nests that the male makes after the “honeymoon” should be lightly sprinkled with gravel to ensure drainage, and topped with clean sand.

  6. It is recommended to install feeders and water containers directly into the fences of enclosures. This will greatly facilitate the work of the service personnel, since employees will be able to update food inventory without entering the ostrich territory. For one polygamous family, a feeder with a length of 1.2 m and a depth of at least 15 cm is suitable. The size of the drinker should be about 75 cm in length and 20 cm in depth. It is not advisable to give cold water to birds.

From mid-spring to mid-autumn, it is recommended to keep birds outdoors.

Caring for bird health

In addition to providing comfortable living conditions, no less attention should be paid to the health of birds. To ensure that birds are always cheerful and energetic, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules.

We should not forget that on an ostrich farm it is necessary to strictly observe all prescribed technological production conditions and periodically check the birds with a veterinarian.

Chicks can see and move from the first minutes of their birth. For the first 3 weeks they must be kept on the floor with bedding. The stocking density should be at least 1 m2 per individual, since ostrich chicks are born quite large, with a body weight of at least 1 kg. It is not recommended to keep more than 40 chicks in one group.

When the babies reach 3 weeks of age, the area of ​​the occupied territory is increased to 5 m2, and after the chicks are 6 months old, each of them needs a personal space of 10 m2.

Features of poultry breeding

Features of behavior during the mating season

With the onset of the mating period, the male sometimes becomes hostile: it is important to be extremely careful when interacting with the bird. To calm a male with excessive hormones, a 2-meter hook is used, with which he is laid on the ground to disorientate him. If this measure does not work, you need to put a fabric bag with slits for the beak on your head.

How do ostriches reproduce?

It is important for a novice farmer to know how the birds he plans to keep breed. From here you will learn everything about the reproduction of poultry and how mating and hatching of eggs occurs.

What to feed ostriches

The main dishes of the culinary menu of these fast-running birds are plant foods and seeds. As a dessert, ostriches feast on insects: they have excellent eyesight, so they can spot these small creatures from afar. In addition, the search for bugs is facilitated by a long, well-developed neck.

The amount of food needed for sustenance is determined by the age, degree of mobility of the birds and the nutritional value of the food:

  • young individuals eat 3 to 4% of their body weight in food daily;
  • adults - 2.5%.

As you grow older, the proportion of weight gain and the amount of food consumed changes:

  • chicks: 1.4 - 2.1 to 1, which is deciphered as follows: in order for one baby to gain 1 kg, he needs to be given from 1.4 to 2.1 kg of concentrated food;
  • young animals from 3 to 6 months: 2.6 - 3.0 to 1;
  • individuals from 7 to 12 months: 4.1 - 15.0 to 1.

Birds are allowed to feed food designed for other farm animals or birds. If there is no financial means to constantly purchase expensive concentrated feed, it is recommended to prepare mash and dry mixtures for birds. It is advisable to mix them with good quality hay, as well as vitamin and mineral supplements.

Types of feed used to feed ostriches

Type of feedDescription

The basis of the bird nutrition system is:
  • alfalfa;
  • White cabbage;
  • clover;
  • nettle;
  • beet and spinach leaves;
  • feed grains;
  • quinoa;
  • carrot tops;
  • rape.

  • meadow hay;
  • straw.
After plant feed, hay is the second most important element of the diet.

  • carrot;
  • radish;
  • turnip;
  • cucumbers;
  • watermelon;
  • apples.

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • wheat;
  • cow peas;
  • corn;
  • sunflower;
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • millet;
  • barley.

  • meat and bone and fish meal;
  • gravel;
  • limestone;
  • crushed shells;
  • shell rock
Meat and bone meal is an important mineral supplement.

Ostriches also love to eat silage.

The volume of drinking water is determined by weather conditions, dietary habits and the amount of food fed. For example, at high temperatures and a lack of succulent feed, one mature ostrich needs at least 10 liters of water daily.

Ostrich diet

The balance of all elements necessary for the body of babies is very important for the growth of healthy livestock. For example, an incorrect ratio of calcium, manganese, phosphorus and zinc is fraught with deformation of the limbs and metabolic disorders.

It is not recommended to feed chicks for the first 3 days: high-calorie substances enter their bodies from the yolk sac, which makes up 25% of the babies’ total weight. When its contents are exhausted, you can begin to give water from drinking bowls. And on the 4th day, the chicks are already able to eat finely chopped clover leaves, thoroughly mixed with chicken feed.

To help the digestive system work, fine gravel should be poured into separate feeders from 3 weeks.

The topic of preparing a diet for ostriches is vast. Find out more about feeding ostriches from: features of the digestive system, intensive and extensive fattening methods, feeding during the laying period and diet of young animals. And we answer the question, what is the drinking regime of ostriches?

Video - Raising ostriches at home

Video - Keeping ostriches at home

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