Eight business ideas for your own plot of land. Ideas for making money at your dacha Year-round business on your own land

There are a lot of interesting and profitable ideas for starting your own business. Despite the modern diversity of information, many rural residents do not even suspect what enormous opportunities are hidden in the provinces.

Far from the variety of city offers, there are more opportunities to promote yourself faster and more efficiently, and it is easier to achieve your first profit. The village has several original ideas that will allow you to implement a business on the land, with a minimum investment of 1-2 thousand rubles. This could be a service for selling berries or fruits from your garden, selling flowers, selling seedlings.

In 2017

Today, there are business ideas and startups that differ from the standard offerings that are being implemented in rural areas today.

Business creation ideas for car owners

The most common option for car owners to own their own business is a private cab or local taxi. In rural areas, this is an excellent way to travel at affordable prices, because the transport interchange in any town or village is not very developed. It is imperative to take into account that the cost of the trip and monthly earnings must cover gasoline and gas, as well as depreciation of the car.

Such a business will be most effective in an area where there are not only rural residents, but also urban summer residents. To implement this idea, you need to post advertisements around the village, create advertisements on Internet resources and repair the car while waiting for customers to call.

If you have a car, you can take orders for food products from neighbors, elderly people, and do home delivery of goods, for a small percentage. Often, goods such as clothing, household chemicals, food, canned goods, etc. are in demand.

The most profitable ideas in agriculture

The most effective and cost-effective ideas for creating your own business in rural areas are fishing and livestock farms. If there is a pond or small lake on the territory of a summer cottage or private house, fish breeding would be a great idea.

Perhaps in the future it will be possible to offer customers not only fresh fish, but also frozen, salted and smoked fish.

  • In the absence of a pond, reservoir, lake, you can do raising animals, such as cattle. Initially, you will need to have 5-6 thousand rubles to buy several young animals (goats, pigs, calves, etc.)
  • Creating an apiary– breeding and raising bees, collecting honey is always an effective and profitable business, because 1 kg of honey costs at least 700-800 rubles. Sales can be established not only to individuals, but also to shops, food stores, boarding houses, etc. To start developing such a business, you will definitely need to learn the basics of bee breeding.
  • Rose growing business or any other flowers (lilies, hyacinths, snowdrops) requires 2-4 thousand rubles of investment in planting material and fertilizers. To begin with, greenhouse arrangement requires 2 thousand rubles of expenses, agricultural technology will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. Initially, you will need to negotiate with flower shops (bazaars, spontaneous markets or personal sales), advertisements on the Internet, and the creation of groups on social networks.
  • Directly the beginning growing strawberries will require from 5 to 7 thousand rubles in costs for planting material and fertilizers, but the payback will be visible already in the first year of growing strawberries. However, if you do this kind of work not seasonally, but constantly, in winter strawberries in greenhouses require artificial pollination. To do this, you will need to invest at least 10 thousand rubles.

Business on agricultural land

Regardless of the chosen type of activity, in a region separated from the city, constant labor will be an important factor. The profit received will be the key to developing new areas of activity or expanding an existing type of income.

On agricultural land ideas you can start growing and subsequently selling turkey, chickens or quails. In addition to poultry meat, you can also sell eggs, down, and feathers for the production of pillows. Today, growing pheasants is of great importance. To breed poultry, you will initially need to have 3-4 thousand rubles to purchase young animals. Arranging an area for cultivation will cost 10–12 thousand rubles (poultry house, paddock, feed, etc.).

Among the common business ideas in rural areas, no less relevant are options for growing and selling mushrooms, both fresh and pickled, salted or dried. Today we offer oyster mushrooms, champignons, porcini mushrooms, and medicinal shiitake mushrooms for cultivation.

Despite the fact that apples seem to be in every yard, they are in great demand on the sales market. Therefore, a business in growing and selling apples will require no more than 2-3 thousand rubles for the purchase of mature trees, and will also provide payback and the first profit in the first year. Profits can be spent on purchasing trees to expand the garden.

Along with growing fruits and berries, potatoes are no less in demand, because today even many summer residents have given up growing them themselves.

Among the original, interesting ideas for developing your own business you can consider growing wormwood. This idea is best suited for those who have their own land in the private sector. Wormwood will almost immediately bring considerable profit, because it can be sold not only to pharmaceutical companies, homeopathic pharmacies, but also to those involved in the production of alcohol. Wormwood is one of the main components in creating the absinthe drink. Among all existing plant species, the only one sold is Wormwood or Artemisia absinthium. Average, from 1 hectare, you can get at least 3 thousand dollars from the sale of crops.

Business from scratch

Few are ready to start a business from scratch, because this is a risky undertaking that requires some expenses and, of course, a lot of effort.

  • For those living in the village there is an opportunity to create their own business selling frozen berries and fruits. Natural products are always needed and many city residents try to purchase them from private traders who do not use GMOs and various pesticides. Products can be sold through advertisements posted on modern resources on the Internet. Ask relatives and friends to create a “word of mouth chain”, create groups and announcements on social networks, etc. Initially, you will need 3-4 thousand to purchase a garden or shrubs, packaging bags, and you will also need to purchase a new or used freezer (at least 5-6 thousand rubles).

The following ideas for small businesses in rural areas demonstrate quick payback, no more than 2 years:

  • Raising, selling or renting horses. Business requires some investments, horses require constant care, initial costs, more than 50 thousand to buy a horse.
  • Very popular, namely the process of their breeding and subsequent sale. Rabbit meat is dietary, and modern consumers are increasingly beginning to think about healthy eating and taking care of their own health. Rabbits give birth every year, and after reaching the age of 4 months, they can already be considered a commodity for sale. Rabbit meat costs 400 rubles, one rabbit weighs 1.5 - 2 kg, which means a rabbit will cost 600-800 rubles, with feeding and housing costs of 2 thousand rubles for 5 rabbits.
  • Pig farming has always been considered profitable(1 kg of meat - 300 rubles, lard - 250 rubles), bringing profit. A pig is a waste-free animal; it is sold entirely for meat, lard, offal, heads, etc.
  • No less popular than apples and strawberries, sea ​​buckthorn is in demand in the food market! Creating a sea buckthorn garden is not particularly difficult: one seedling costs 1,000 rubles, 2-3 seedlings are enough for a start. The profit per hectare of planting can be approximately 1000 euros. Sea buckthorn will be profitable only 2-3 years after planting.

Although there are many ideas for those looking for a business to open on land, each of them has pros and cons.

Registering a business in agriculture: procedure, documents, advice

The most acceptable option for developing your first business and accumulating start-up capital is to rent land in farmland or villages. This process is specified in the civil code, but for this the tenant will need proper paperwork.

Leased lands can be:

  • Land for agricultural use;
  • Lands of water and forest fund;
  • Areas containing real estate or proposed construction, etc.

The following lands are officially considered to be agricultural lands:

  • arable lands, plantings, hayfields, pastures;
  • forest belts, lands under utility buildings and courtyards, etc.

Growing and breeding fish and crayfish implies the need to lease land from the water fund, which will include the necessary water area for breeding fish, crayfish, creating sports entertainment companies, etc.

In this case, on the leased coastal strip it is strictly prohibited:

  • Create gardens, vegetable gardens, plow the land;
  • Apply herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals;
  • Graze livestock;
  • Build, auto repair shops;
  • Set up waste dumps.

To do business in the village, you can buy land or use a summer cottage (if you have one). But if you plan to lease land, you should prepare the following documents in advance for the village council to sign a lease agreement:

  • A statement written in your own hand;
  • Passport and TIN code (copies);
  • Lease contract;
  • Calculated deposit for payment.

The use of land outside of the prescribed purpose threatens the tenant with termination of the contract.

A selection of ideas on video

The material below is interesting because it has received the largest number of views and… dislikes. Viewers criticized almost every idea described.

Vacation- this is freedom for soul and body. But a person often experiences peace and pleasure only in the first week of the prescribed rest, and then... Money (vacation pay) begins to decrease exponentially, and the first paycheck is not coming soon as planned. A person begins to save money and infringe on his desires, which definitely leads to a completely ruined vacation.

How to fix the situation? Many city dwellers go out of town to their dachas for the summer. Yes, your own vegetables from the garden, fresh air, silence, natural beauty - you can’t list all the delights of country life! But the money problem reaches even there with its tentacles, which brings gloom, anxiety, and perplexity.

It turns out that it is in the country that men have more opportunities to open a mini-business than in the city. Find a profitable business to your liking and skills, so that the family income not only does not dry up, but is also qualitatively replenished. Below are the most striking methods of seasonal small business, which have long been tested in practice and have shown excellent results.

Seasonal business in the country - no taxes

It is this slogan that attracts millions of people to use such a profitable government trick for their benefit.

The organizer of a mini-business at the dacha will not need:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur with the fiscal services at your place of registration;
  2. Register a private enterprise and pay taxes.

In the case when a person simply decided to earn extra money with his own skills and talents on a summer vacation, then such activity is not considered taxable income.

The main criteria for a mini-business in the country

What to do to earn money at the dacha? The issue is urgent, serious and cannot be resolved immediately. Everything should be carefully considered, analyzed, and calculated.

An indicative list of questions that need to be answered before starting to organize your own mini-business in the country:

  1. What do you love and know how to do most in your spare time? (Answers in the form: watch TV, read the newspaper, smoke, eat - are not considered).
  2. Based on the characteristics of your hobby, you should consider what dimensions of the territory should be arranged in your own yard in order to provide enough space for placing and using the necessary work equipment and other equipment for the activity, as well as where to receive expected customers.
  3. Is your work in demand in this area? In other words, it is necessary to evaluate the market for finished products or services. Will there be a demand for those production products (goods or services) that you, as a private entrepreneur, are preparing to produce and put up for sale?
  4. What initial capital should be invested in organizing a mini-business? Quite often, this issue is not even considered, since a person who has been passionate about something for a long time and has planned to earn income from his favorite activity already has everything that is necessary to complete this work.

Having received answers to all of the above questions, the future mini-entrepreneur will be able to clearly imagine the external organization of his mini-business, assume the number of interested buyers, and also calculate the expected profit from his business venture.

That, in fact, is all a man needs to organize a private mini-business in his country house during his vacation.

Advantages of private business in the country

The main characteristics of a mini-entrepreneurship in this case include the following aspects:

  1. A mini-business at the dacha brings income to the family budget! And even if you don’t have to count on significant financial additions, you will successfully earn money from mini-pleasures, which means you can enjoy your vacation perfectly!
  2. Organizing a private enterprise in the countryside is a sure prerequisite for getting a “taste” of promoting your personal business. It is quite possible that luck will inspire you so much that even when you return to your city apartment, you will have the desire to implement the idea of ​​entrepreneurship in a new urban format.
  3. Psychological pleasure from the fact that your hands do something necessary for people. After all, there is sufficient demand for products or services and people thank you for the goods you have manufactured.

In a word, hurry up to organize a business at your dacha in order to catch the Star of Luck by the tail and never let go again!

Country business ideas for men's hands

What can a man realistically produce at his dacha in order to find a market and make a profit? Actually, there are no restrictions in choice - whatever your heart is most passionate about, that’s what you need to do!

Gardening is profitable!

Vegetables, herbs, and fruits are grown on the garden plot. But often the area of ​​the plot is not used rationally, and there are places in the adjacent garden area that are not even planted and only weeds are growing on them. Try to look critically at your garden and apply manly strength and skills to modernize the entire gardening process.

What should you do first?

  1. Guarantee watering. A mandatory rule for gardening business! You may want to set up a drip irrigation system (lay a network of small-diameter pipes around the garden with outlets for each plant bush) or install a submersible pump in a well with a hose directed into the garden. There are enough options - choose the optimal solution specifically for your site.
  2. Use herbicides on the site (weed killers) or promptly weed out emerging weeds at the thread stage.
  3. To control the period of plant development and prevent the appearance of pests in time - spray with special means.

There are only three most important events in homestead agronomy - but the effect will definitely be visible. Remember, they will not buy greens that have been eaten by pests. The appearance of the product is a guarantee of its profitable sale.

Green business

Housewives need spicy herbs all year round, and in the summer there is a special demand for these products. On a 2x2m plot, try sowing dill or other herbs. From such an area, in just a month you can remove over 50 green bunches several times a week.

Of course, it’s probably not worth selling spicy herbs to summer residents like you. After all, each of them has their own garden, where the same greenery grows. But if the country house is not far from the city (that is, you can actually get there by bus or have your own personal transport), then taking fragrant green goods to the market for residents of high-rise buildings will be quite profitable.

At your summer cottage you can sow parsley, cilantro, basil, grow onions and other herbs for sale. The peculiarity of these plant crops is that they require virtually no care (weed a couple of times and water as needed in the evening). Those. the green plant itself grows and brings you income.

If you put such a business on stream and obtain consent to accept spicy herbs for sale in at least several large supermarkets, then you can safely increase the area under crops to several tens of acres.

A good alternative to growing spicy herbs would be phyto-products: planting medicinal herbs. If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, respect the green pharmacy, understand herbs and their beneficial properties, know many recipes for preparing various natural medicines, tinctures and similar preparations, then this is just the thing for you. The demand for alternative medicine drugs is always several times higher than for analogues of pharmacological products. People have long understood that herbs do not cause harm, unlike medications, which “treat one organ and harm another.”

It is on herbal preparations that, if desired, you can create a powerful business platform, especially since only dried plants are sold and used in recipes, and this is quite relevant not only for summer sales, but all year round.

High yield vegetables

In the case where the area of ​​the garden at a country house is significant (well, at least up to 50 acres), you can take a shot at planting vegetables for sale. To harvest at least 50 kg of tomatoes per day, you need to plant at least 10 acres of these plants. Moreover, choose varieties with different fruiting periods (early, mid-early, medium). There is no need to occupy a large area for mid-late and late varieties, because they begin to ripen only in September, and for seasonal vacationers, September is already a working month in the city. This rule applies to vegetables such as cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, which can realistically be planted and harvested within 2 months of vacation.

There are several ways to sell vegetable products:

  1. Take it yourself to the city market. Personal transport is required here. The level of income will decrease due to the purchase of fuel and lubricants for cars.
  2. Agree on the sale of products in bulk directly on the site. You can search for buyers via the Internet or place an ad in the local press. They will come, pick up the products and pay in cash.

All ideas in agribusiness are suitable for those economic men who love gardening and have good experience in growing vegetables. If you don’t have a passion for plant growing, then you shouldn’t even think about starting a garden business. You still won't get a good result.

Mushrooms grow - finances grow

Growing mushrooms for sale is a more painstaking task than growing garden crops. Here are more secrets and mandatory rules:

  1. Be sure to purchase high-quality mushroom mycelium in a specialized store (champignons, oyster mushrooms or other types);
  2. Carefully read the information on preparing the substrate (sand mixture) for growing mushrooms;
  3. Take into account all the factors of the humidity and climate regime for growing mushrooms (ambient temperature - not lower than +20C, humidity - more than 80%, lighting - at least 8 hours a day).

Mushrooms- This is a special type of living organisms. They do not belong to the class of plants, but they are not representatives of the animal world, of course. The first harvest of mushroom products after planting the seed material can actually be obtained within a month and a half. Sales are carried out either independently or through direct deliveries to city supermarkets, but at wholesale prices.

Fast livestock farming in the country

Traditionally, growing meat products requires more time than a couple of months of vacation. But today you can get around this rule quite easily. Choose young broiler-type poultry. These could be ducks, chickens, turkeys. It will take only about 2 months to grow such animals to the optimal weight and put them to slaughter.

If you want to get high-quality meat products, then you should take into account that you need to feed young broilers 2 times more than ordinary birds. And the walking area for them also needs to be reduced by 2 times. In other words, create conditions under which the bird will eat heavily and move little (i.e., get fat).

How to prepare poultry carcasses for sale?

There is a way to hand over plucked and dressed carcasses by live weight. In this case, the down and feather remain in your family, and a wise housewife uses it to sew a pillow. There will also be poultry by-products (heart, liver, etc.) left at home. Recycling and canning for the winter is a great help!

This is how, when growing livestock in the amount of 20 chickens in 2 months, you can sell finished products weighing about 40 kg. And keep two large down pillows and 10 half-liter cans of canned chicken by-products.

Business on smoked meats at home

An income that is several times more expensive can be obtained if the same 20 pieces of poultry carcasses are smoked in a home smokehouse. Any man can make a mini-smoking unit (information + detailed video tips are available on the Internet!). At a price per kilo, smoked meat is 2-3 times more expensive, so, even despite the fact that smoked meats slightly lose weight during the cooking process, this will pay off handsomely at the time of sale.

If you have built a high-quality smokehouse, then until your livestock grows and gains the required weight, you can apply the principles of simple commerce: buy pork ribs and lard on the market - smoke these products in your own smokehouse - and sell the same product on the market, but already 2-3 times more expensive.

A home mini-smokehouse is used for cooking not only meat, but also fish, mushrooms, vegetables, and fruits. Actually, steaming “smoky” any products is tasty, appetizing and profitable!

Bees love only men's hands

There are, of course, women among experienced beekeepers. But for some reason there are several times more male beekeepers. Organizing a small apiary (about 3 pieces of evidence) at your dacha will not require large financial investments, and you can actually receive a full income twice a season.

What you need to buy:

  1. Evidence, and for every bee house - a bee family.
  2. All necessary equipment for beekeeping: frames, gloves, preparations for feeding and disinfecting evidence, tools for downloading honey.

Where to place the evidence? The ideal place is near flowering buckwheat fields (we will get buckwheat honey), near a linden tree (linden honey), in meadows (forbs), in a blooming garden. Outside the city there are plenty of suitable places in the countryside.

Honey should be pumped out no more than 2 times per season: at the beginning of summer (after the linden trees bloom), and at the end of September - beginning of October (final pumping out of honey and preparing the bee colony for winter). If necessary, you can also collect honey in August. Business selling honey is the easiest and financially richest. And in addition to monetary capital, bees with their labor will give you and your family health, beauty and good mood.

Always remember that bees are peace-loving creatures. They cannot stand panic, sudden movements, or fuss. If all actions are performed smoothly and gently, then even without a special beekeeper suit it is easy to avoid being bitten by these buzzing beneficial insects.

Carpentry business

Organizing such a business will require skills and talent in carpentry. There is a tool, there is also a desire to engage in a favorite hobby. And the demand for such work in countryside holiday villages is more than sufficient.

The carpenter's skill is always held in high esteem. How not to admire such household items made of wood, such as benches, tables, chairs, etc.

Price list for carpentry services:

  1. Repairing damaged furniture (chairs, tables, sofas, etc.);
  2. Production of various pieces of furniture to order (wooden hangers, kitchen sets, stools, etc.);
  3. Manufacturing of holders for gardening tools, restoration of wooden fences, hedges, benches, etc.

As an addition to carpentry, you can try to master furniture upholstery (restoration) skills. And if you have creative abilities, then figurines, figurines, and paintings made of wood will receive a lot of attention from buyers. But here a matter of taste plays a special role and creative masterpieces do not always immediately find their connoisseurs. Therefore, you should not immediately count on large income from the sale of such creations (it depends on your luck!).

Auto business in the country

If a male driver, in addition to driving skills, also has car repair skills, then a great idea is to organize a small car workshop in the country for car repairs.

Are you good at cars? Offer your help to those auto colleagues who do not understand anything about automotive technology except the specifics of driving a vehicle.

What you can realistically do in a regular home garage:

  1. Tire fitting;
  2. Changing the engine oil and partial repair of the engine itself;
  3. Repair and replacement of some parts, gaskets, rings, etc.;
  4. Providing auto tuning services (partial car painting, glass tinting, car surface decoration with various stickers, etc.);
  5. Cargo and passenger road transportation services over various distances.

Today, a car is no longer a luxury, but not every driver will be able to perform even simple repairs on his car. There is always sufficient demand for the services of an experienced and knowledgeable auto mechanic. Tariffs for repair operations can be easily viewed on the websites of car service centers in your area, so as not to cut the price, but also not to scare off customers with astronomical prices.


The article lists only a few of the most popular types of commercial mini-activities in the country for men. There are, of course, many times more options for finding additional income during the summer vacation.

In the presented video there are proposals that are described in the article, and there are also those that were not mentioned. In any case, the rationalizing male mind will be able to see profitable ideas for itself, improve and modify them according to its own conditions + skills, supplement them and earn good money! You just have to want it, and the opportunity will always be there! We bring to your attention a brief announcement of the types of mini-businesses for the dacha, view it again here:

After all, what is a dacha? A dacha is, first of all, a plot of land. Where you can relax and work, build residential buildings and grow crops. Just think: according to VTsIOM, the majority of Russian residents spend their summer vacations at their dachas and only 14% choose to vacation at local or foreign resorts. That is, more than 80% of dacha owners spend all their free time at these same dachas. Imagine so many people and unspent energy in one place. Therefore, it is not surprising that such a phenomenon as "dacha business"- quickly developed into an independent direction.

At the dacha, you can engage in cultivation and construction, you can build these same dachas, bathhouses, fences and septic tanks, buy and resell. The dacha can finally be rented out. More complex types of dacha business involve the transfer of dacha lands to individual housing construction plots, however, the notorious transfer of dacha lands to individual housing construction lands is already a business for realtors, lawyers and savvy people. You can also develop side business areas - drilling wells for water, gas supply, etc. .

Let's consider some types of business in the country separately.


The simplest and most accessible type of dacha business is helping these same dacha residents, saving their time - digging, excavating, adjusting, repairing, harvesting, and so on.


Installation of solar panels and collectors. For electricity and heating. An excellent business in dachas where energy is needed, but there are no opportunities. It is very easy to learn how to install and configure the equipment. Demand is stable, due to the fact that sites appear faster than they are equipped with electricity.

According to statistics, in Russia 60% of the population have dachas and summer cottages.


The article, by the way, is very useful. He talks about how to legally and without extra taxes organize some types of business on your summer cottages.


Tulips for March 8th are a very profitable business niche. Demand exceeds not only supply, but also knowledge of how to quickly and profitably cut tulips for this holiday. Growing flowers in cold conditions makes this a great summer cottage business. No special devices or anything else is needed.


Coniferous plants are very popular for their year-round beauty and unpretentiousness. For beautiful low seedlings, people are willing to pay several thousand rubles, but for large-sized seedlings the prices are tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles. Although, to engage in this business you just need patience. Nature does the rest.

Gone are the days when many people with gardening tools went out of town every weekend to weed and dig at their own dacha. Today the situation has changed dramatically - lovers of outdoor activities are increasingly thinking about turning land plots into a source of income.

There are a huge number of small business ideas for country property owners. Maintaining a dacha can bring not only pleasure from spending time there, but also good profit for its owners. Let's talk about the most popular types of commercial activities that can be organized at minimal cost.

Business on a personal plot

Before you choose the direction of doing business in your dacha, you need to decide what practical skills you have that can benefit people. It’s easy to guess that if a person is well versed, for example, in breeding crayfish at home or chinchillas, he is unlikely to be interested in growing flowers or seeds. Like any type of entrepreneurial activity, a dacha business will need to be registered with the Federal Tax Service.


If there are fruit trees, shrubs and other honey-bearing plants near the summer cottage, you can organize the work of an apiary. At all times, beekeeping has brought good and stable profits to people, because such products are always in great consumer demand.

Even a small farm can provide quite a decent income, since in addition to honey, beekeepers sell wax, honeycombs, propolis, broil and other products that the apiary produces. Before you start organizing a business, you should understand the specifics of this type of activity.

A beekeeper needs to know how to place hives on the site, properly disinfect them, care for and breed insects, work with special equipment, and collect honey. If a person decides to open an apiary, it is worth remembering that it is undesirable to simultaneously breed livestock, since bees do not tolerate being in the vicinity of animals - this reduces honey production.

To increase the amount of honey, it does not hurt to acquire a cargo transport that transports the hives to fields and other places where there are suitable plants. To organize an apiary of 5-10 bee colonies, large investments are not required. During one season, a family can produce about 40 kg of honey (at a market value of 300 rubles per 1 kg, the benefit becomes obvious).


Often people come to their dachas with entire families, so there are usually quite a few children present in the villages. This fact should be used to make a profit, since on your own site you can organize a playground or a swimming pool for children. It also makes sense to consider installing equipment such as:

  • inflatable trampoline;
  • swing;
  • slide

This kind of business idea can be very useful and profitable, since parents will be able to leave their children in the children's playground for several hours or even the whole day. It doesn’t hurt to think about what activities will be of interest to little visitors. As a rule, towns or game rooms in dachas operate on the principle of summer camps or development centers, and payment for services is charged hourly.

As for investments in organizing a business, they depend on the capabilities of the entrepreneur. For example, to equip a playroom, you need to invest about 30 thousand rubles, and installing swings and equipment on the playground will cost 20 thousand rubles.

Country workshop

If a person has a desire to make money from handicrafts, some building on the property can be converted into a country workshop. This type of business will become a profitable business for various kinds of craftsmen, because there will be plenty of work in the village. For example, many people come to country houses in their own cars. Very often they require minor repairs, so it makes sense to organize a small workshop and provide the appropriate services.

In addition, residents of the village often break down all kinds of equipment, agricultural tools and implements, as well as various household items. All this will provide the handyman with a sufficient number of orders, and he will be able to earn good money.

It is better to organize the workshop activities in a garage or small shed. It is imperative to install a workbench and attach a sharpening machine to it. As for equipment such as a chainsaw, grinder, hammer drill and welding machine, you can rent them at first. People will quickly spread information about a good master among themselves, so he won’t even have to advertise his activities.

Advice: a master can organize the production of wooden toys at his summer cottage. They are in great demand among buyers, and accordingly, such activities can bring a stable income.

Bathhouse rental

This option for doing business is ideal for those people whose dacha is located near the city (and, of course, if it has a modern bathhouse). Agree, there will always be plenty of people willing to take a steam bath, so it will bring good profits. The attendance of the bathhouse is influenced not only by the location, but also by the beautiful area near the dacha, as well as the high-quality interior decoration of the steam room and cleanliness. To create comfortable conditions for visitors, the following must be installed on the site:

  • a place to relax (preferably with a gazebo);
  • barbecue or grill installation;
  • swimming pool with cool water.

A bathhouse can generate stable income all year round. Many people prefer to visit the same places, so with the right organization, you can attract many regular customers in a fairly short time. To do this, it is worth preheating the bathhouse at the time agreed with customers, constantly replenishing the supply of firewood, and also ensuring the availability of various drinks and snacks. Cold beer and water are in great demand among bathhouse visitors, so you should worry about the assortment.

Often clients of bathhouses pre-negotiate with the owners the possibility of organizing a feast. This can bring good profits, because barbecue and various dishes in such establishments are quite expensive. The role of bathhouse attendant is often played by the owner of the dacha plot himself. If necessary, he can attract an assistant who wants to earn extra money in his free time.

Many summer residents have already assessed the prospects of this business and are investing money in the construction of bathhouses on their plots. If you organize your own business correctly, investments can be returned in less than a year. If you already have a ready-made bathhouse, small investments are needed at the start. The entrepreneur will need to purchase hats, brooms, wooden tubs, and also supply his own enterprise with firewood and provisions.


In recent years, such a business direction as ecotourism has gained great popularity. It is known that the frantic pace of life of people in large cities, where strong atmospheric pollution prevails, leads to various diseases. Therefore, many residents of megacities try to go outside the city to actively relax in nature and gain strength.

What is needed to organize tourist excursions? First of all, it is extremely important that the dacha is located in a picturesque area (preferably with a pond) and not far from the highway. Organizing ecotourism requires considerable investment from a person. This is due to the fact that it will be necessary to develop a program of events for people coming on vacation. Many entrepreneurs organize, for example, farms for breeding ostriches and other exotic animals, where everyone can not only have a good time, learn a lot about themselves, but also try the producer’s signature dishes.

On large land holdings, it is possible to organize a whole complex where people can relax comfortably in nature. To do this, it makes sense to install a children's playground, prepare a parking lot, build a mini-motel, open a cafe or organize a kitchen with the ability to prepare meals yourself in nature.

Important: Despite the fact that an ecotourism business requires a lot of capital at the start, investments in the development of the enterprise will pay off with interest, since there will not be a decrease in lovers of quality outdoor recreation in the near future.

Land lease

You can rent out a plot of land in your own dacha and earn good money from it. Who would be interested in such a service? First, you need to understand that not every person has a country house where he could relax.

People are ready to rent summer cottages to spend their time there on weekends. In addition, the use of someone else's land for money may be required by those entrepreneurs who want to organize their own production of various agricultural products there.

If the area of ​​the plot exceeds 6 acres, the land can be used to grow, for example, medicinal herbs, flowers and other crops in large quantities. Clients should be found at city business forums or through advertisements in the media. Renting summer cottages allows you to receive passive income and not invest money in the development of the enterprise.

Animal breeding

Breeding animals and poultry at your own dacha can also bring very good profits. This allows you to receive income from the sale of:

  • meat;
  • milk;
  • fur;
  • young animals

If you have several cows, you will be able to earn a very decent income. One animal gives about 30 liters of milk per day, which will bring 900 rubles. In addition, calves appear every year - they can be sold live and get extra money from this. In addition, milk can be used to produce cheese, butter, sour cream and cottage cheese, for which there will always be regular buyers. The same applies to raising goats at home. In addition to dairy products, their content provides meat, which is valued on a par with lamb. Goat wool can be used to make yarn and make clothes or socks, which will additionally allow entrepreneurs to make good money.

It is impossible not to mention the prospects for breeding rabbits. To maintain them, you will need to purchase cages, which should be placed in a spacious barn. In regions with harsh climates, it is recommended to provide indoor heating. There are no problems with the sale of products (meat and skins), since such goods are quickly sold out at collective farm markets at a good price.

At the dacha, it will be possible to organize activities for raising poultry - quails, chickens, ducks, turkeys or guinea fowl. Their meat and eggs are at a high price, so entrepreneurs will constantly receive income. To raise poultry, you need to allocate a spacious building where you need to install electricity and heating. Costs for purchasing feed and utilities are relatively small. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to raise chickens and sell them, which will also allow you to earn extra money.

Growing plants

You can organize a profitable business on your plot of land by growing various plants. To decide on the choice of crops, you should focus on the climatic conditions of the region of residence. For example, in the south of the country, when installing a greenhouse, there is a chance to get crops all year round, which cannot be said about the northern regions.

The specificity of such activity is that an entrepreneur should not switch to growing different types of plants; it is better to focus on one thing. A good result will be obtained by growing greens, which can be sold daily at collective farm markets. The main advantage of this direction of crop production is the rapid growth of crops:

  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • basilica;
  • salad;
  • green onions;
  • celery;
  • cilantro.

Every summer resident, if desired, can start growing mushrooms at home (oyster mushrooms and champignons), and entrepreneurs do not require large investments. For a mini-farm, the premises of barns, cellars, garages and other buildings are used. The mushrooms are grown in bags of compost that need to be watered periodically. On an area of ​​50 m? You can collect up to ten tons of mature mushrooms. Wholesalers buy champignons for 100 rubles per 1 kg. The profit is obvious.

Important: Growing strawberries and wild strawberries at home brings quite a good income. To do this, it is recommended to find a room, place shelves with bags in it, conduct communications and grow crops using one of the simple technologies (there are many of them on the Internet). Competition in this niche today is insignificant, which makes this business very promising.

Early vegetables are expensive and therefore profitable to grow. To organize such activities, it is necessary to build greenhouses, provide water for irrigation, and provide lighting and heating. Cucumbers, tomatoes, and garlic are in great demand. If the prospect of retail trade in vegetables and fruits is not appealing, you can sell your products in large quantities to wholesalers (albeit at a lower price).

Making money at a smokehouse

Despite the fact that many dachas have smokehouses, most people cook meat and fish for themselves. For this reason, the business of producing and selling smoked meats does not have huge competition. Nevertheless, an entrepreneur who wants to make money in this area will have to face a number of difficulties.

First of all, you need to decide on production volumes, calculate the dimensions of the smokehouse and the possible quantity of finished products. You should also obtain permission for your activities from Rospotrebnadzor and the sanitary and epidemiological station, since it will be related to the production and sale of food products.

There are usually no problems with the sale of smoked meat, fish and poultry. They are readily accepted by catering establishments, retail stores and market resellers. If you combine raising animals with smoking meat, you can achieve good results and scale your business over time.

Growing seeds and seedlings

This type of activity is suitable for summer residents who like to work on the land. Seeds, seedlings and seedlings can be grown in parallel with agricultural crops, vegetables, fruits and bring additional income during the season. To grow seedlings, you need to build greenhouses and provide communications to them. Even in small areas you can place several thousand bushes of various crops. Seedlings of bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage are in good demand.

It is also worth considering the option of growing fruit tree seedlings, especially those species that produce a harvest within a few years after being transplanted to a permanent location. They can be planted in spacious summer cottages. There is always great consumer demand for such products, so the entrepreneur will not be left without income.

How much can you earn from your personal plot?

It is easy to guess that the level of income from your summer cottage will largely depend on the chosen direction of activity (it is also influenced by the geographical location of the site, the presence of communications, the type of buildings and other factors).

If the dacha plot is located within or near the city, it can be rented out. The price for it can fluctuate between 20-50 thousand rubles per month. Growing onions and greens allows entrepreneurs to earn about 20-30 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, it is possible to harvest from your plot up to 6 times in 1 year.

If the owner of a country property decides to grow and sell flowers, his profit can exceed 100 thousand rubles monthly. Investments in the flower business pay off within 6-8 months. The most popular crop is the rose, so you can grow its popular varieties on your plot and make decent money.

A small apiary of 10 bee families can produce about 400 kg of honey per season. If you sell it at 300 rubles per 1 kg, the income will be about 120 thousand rubles. Taking into account the sale of insect life products, profit can reach 150 thousand rubles.

When breeding rabbits, you will be able to earn about 50-70 thousand rubles monthly. As we have already said, entrepreneurs receive income from the sale of meat and skins. The activity is quite promising, since there is no high competition in this area. It is also worth taking a close look at the companies that provide various services in the holiday village. In their absence, you can organize the work of a hairdresser or a car repair shop, which will undoubtedly be in great demand.

I have a plot of 20 acres near my dacha. The next year I decided to make money on it. Tell me what to grow in the garden for sale to make money?

Nowadays, people are increasingly faced with the question of how to get additional income, and sometimes even a job. Happy owners of a plot of land don’t have to think too much about it. To earn money, you can grow vegetables and fruits in your garden for sale.

Nuances of business from the garden

Before planting a vegetable garden in order to make a profit, it is worth paying attention to some features of making money from a vegetable garden:

  1. First of all, you need to decide which crops to plant - a lot, but one, or a little, but different. When choosing crops for planting, the size of the land plot is of great importance - for the profit to be tangible, it must be at least 20 acres. On a smaller plot you simply cannot grow much, and therefore cannot earn money. Although, if the garden is small, you can plant one type of plant, for example, onions - the most popular product in the spring.
  2. Since this will be a seasonal job, you will have to come up with something else for the winter.
  3. To get a profit from the garden, you will need to spend a lot of physical effort, and you shouldn’t count on big profits in the first year, because you will need to spend money on seeds, fertilizers, etc.
  4. It is also worth considering the possibility of watering the garden, because this will affect the yield.
  5. An important factor will be the composition of the soil and the location of the garden. The harvest also depends on the fertility of the soil, and not everyone has plots with black soil. In addition, early vegetables planted without greenhouses in the northern regions will not give much profit, or even die.
  6. You need to think about transportation in advance and decide what to wear to export the crop for sale. The best packaging options would be cardboard boxes, nets or trays, depending on the type of crop being grown.
  7. You need to find a market: sell it personally at the counter, give it to resellers, or negotiate with the store for the supply of vegetables and fruits.

How much and what to plant?

Many people are engaged in growing herbs for sale on a conveyor belt: onions, parsley, dill. Or they plant early cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as radishes. If you plant tomatoes with a reserve, the seedlings are also sold.

You can plant all or most of your garden with one vegetable. It would be a good idea to start with potatoes - they will be stored for a long time, and there will be no problems with sales. If starting capital allows, it would be a good idea to purchase a walk-behind tractor to facilitate manual labor. By the way, it is also useful when growing other crops.

Another option is strawberry. But it’s worth considering that after three years, strawberries degenerate, so you will need to either replant the bushes (you can grow seedlings yourself) or change the crop you sell.

And after the strawberries it’s good to plant garlic. Garlic is not too demanding in terms of care, it stores well, and the selling price is decent.

The most popular berries are:

  • currant;
  • blackberry;
  • raspberries;
  • gooseberry.

There are always enough offers on the berry market, but the assortment is in short supply. In addition, some varieties (for example, remontant raspberries) are able to produce a harvest already in the first year of cultivation.

Berry bushes can be planted around the perimeter of the garden, leaving its center with garlic or potatoes.

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