What is sra business? CPA marketing is the goldmine of online business

The meaning of CPA marketing comes down to its name: CPA, or Cost Per Action, is a form of affiliate marketing (Affiliate Marketing), in which you promote offers that require a specific action to receive a reward.

Let’s make a reservation that the word “action” means not only a purchase: it can be downloading a file, registering on a dating site, creating a profile in an online game, entering an email address/phone number in a lead form on landing pages, and so on.

Large companies are willing to pay their partners for generating leads. The latter benefit from this because they do not need to make sales as such in order to make a profit. On the other hand, corporations also benefit from this scheme: when referred leads upgrade to a paid or advanced plan, the company retains 100% of the commission.

In this article we will take a closer look at how this scheme works.

Step 1. Joining CPA networks

First of all, to promote the offers of CPA networks, you need to join them.

This process is more stringent than affiliate programs, where you can simply create a free account without going through the approval process. The fact is that in the past there were many cases of fraud and “generation” of fake leads from landing pages, which cost networks and advertisers a lot.

Just imagine: even if the commission is 10 rubles for each entered telephone number, then one hundred thousand numbers will already bring 1,000,000. How difficult do you think it will be for scammers to develop bots, driving fake leads into your CRM in order to earn a six-figure amount from such offers?

To prevent this, CPA networks have strict requirements for partners, which we will discuss below.

Step 2. Search for an offer for promotion

Before you start your search, choose your niche and stick to it until you see results. There are many CPA network affiliate companies jumping from gaming offers to dating offers to business transactions offers and so on. It won't get you anywhere. If you can't make a profit in a certain vertical, there's no point in jumping from one to another.

Once you've decided on a niche (say, online gaming), move on to the next step: ask your affiliate program manager what gaming offers are currently converting well. CPAs usually have this data and their job is to help you make money, so don't be afraid to contact them and ask for help. Most likely, they will send you a list of game offers within 1-2 days.

Another good metric to check is the network's Earnings Per Click (EPC). This isn't always an accurate metric, but it will give you an idea of ​​how good the earning potential will be for a particular offer.

Some traffic sources, such as Pay Per View, PPV or Pop-Up, do not allow for separate download offers, so make sure your offer is suitable for the selected traffic source.

Step 3. Selecting a traffic generation method

Without traffic following your offer, you won’t earn money. There are several ways to attract him. You can choose to do this or, if your budget allows it, rely on paid traffic, as it is more predictable, faster and scalable.

Remember that some offers only allow certain lead generation methods. Read the offer descriptions carefully and, if you are unsure about the conditions, contact a manager for help. Below is an example of one such description:

It is also important to look at the restrictions section. The most commonly prohibited sources are: Incent, Classified Ads, Twitter, SMS, Email Marketing, Trademark Bidding, Facebook Limited Promotions, and Co-Registration.

If you generate conversions, but use one of the strategies mentioned in the list above, then you will not be paid any money and will be banned from this offer.

Step 4. Increasing the number of conversions during promotion

As explained at the beginning of this article, when a potential client takes an action, you receive a commission. Many affiliate marketers simply launch campaigns that contain a direct link to the offer page and then wait for a conversion. This is absolutely normal - you can make quite a lot of profit through direct links alone.

However, if you want to increase your conversions and get more quality results, then we strongly recommend that you consider creating your own landing page. Landing is the page on which your potential client ends up after clicking on an advertising or other link. And since its design is intended to pre-sell, prepare and capture leads, qualify them, or even just create the conditions in which the visitor makes some small commitment, such a page is called a landing page (or pre-landing page).

In some cases, pre-landing pages are very effective. For example, it is easier to work with them in parallel with several offers of the same topic.

The better your interstitial landing page is, the higher the conversion percentage compared to sending traffic directly, for example, from a social network or from an ad. Ideally, it makes it possible to send about 50-75% of traffic coming from other sources to the offer, while increasing conversion by 3-5 times.

Would you be interested in selling phones from China to Voronezh? Or wedding dresses from Moscow to Khabarovsk? Or outfits for March 8th from Minsk to Mogilev? At the same time, physically being at home at the computer.

I was interested, because in September 2013, I became interested in traffic arbitrage in CPA (a scheme for attracting clients to affiliate programs with pay-per-action).

Who doesn't know what a CPA is?- read the introductory note.

Over the course of the year, I carried out experiments with varying intensities:

  • I worked out every day for 3 months
  • then as time permits
  • at the beginning of summer I didn’t work out at all
  • and in mid-August I sold a little of the school season.

Several dozen offers were tested (offers from stores, banks, games), about 120,000 rubles were invested, about 180,000 were returned, that is, the net profit was only 60,000 rubles. Theoretically, it was possible to get more profit, but profit itself was not the main goal. The main aspirations were:

  • personal interest
  • niche testing
  • understanding the process
  • mastering technical skills

CPA has become a very popular topic recently. It is positioned as another “money” button, this is facilitated by a lot of educational materials, advertising from aggregators, a bunch of thematic public pages on social networks, and, in general, a fashion trend.

Main question, which worries any newcomer to CPA: is it possible to make money here?

The answer is unequivocal: you can! But there are nuances, a lot of nuances, I will try to write about them further.

Advantages of working with arbitration inCPA

  • You work on a computer at home
  • You work for yourself
  • Theoretically, your earnings are unlimited
  • This is an interesting and creative job


  • You will need money for turnover
  • Theoretically, you can lose your money and should be prepared for this
  • In the CPA business you are playing on someone else's field. The rules of the game are determined by advertisers and CPA networks, and these rules will very often change unilaterally not in your favor

In general, all the pros and cons are quite standard for most types of earning money online. If you worked with satellites, doorways, arbitration, etc., it’s the same.

The biggest disadvantage I encountered with CPA is the change in offer conditions.

Example: I'm testing a new browser game. Registration fee is 50 cents. It takes 2 business days to test and search for a “golden” teaser. After that, I set up a good budget and start pouring. There are about 200 registrations per day. Traffic costs me about 25 cents per conversion, that is, from this offer I earn $50 on the first day of traffic. Not millions, but not bad, considering that I don’t need to do anything further besides adding to the budget.

But the next day, the offer reduces the price for registering in the game to 30 cents. And with the same parameters, I am left with 10 dollars. Not interested…

And there are a lot of such examples when offers reduce prices, change the rules for working with them, or prohibit any type of advertising. You can understand the offers - they want to pay less and earn more. But it is precisely because of this minus that I have now stopped working as a CPA. There are plenty of other, profitable, less troublesome and no less interesting activities in the world...

Several basic myths and opinions aboutCPAthat I heard:

Myth one. It is enough to master the “secret knowledge” in arbitration onceCPA, and then it’s a matter of technique, just select offers - everything will go like clockwork.

My personal experience. Wrong. Any selection, testing and launch of a CPA offer is always a creative approach, inspiration, and solving a puzzle. The flow method does not work here.

Myth two. To begin with, 10,000 rubles are enough, and then the capital will begin to grow, turn into millions, and the island, yachts, and inheritance to great-grandchildren will be provided very quickly.

My personal experience. Wrong. Theoretically, I admit that exponential capital growth in Russian CPA was possible three years ago (remember the same Tanki Online). Now definitely not - for serious profits you need serious investments.

Myth three. You need to find/google/buy a cool case, just copy it - and the profit is in your pocket.

My personal experience:

a) any high-quality cases do not live long, especially when they go public

b) no one will share their case, which is currently making a profit

c) even if one purchased case suddenly makes a profit (which is unlikely!), what next? Every time you look for/buy a new someone else’s case?

Isn’t it easier to learn the hardware once and then generate cases yourself?

Other people's cases are only good for one thing– for dialing personal experience, in order to see how others do and do it your own way. There's no point in copying them.

Firstly, if you have just started your journey into CPA or have been testing for a long time, but nothing works, ask yourself: “Why am I doing this topic?” If the answer is “For the sake of money!”, You definitely need to quit this business or change your attitude towards it.

CPA– this is, first of all, creativity! Money is secondary!

And you need to approach it creatively. Like a musician who learns notes and then plays beautiful music. Like an artist who has mastered perspective and color rendering and then creates magnificent paintings. So you should memorize the initial hardware, and then generate your own ideas. Or don't do it at all.

The best and most complete alphabet of RussianCPA, of course - video course by Andrey ZolotarevFor those who haven’t watched it yet, I recommend it; the technical aspects are described superbly.

Secondly, in earning CPA you can achieve greatest success in a topic that you really know well. For example, if you are a high school teacher, love your job and understand your students, you can try to launch an offer for a university or advertise language courses. If you are a gamer, you should work in the field of gaming offers. If you are a fan of newfangled gadgets, they will sell best to you.

Personally, I almost never traded in Goji berries, super power balance bracelets, or talking hamsters. For me, these are, let’s say, “grayish” goods. But I didn’t sell them not for moral reasons, but simply because I’m not interested.

But I have a fairly good understanding of the demand for seasonal items, I have been selling this seasonal item offline for many years, I know what’s what, and I always draw inspiration from sales. Therefore, the main profit in CPA was received from product affiliate programs. Although I tested quite a lot...

And finally a couple of cases that came to hand(just always remember what I said about other people’s CPA cases):

1) ConceptClub clothing store chain, traffic - contextual advertising for the brand from Direct. This type of advertising may be the most interesting in terms of profit. If you see a freshly opened offer from a large brand, with allowed context for the brand, hurry to set up a simple campaign. Such offers do not last long; advertisers very quickly realize that it is more profitable to run their own advertising campaigns (Concept Club very quickly banned this type of advertising).

Screenshot of payments - 33 sales, 9,262 rubles received, 6,262 rubles of net profit.

2) Belarusian Wildberries, seasonal sale of dresses for school prom. Traffic from targeted advertising on VKontakte.

Screenshot of ad settings, 1239 rubles spent.

Screenshot of payments in the affiliate program - 24 sales, 2,860 rubles received, net profit about 1,640 rubles.

The first part of my review of my CPA experience is complete. If you found it interesting, ask questions, upvote, and subscribe to new articles.

SPA- borrowed from English - CostPerAction, literally translated as “price per action”. CPA marketing appeared several years ago and in terms of earning potential it is already an order of magnitude ahead of traditional webmastering (creation, development, promotion of websites).

Actions performed by the user are called useful and are divided into two groups:

* PPS (paypersale) - reward for sales. The client orders and buys a specific product - you receive either a percentage of the sale or a set fee.

How much can you earn? Earnings are, in principle, unlimited. On some CPA network sites, the maximum amount earned per day by one webmaster is published; often they exceed the bar of one hundred thousand rubles, which at first glance seems unrealistic. But you need to realize that it is not a beginner who receives such income, but a master.

Perhaps many of you now have a question: since it is profitable, why isn’t everyone involved in CPA marketing? Two reasons:

* CPA business in Russia has appeared recently. Abroad, at the moment it is very difficult to “start” from scratch (without money, knowledge, experience).

* Fear of making money on the Internet in general. Many are afraid of either “burning out” or wasting time, so they don’t act.

SPA scheme

The CPA marketing chain includes 4 links:

* CPA network. Monitors compliance with the rules by the partner and the company, is a kind of trusted link, for which he receives his own percentage.

* Partner (=webmaster). Attracts traffic to the company’s website by any available means (based on one’s capabilities and knowledge).

* User (=visitor, potential client). Visits the company’s website through the webmaster’s unique link, performs the necessary actions, for which payment is made.

Basic CPA terms

* Traffic - visitors of any sites.

* Lead is the most useful action.

* Traffic arbitrage is the purchase and resale of visitors, profitable redemption of them in one place and redirection to the page of a specific CPA network offer, in order to gain profit.

CPA networks

There are a lot of CPA networks, we will present you the most popular and proven ones:

* Admitad. Min amount for withdrawal - 300 rubles. Affiliate - 5%. Works with social networks. Initially, the network worked only with games, but now the field of activity has expanded. The lion's share belongs to online stores. It has its own forum, holds competitions, webinars, etc.

* Ad1. It features an intuitive interface, which plays a big role when newbies choose a network. This CPA network is a kind of trendsetter in Russian CPA marketing e: it is her ideas that are adopted by many other networks. Min withdrawal amount - 800 rub.

* Actionads. Min payout - 300 rub. Affiliate - 5%. Quite a developed network, suitable for both beginners and experienced users.

* Myragon. Included in the number of affiliate programs of the 1st level. 5% - reward for referred referrals.

* Mastertarget. Min withdrawal amount is 300 rubles, payment is made twice a month. I have an opportunity additional income through referrals, deductions from their rewards are 30%.

* CityADS. The main specialization is online games, although other offers are also present. Disadvantage: long response time from technical support.

How to choose a profitable offer?

We draw attention to the following points:

* The first selection criterion is position in the ranking. The higher, the more reliable, profitable and profitable. But a large number of partners work with high-rated offers, which means competition increases.

* Affiliate launch date. If a program was launched recently and has already become popular, then it is very promising.

* Conversion rate (CR). In the program it is displayed as a percentage and means the ratio of ordinary transitions to the number of useful actions. For example: CR = 0.5% - this means that on average, out of 200 referred visitors, only 1 performs the necessary useful action.

* Hold time. The smaller it is, the more convenient it is for you. Let’s say it hardly makes sense for a novice CPA webmaster to wait 2 months for verification of one completed action.

* Acceptable types of traffic.

Example of offers on Ad1.

Types of traffic sra:

1. Email traffic. Mailing with offers to purchase goods at a discount.

3. Cashback. An offer is made to a potential customer to buy a product with some refund. For example: a book on the offer site costs 500 rubles, and for selling it you receive 100 rubles (as a webmaster), you give each buyer some kind of surprise for 50 rubles (or sell the book for 450 rubles), in the end you take it in quantity - you do it more sales of this book, but you no longer receive 100, but 50 rubles from each sale.

5. Popup. Popup windows.

6. Motivated traffic. Promising the user some kind of bonus for certain actions. Popular in online games: reach level 3 and get 101 diamonds as a gift, for example.

How to treat completely new offers without statistics? There are two options here:

1. You wait until the program has statistics and then you work with it or don’t work.

In addition, the offer at the initial stage of development attracts partners with favorable conditions.

When choosing an affiliate program, be sure to read the description and familiarize yourself with its rules. Violation of them if you are inattentive may result in non-payment of rewards and blocking of your account.

If you decide to choose an offer with an online game, check out the popularity of the game according to ratings, on forums, look for information about it in search engines and get a general idea. A plus will be the registration fee. And the registration itself should be as simple as possible, so that the referred user simply has the patience to fill out all the fields and check the boxes. If the offer pays for the game, and not the fact of registration, you can also find a positive aspect in this: if the client remains in the game, he will regularly bring you passive income.

CPA traffic - where to get it?

* Your own already promoted VK group, classmates, etc. or blog.

* Placement of banners, teasers and context. You can place them either on your website or on someone else’s, but for this you still need to negotiate with the owners and, of course, not for free.

Good afternoon dear friends! The purpose of this post is to open your eyes to CPA, to the prospects that await you, and to explain the work scheme in this very “delicious” kitchen.

CPA marketing is a business based on affiliate programs where you pay for the actions of the people you attract. Actions can be different: registration, email subscription, purchases, etc. Serious money is circulating here, and getting into the CPA business is still easy.

The domestic market in this segment is in a stage of active growth, so if you enter here right now, you will have a chance to get promoted and earn hundreds of thousands of Russian rubles every month. When the CPA business market stabilizes, it will be almost impossible for a newcomer to settle here, since very large budgets will be required to enter. Now you can start with 1000 – 3000 rubles.

How much will you receive? Let's see. For example, for 1 registration, a site or a company using a CPA marketing strategy is willing to pay approximately 0.5-1 USD, and in some areas - 2 or more. Little things? What if you attract 1000 such registrations in a month (this is quite possible if you advertise on sites with a target audience)? 1000 dollars (on average) minus advertising costs 200-300 USD. (everything is individual, depends on success advertising campaign, its type and other parameters). Here's how much money is circulating here (and that's not the limit):

Earnings from CPA: scheme

This abbreviation translates as Cost-Per-Action, i.e. payment for the actions of the target client whom you must bring to the company. She will pay you. Actions can be anything: from going to the organization’s website to registering and purchasing goods. But let's take things in order. So, there are only 4 links in the CPA marketing chain.

This creates a vicious circle of mutually beneficial cooperation. If at least 1 link falls out, then the CPA business scheme stops working.

Company. Receives clients without advertising costs. She could buy it herself, but for this she needs to hire a specialist, waste time, etc. It is much easier to offer a tasty affiliate program and get clients on autopilot. This is the beauty of CPA marketing for business.

CPA network. This is an intermediary between the partner and the company. All settings take place here: creating an affiliate link, maintaining statistics on completed actions and the amount of remuneration. The CPA network monitors the purity of the transaction, makes payments to partners and receives its %. Naturally, 2 people who don’t even see each other in person and often don’t hear each other cannot trust each other the first time. The CPA network guarantees both parties that they will get what they came for.

I have had the opportunity to work with several CPA partners, including Ryumka, KMA, Admitad, Monsterleads and others. I especially liked working with: they have “chocolate” cases from TOP partners and support who is ready to give the right direction at the start, suggest an offer and a positive link. By the way, their offers are in the “beauty and health” category, which even a beginner can master.

Partner. Earns money by attracting interested clients. He receives an individual link leading to the company’s website and begins to promote it everywhere: on his website or by buying advertising. With the right approach, investments in it pay off with a profit of 50–100%, and sometimes even more. If you want to learn how to make such a profit, I recommend this free school. Of all the 4 paid CPA courses that I have ever studied, this one turned out to be the most effective. There are very valuable free materials from practitioners, from which you can already earn your first decent money. I recently bought a paid course from them and realized that among the pile of garbage that is now being sold on this topic, this one is a real diamond.

Client. Performs an action, receiving benefits for himself and providing income to the partner, the CPA network and the company. The ultimate goal of any client is to solve his problem in exchange for money. The problem may be the following: there is nothing to drive to work (the solution is to buy a car), nothing to play (registration in an online game), not enough money (buy a course on making money on the Internet, get a loan), etc.

Basic concepts of CPA marketing

This mini-dictionary will help you, because without it, listening or reading the instructions of the guru in the CPA, you will not understand anything.

  • Traffic– this is the flow of visitors that you will direct to the partner’s website. Drive traffic = redirect visitors from one site to another.
  • - in CPA, this is the purchase of visitors on one site and transfer it to another, making a profit.
  • Lead- a person who has performed a paid action for which you must be paid.
  • Hold time– the time during which your lead is verified by the company. If it turns out to be fraudulent (for example, using active advertising) and you are exposed, then you will not receive payment. Moreover, if the cheating is serious, the matter may come to trial. Therefore, it is profitable and safe to use honest marketing in CPA.
  • Profit- profit.
  • Context– contextual advertising (i.e. text).
  • Teaser– teaser advertising (a bright, sometimes frightening or attention-grabbing picture with a flashy title).
  • Offer– from English offer - offer. This is an affiliate program with its own conditions and offer of earnings, which works through the CPA network.
  • . This is how much you can earn for each click on an affiliate link.
  • That's all for now. If I remember anything else, I’ll definitely add it.
  • – this is the storage time of Cookies, during which the client assigned to the partner must make a purchase or other targeted action after clicking on the affiliate link. If a lead arrives later than the post-click cookie is stored, it will not be counted towards the partner.

Where to get traffic for CPA

  1. Own website, social network group And . The process of creating and promoting your project is quite labor-intensive, but it’s worth it because... you create passive income for yourself. Your website will then work for you for years with minimal effort. Therefore, if you have not yet started creating it, then start today, understand this topic and in 2-3 months you will make a profit. And I have a gift for you: a promo code for , which, by the way, has been running this blog for the 2nd year.
  2. Free methods, including . Just don’t SPAM, otherwise you will be 100% excluded from the affiliate program without payment. A very long and tedious process. But if you have nothing to do or little money and a lot of time, try it.
  3. Banner. Suitable for any affiliate program, the main thing is to place it on the right sites where the target audience lives who is interested in the product or service being offered. Banners can be placed through Rotaban - a good service with very affordable prices. By the way, for starters, you can manually write to webmasters of sites in your field with a request to place your banner in test mode and a promise to give away a certain percentage of the profit (i.e., profit). Most of the webmasters will send you somewhere, some will not answer, but in the end you will still find those who agree.
  4. Teasers. A fairly cheap way to get referrals, but there are many nuances that are worth knowing before launching the teaser. And be sure to analyze the results afterwards. I recommend studying it. Yes, it’s a pity I didn’t find it at the time. Would save a lot of money. Teasers are suitable for women's themes, for advertising all sorts of scandals and women's products based on fears such as obesity, for gaming and adult (materials for adults) themes. It is not recommended to use it for selling paid training courses, because traffic from there comes mostly “cold”, not ready to buy.
  5. Context. To be honest, I haven't come here yet. They say that the pros make crazy profits from the context. But this requires knowledge and practical experience. And be sure to analyze every action.
  6. Social media. There are 2 ways here - placing advertisements in VK groups and using official advertising on the left. In the 2nd case, you can very accurately determine your target audience and carefully study the placement rules. I tried to post there 3 times, but the ads did not pass moderation for the following reasons: documents are needed (for pyrotechnics), advertising of such and such sites is prohibited (and absolutely white, fluffy and does not violate the laws). Well, to place yourself in groups, you can use sociate.ru or contact their owners directly.

Where to get CPA marketing training for free

There is the only online school in the CIS that offers beginners free online lessons, plus the support of a live mentor. That is, as you progress through the course, you will be able to ask questions on Skype.

  1. This is not just a school: its founder also owns his own CPA networks Ryumka and CPAelectro with exclusive offers, and also has a large traffic arbitrage team. Those. Your training will be carried out by practitioners.
  2. If you succeed in your studies, you may be accepted there with a salary of 1000 – 2000 dollars and more.
  3. The main goal for creating free training at this school was to increase the team of arbitrage specialists in order to scale in the CPA market. But you can just learn the basics and go “free swimming”.
  4. has existed for more than one year, but it was updated just the other day (May 15, 2018). So you will receive the latest information and cases on CPA marketing from practitioners free of charge.
  5. You will attend highly valuable educational webinars held several times a week.

How to register and get your first lessons

  1. Watch the video, read the information, click “Start training” and fill out the form.
  2. Be sure to include real contacts in the form. You will be contacted by a person who will accompany you throughout your training.
  3. A letter will be sent to your email. Don’t ignore it: open and follow the links to activate your subscription to training materials and receive webinar announcements by email.

And finally, a very useful free book about this type of earnings.

After receiving this free book about CPA, you will learn...

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