What does paid delivery on Aliexpress mean? Types of delivery with Aliexpress

For quite some time now, delivery from China by AliExpress has been popular among many Internet users who want to purchase goods of good quality at a low price. With the help of the AliExpress service, delivery becomes profitable, thanks to low prices for clothes and shoes, children's toys and things, household and electronic appliances, as well as other goods made in China. Despite the existing demand, a much larger number of potential customers do not dare to order the goods they like due to the fact that they have a poor understanding of the system itself. However, AliExpress offers free delivery, and paid delivery allows you to receive your order in a fairly short time.

Whether delivery to Russia of the selected product will be paid or free is up to you, taking into account the weight, dimensions and cost of purchase.

If you choose this type, the purchase of goods is carried out without payment of delivery and is usually carried out two postal companies:

  • China Post Air Mail;
  • Hongkong Post Air Mail.

You will definitely see the inscription next to the free delivery type "free shipping". It is usually located near the photograph of the product being sold. If you find it, you won’t have to pay extra, since the cost of the product included the cost of delivery. It is worth paying attention to the fact that free delivery is sometimes only possible when ordering over a certain amount.

Paid delivery: types and advantages

In addition to the free method, delivery via AliExpress to Russia can cost money. Paid delivery on the website is offered by the following companies:

  • China Post Air Mail- Chinese postal company for sending goods with light weight (up to 2 kg, you pay extra for excess weight). Delivery times to Russia will be 20-60 days;
  • Hongkong Post Air Mail– express delivery by airmail of packages weighing up to 2 kg, to anywhere in the world in 7-15 days, excluding the time required to clear customs control. The price is approximately $20/kg. The optimal delivery option for small and inexpensive orders;
  • ChinaPost Air Parcel is a postal company that delivers goods weighing up to 20 kg. The price is about $30/kg.

If the price of paid delivery and the specified provider do not suit you in any way, then you can write to the seller and ask if it can be done using other postal services. Don't forget to find out how much third-party delivery costs before doing this.

Keep in mind the fact that when using the paid method you will also have to pay customs duty, but the goods will arrive significantly faster than the free route.

Russian Post and fast delivery by courier services

Many users, when deciding which delivery to choose, prefer to minimize risks by paying additionally for the services of a courier service or Russian Post.

You can receive your parcel guaranteed and quickly by using the services of the following companies:

  • TNT– European company;
  • UPS– courier company from the USA;
  • FedEx– famous American postal company;
  • DHL– international transport company;
  • S.F. Express is a company specializing in express delivery from Asian countries.

Many customers become worried if the package is slightly delayed. This happens, most often, with free delivery, due to the high level of loading of postal lines. When choosing a third-party postal company, immediately check on the company’s website how long it takes to deliver to your location from China. It is difficult to say which delivery will be faster in reality, since it may depend on the specific case, but as a result, the goods will certainly be delivered to your address or to the nearest post office.

Package tracking

It may take you quite a long time to receive your product via AliExpress. But you can track delivery along any transportation route. It is also worth remembering that after you transfer payment, the seller is not obliged to ship the goods on the same day. According to the rules, the goods can be sent within 5 days after the order is placed.

As soon as the seller sends the goods, information about this will be displayed in your account, and the tracking number of the parcel will also be indicated there. Information about the success of sending the goods will be sent to your e-mail. You can also find out about the location of the goods by asking the seller, but this becomes possible only 3 days after the goods have been sent. You can also visit the website of the selected transport company.

Extension of order protection period

In order to protect buyers, AliExpress sets delivery times. Until it expires, the seller cannot receive payment. Theoretically, during this time you should confirm receipt of the goods, but the post office often makes its own adjustments to this.

If the specified time has expired and you have not confirmed the order, the seller will be paid. Sometimes, due to problems with shipping, the goods do not have time to reach the customer. In this case you must do the following:

  • go to “My AliExpress”> Find the desired order> “Click View Detail”;
  • click “Request to Extend the delivery Date”;
  • in the window that opens, set the period for which we want to extend the order;
  • We leave a message to the seller: “Please, extend the delivery time. Thank you."

If the seller is conscientious, then he checks by the tracking number whether the client has received the goods and, if not, he can extend the delivery time.

is one of the available ways to receive goods. The site provides the opportunity to choose any suitable method. At the same time, all sellers work with different delivery services, so you can’t always find the same ones. The price of paid delivery depends on the total weight of the shipment and the recipient's country. Therefore, delivery costs for the same product may vary. Recently, buyers have begun to increasingly choose paid methods, as they are more reliable and faster. Let's talk to you about the features of paid delivery, as well as what services provide it.

What paid delivery services are available on Aliexpress: list

Detailed delivery methods at Aliexpress are described in section "Shipping and payment" in the information block. Sellers themselves choose companies to cooperate with, and therefore the methods may differ. Some offer a large list of companies, while others offer just one. There is also an option when, depending on the weight and size of the parcel, the company that will deliver the goods is determined. In this case, it will not be possible to change it or make another order. Depending on the country of residence, companies may also be different. So before you start placing an order, be sure to read the product description page with the delivery block. It indicates all available companies, costs, and delivery times.

Buyers often think that it is better not to use paid delivery, since its price may be even higher than the cost of the product. However, paid delivery to Aliexpress has many undeniable advantages that everyone should know. As a rule, when ordering with Aliexpress goods come from other countries, and accordingly undergo customs control. They may take a long time to ship or even get lost along the way. In such situations, paid delivery is much more reliable. Each order sent using a paid method is given a special number called a track. It is used to track the movements of the parcel. Data is updated every few days, usually immediately after registration at a particular sorting point.

To see where your package is, go to "My orders". There you need to select an order to check and click on the button "Tracking Check". The new page will show where the product is currently located. Pay attention to the date; if the status has not been updated for a long time, then try tracking it on the company’s official website.

In addition to the fact that paid delivery is highly reliable, it has other equally important advantages:

  • Delivery times are quite fast and usually do not exceed 10-25 days, unlike free methods, when goods can wait up to two months
  • Parcels are delivered by courier. Basically, all services work through a courier. This allows us to provide better service and make it more convenient for customers
  • Minimal risk of parcel loss. If you ordered a product through a paid service, then the risk that the package will be lost is reduced to almost zero. In addition, all products arrive on time and in good condition.

Free services don't always meet deadlines, which is why customers often resent having to wait longer. As for paid services, shipment and customs checks are carried out quickly and in a short time, so delays are extremely rare.

Fast express delivery to Aliexpress: service names

Express delivery is the fastest way to receive parcels from Aliexpress. Not every company provides such services, or rather, not even a few. The most popular of all are EMS And TNT. These services deliver packages in 7-12 days, including weekends. Although not every service is able to provide express delivery to customers, many are still able to deliver expensive goods in a short time. At the same time, paid services focus not only on the speed of work, but also on the safety of fragile goods. If you see that a company delivers goods within 10 days, then you can be sure that this is express delivery.

Additionally, the range of express delivery services includes a courier. Thus, first the order arrives by mail, and then a special employee brings it home. However, when choosing this delivery method, please note that its cost is very high. This is due to the high speed and reliability of operation. That is why it is not available in every store.

How to arrange paid delivery on Aliexpress?

Before choosing a delivery method, first carefully study the “Delivery” section on the product page and decide which service is right for you

  • Next, under the cost of the item, click on the line “Delivery and payment”, on the available method

  • You will see a small sign where you select a specific method of sending the goods
  • Next, click “Ok” and the method will be saved
  • Now start placing your order and check on the next page that the method you selected is correct

Remember that delivery is paid at Aliexpress immediately upon payment for the goods. At the same time, the amount is final, that is, you do not need to pay anything upon receipt at the post office. As a rule, the delivery price is fixed for all countries. It simply takes weight and other features into account.

How to calculate delivery on Aliexpress?

In some online stores, the system is designed in such a way that after paying for the order, delivery is charged only upon receipt of the purchase and there may also be some kind of commission fee. On Aliexpress there is no such. When you choose one of the delivery methods, you pay for the shipping immediately, and when you receive your order, you will not be charged anything additional. Please note that depending on the country, the price for sending goods may differ, so if you have not changed the delivery country in the settings, we advise you to do this before placing your order to avoid misunderstandings.

More sellers at Aliexpress They often offer paid shipping at reduced prices. This allows you to save a lot and receive the goods in a short time from a good supplier. In addition, you can often find such a promotion that when purchasing for a certain amount, the seller provides a coupon that covers the cost of delivery.

Video: How long does delivery from Aliexpress take in Russia? Which delivery is better?

The Aliexpress website has recently become very popular on the Internet among those who want to buy inexpensive and high-quality goods. It is on Aliexpress that you can order any product. Most people do not dare to order goods from this site, because they do not fully understand how goods are transported from China.

Depending on the items purchased on the site, product delivery may also vary. It is mainly divided into:

  1. Paid.
  2. Free.

Everyone chooses the method that is most acceptable to him.

Free Express Shipping

It is mainly produced without the buyer paying additional fees for the goods. Such express delivery can be carried out by both honest and state-owned companies. When selling his goods on Aliexpress, the seller must indicate what express delivery of the goods will be. If there is a “free shipping” inscription on the item’s page, then the client will not have to pay anything extra for its transportation. The cost of express delivery is already included in the price of the product itself.

Sometimes express delivery can be carried out when the user purchases an item for a certain amount. Also, the supplier may simply not sell goods for a smaller amount. Regardless of the delivery method, it is recommended to further clarify all the details with the seller before making a purchase.

Paid express delivery

Aliexpress buyers also have the opportunity to order paid delivery. Everything here will depend on the client’s preferences and his financial capabilities. Only international companies carry out such transportation of goods. Among them, the most famous and popular are:

  1. S.F. Express, etc.

If this delivery method does not suit the buyer, then he needs to contact the seller and clarify the points with him, choosing the most acceptable delivery method for the parties.

Large cargo

It is often necessary to deliver from China large goods purchased on Aliexpress, for example, a set. Here, it is initially recommended to think carefully about the feasibility of making such a purchase, since express delivery of large items is always expensive.

Such express delivery will also be carried out by special companies, since the post office cannot transport goods weighing more than 31 kilograms.

Express delivery: terms

It should be noted that any product purchased on Aliexpress and transported to Russia is not delivered quickly. The journey can take from 14 days to two months. If you choose a company wisely, then in some cases delivery times can be reduced. Everything will depend on the company that transports the goods.

You can also track the goods by tracking number on the official website of the carrier. The client has this opportunity 4-5 days after sending the goods and receiving a tracking number from the seller.

The cost of paid delivery will depend on the cost of the item itself. In this case, the calculation is carried out automatically on Aliexpress. To find out in advance the cost of transporting a product, you need to click on the delivery country icon on the product location page. The cost and terms will be immediately presented there.

It must also be said that in some cases other options for delivering goods are provided. It is recommended to discuss all these points with the seller in advance.

What type of service to use is up to the seller to decide. He can choose free delivery and wait for the goods for a certain time, but he can also use a paid service. In this case, things will be delivered to him faster.

In this article we will talk about free shipping on Aliexpress and whether it is worth using it.

Today, more and more people prefer to order things on Aliexpress. In addition to the obvious price benefits, the platform offers a huge selection of products, a convenient order form, and many delivery methods. Let's talk to you about free shipping.

Is delivery from China to Aliexpress free in Russian in rubles?

Free shipping is available through several methods. The methods are divided only into Chinese services and services from other countries. It’s worth saying right away that it is the seller himself who decides whether to take payment for sending the goods or not. Some may even ask you to pay for sending the package through the simple Chinese postal service. Some include the fee in the price of the item, meaning you think shipping is free, but it's already included in the price up front.

What does free shipping on Aliexpress mean, which free shipping is faster, how does it work?

Free shipping on Aliexpress

The most popular free delivery services with Aliexpress are - China Post And Hongkong Post. These methods of sending parcels are considered the longest in terms of waiting time - up to 50 days, or even more.

In addition, parcels are divided into Air Post And Air Parcel. The first are items weighing up to 2 kg, and the second are up to 20 kg.

If the seller offers you delivery from one of the other services that are not Chinese, then it is better to use them:

  • Singapore Post
  • Sweden Post
  • Swiss Post
  • Russian Post (Russian Air Mail)

Each of these services can bring you goods for free or for a modest fee. Here everything depends on how accessible the branch is for the seller. The companies work on the same principle: first, parcels are delivered through Singapore to the country, and only then to Russia or Ukraine. Oddly enough, this shipping method is even a couple of weeks faster. Another popular service works in exactly the same way - Itella. This is the state post of Finland, which has an agreement on rapid customs clearance with the Russian Federation.

More recently, another delivery method has appeared in Russia - from a warehouse within the country. The advantages of this method are immediately felt - the goods last no more than 14 days, and the item you don’t like can be returned. Undoubtedly, items with such delivery are more expensive, since they have already gone through the entire customs check procedure.

Some sellers are cunning: they charge a penny for the product, but charge 2 or even 3 times more for delivery. You should not contact such sellers, since if a dispute arises, no one will return your money for delivery.

How to make free delivery on Aliexpress?

If you want to get an item with free shipping, you can immediately set up search filters to show products without shipping fees. For this:

  • Write in the search bar, for example, "cloth"

  • Next, under the line, put a check mark opposite "Free shipping"
  • Additionally, it can be noted "Local Return"— this is sending goods from a warehouse within the country

If you didn’t choose filters initially, you can do things differently.

  • Find the right product
  • Open its detailed description
  • Find the line with the delivery method

Delivery to Aliexpress

  • Click on it and you will see a complete list of methods that the seller uses to send the goods

  • If you want to change the method of sending the parcel, select it in the list and click "OK"
  • If delivery is paid, its cost will be added to the purchase price.

Free delivery from Aliexpress to Russia: reviews

Maria: I recently ordered a blouse. Delivered by Chinese postal service. The parcel took a very long time. The seller extended my order protection twice, and in the end, almost on the very last day, I finally received my order. If you have the opportunity to order goods with paid delivery, at least the cheapest, then it is better to use it.

Ivan: Oddly enough, although the delivery is free, the parcel arrived in two weeks. I don’t know what they have there and how, maybe I was just lucky, because usually I didn’t receive the parcel before two months later.

Anastasia: Good free delivery, received my order in about a month. Everything arrived whole, there’s nothing to complain about. I am pleased.

Video: Aliexpress website free shipping. Is it really free?

Each user of the aliexpress website has the right to choose the shipping method; it can be either paid or free. Each of these types of delivery on the aliexpress website has its own pros and cons. To figure out which postal service is better to choose and how much you need to pay for shipping, you need to know the following.

Each seller on the aliexpress website provides the opportunity for free shipping through the China Post postal service for any product, except for equipment that has batteries. Since for such equipment, another free type of shipment is provided, through the Singapore Post postal service. It is thanks to the availability of free shipping to Russia and other countries that sellers have a large customer base, since delivery from China is usually expensive. If, for example, a user of the aliexpress website decides to purchase a product that costs a few dollars or less, it will simply not be profitable for him to pay for shipping, which will exceed the cost of the product itself. This is a very good method, since when arranging for free shipping to Russia or other countries, the buyer pays only for the goods. The only downside is that sending a parcel through these postal services takes a very long time, sometimes several months. This is usually associated with a large number of parcels, especially on holidays; such postal services are simply overloaded and do not have time to cope with all the parcels on time. But, if you are patient and wait, then such a purchase will be very profitable for the buyer and will fully justify itself.

So, what types of free delivery to Russia and other countries are there on the aliexpress website?

Depending on the weight of the goods, delivery will be arranged through different postal services. If the item is small and light and ordered in China, it will be sent via China Post Air Mail, in which case the parcel will take 1-2 months. If the item is large, but does not exceed 20 kg, I will send it via the ChinaPost Air Parcel postal service. Another option is the Hong Kong Post Air Mail; they deliver parcels weighing no more than two kilograms. These postal services can deliver clothing, accessories, kitchenware, toys and other items that do not have batteries.

If you decide to purchase a mobile phone, tablet or other equipment that has a battery, then such goods will be sent via Singapore Post.

Another option is “free shipping”, this is a type of shipment for which you do not need to pay separately, since the seller included it in the payment amount for the product itself. To find sellers who offer this type of delivery, you need to look at the product page, if next to the product description there is the inscription “free shipping”, this means that you do not need to pay for shipping, it is included in the purchase price.

How much should I pay for this type of shipping?

Sometimes the shipping price is indicated separately, the parcel is sent via regular mail, several months, such shipping usually costs a few dollars. The peculiarity of the fee for this shipment is that the price of the goods in this case will not include additional expenses for shipment, and therefore will not be very large.

Free shipping is very common, it is available from almost every seller, but sometimes sellers also include paid shipping methods, as well as the opportunity to use courier services. Each seller himself determines through which paid services he will send the goods. Typically, sellers install more than three types of forwarding; buyers only have to choose from the list of offered services the service that suits them best.

In order to find out what type of shipment is available, for example for Russia, you need to indicate on the order page which country you need delivery to. After this, you can see which postal services can deliver the parcel to Russia.

Now you need to familiarize yourself with all types of paid deliveries, both to Russia and to other countries, on the website of the aliexpress online store, and also find out the prices. The only disadvantage of such deliveries is their price. But for those who order an expensive product, this price will not seem very high, since the quality here is the best. Firstly, through such a service the parcel will arrive very quickly, sometimes even within a week, moreover, if you choose a paid service, you do not have to worry about the parcel being lost or damaged. Loss of parcels in such services is very rare.

Paid services include the following postal services: TNT, FedEx, EMS, DHL, S. F. Express, UPS. The price of these paid postal services depends on the weight and size of the package. To find out the price, just look in the table when placing an order. If the table contains one of these types of delivery, the price of transportation will also be indicated next to the name of the postal service.

The price of each of these postal services is different, for example, the EMS postal service costs from $25 or more, depending on the size and weight of the parcel. But when ordering the DHL postal service, you will have to pay more than $100.

You can also agree on shipping with the seller directly, via messages or chat. If the seller agrees, he will name her price.

Remember, payment on the Aliexpress website is made 100%, so you don’t need to pay more than what you paid anywhere. That is, if you pay for shipping, then you transfer money to the seller for the product, as well as for shipping. Only after this the seller sends it to you. You don’t need to pay anything extra at the post office, you only need a document that confirms your identity, such as a passport. If the buyer is not a full year old and does not have a passport, he will not be able to receive the parcel.

How to arrange the desired type of delivery?

In order to arrange delivery, you must first register on the Aliexpress website and go through authorization. This can be done through a social network, for example, “in contact”, “oddnoklassniki”, “facebook”, “twitter” and others, or through email. After that, select the desired product on the order page or from the cart and click on the inscription “buy now” or in English “buy now”.

After this, a new window will open where you need to select a forwarding method, first you need to select the recipient's country. For example, Russia in English will be indicated as “Russian Federation”, then indicate one of the types of forwarding. Here, the cost and approximate time for transporting the parcel are also indicated, which is different for each country. If you indicated Russia, then there will be one amount, if another country, then the amount will be different. After that, click “ok” and continue placing your order.

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