How to get promoted on Instagram. How to promote Instagram

Reading tips related to promotion on social networks is very cool, but first you need to at least decide why you should be interested in and work with promotion on Instagram? Just wasting your time? It is unlikely that this event can have serious meaning, and since you find yourself here, it means that you pin certain hopes on social networks and working in them. Therefore, first of all, you need to set yourself a specific, clear and understandable goal towards which you will begin your movement. It may not seem so at first glance, but in fact, goals can be completely different, methods for achieving them can be extremely different from each other, so decide everything at once and don’t rush around in the future. Any task assigned to you is important for you personally, therefore all outside opinions, which can openly condemn all undertakings, should become “white noise” that has no fundamental significance. If your time and efforts are valuable to you, you can order high-quality promotion on Instagram on our website by going to link .

2) Creating an Instagram account tailored for promotion

In order to get an excellent result, it is imperative to move methodically in the direction that was initially chosen; we are talking about independent promotion on Instagram. If we take Instagram specifically, then all your photos must be of high quality, successful, and have a connection with the topic that is being promoted on this Instagram page. That is, everything should be absolutely in the very direction with which this Instagram account works, and any photographs unrelated or even only partially related to the topic should not appear under any circumstances. A user who comes to your page for the first time should definitely not make an effort to understand the presented photographs and the purpose of their placement; for this, creativity, rationalism and a professional attitude towards your own topic for promotion on Instagram will help you.

3) Describe your Instagram profile correctly

A competent, pleasantly written and most understandable description of your Instagram profile is a matter of utmost importance, because this is the sign that will be considered first of all. The most juicy, pleasing to the eye photographs, while telling the user as informatively as possible about the account itself, its goals and capabilities, should be selected first. Immediately striking the imagination is a bad idea. Because too catchy, too original or simply low-quality photographs are the best way to ensure that the user never returns to your page and advises acquaintances and friends to do the same.

4) Hashtags on Instagram are irreplaceable

Using hashtags on Instagram is the most important rule for anyone who wants to engage in promotion and promotion on social networks, and this applies to Instagram almost to a greater extent. Thanks to high-quality work and the use of tags on Instagram, you can get an excellent audience, moreover, collected from real Internet users, which, of course, is extremely attractive for any customer of promotion. You can learn more about hashtags on Instagram and how to work with them correctly at article

5) Find a way to reach your audience

Having finally decided what exactly the average user looks like that you want to attract to the ranks of your own audience, you need to create a strategy and concentrate specifically on attracting and recruiting live followers on Instagram . Constant work to attract attention, raise the level of viewer interest and attract more and more layers of Internet users - this is what should become your main task, and this task is not canceled after the first subscribers, because they also need to be retained. If a random user is interested in your page, he will immediately become your subscriber, and this should not be forgotten for a second. By and large, there are three most fundamental methods for attracting at least a minimal part of the Instagram audience. They are simply called: subscription or following (read what it is), likes , commenting on Instagram. To work in such seemingly simplest ways, you need to work quite seriously, and select not the most popular accounts and pages for this. Working on pages that are more advanced and discussed is an almost impossible task, because your likes and comments will simply go to waste, unnoticed in a hundred others. It’s easier to work with pages that have little promotion, but, again, you need to very wisely select your audience, since they may not be interested in your page at all.

Competent interaction with potential subscribers is very cool, but it must be taken into account that recklessly following everyone left and right will not lead to the most joyful situation. Soon your work account will become a real bedlam in which the devil himself will break his leg, and it will be very difficult to work with it competently. Before you get active in terms of likes and comments, double and triple evaluate the possible consequences of your steps. By the way, active commenting on photographs brings quite good results, especially if you do this with some interesting and original idea that is not yet too boring for everyone around you. Of course, you should not criticize anyone abundantly and much, because no one likes bilious and dissatisfied people; on the contrary, you should note the positive aspects of the photographs, and do this very politely and pleasantly, because in this way you will show yourself only from the best side. Moreover, such operations to improve reputation can be carried out not only with the accounts of ordinary people, but also on the more popular pages of stars, because the audience for reading comments there is much wider. Buy followers on Instagram , as well as a lot of likes, comments and views at very low prices can be found on our website. Independent promotion of new pages, stores and brands on Instagram is quite labor-intensive and brings little effort. If for example initially add 2-5 thousand subscribers, a few likes on the photo and comments, then you can gain the trust of other users and increase their subscriptions to this account. Therefore, do not neglect the primary promotion from scratch, as it has its place.

6) Top photos are crucial - Instagram business card

The latest photos of any account are the most viewed by default, because rarely do any users start going into the archives and looking through all the photos, starting with the debut images (Creating a business card on Instagram). Thus, the latest photos, namely the last three dozen photos, since they are the ones that are displayed immediately, represent a kind of “business card on Instagram” of your account that you will create. It is necessary to treat this very person as reverently and simply as possible. Your thirty or forty photographs should be ideal from your point of view, and cover the resource of your topic and opinion as fully as possible. There should absolutely be no bad photos in this section, because even one bad photo will have an extremely adverse effect on your reputation on the social network.

7) Statigram - a useful program for promoting Instagram

Why do we need such a program, whose name is very similar to Instagram, and why is it sometimes impossible to do without it when promoting on Instagram? In fact, writing a large number of comments with pens is not always convenient, especially if you write them from the small screen of your own smartphone. And in general, printing the same text on many photographs is extremely tiring, and thoughts begin to come that this process can be somehow simplified. This is what it was created for Statigram, thanks to the use of which you can speed up the writing of various comments several times, and the program works equally well whether from a phone or from a computer. Choose from popular hashtags on Instagram , and it can be of a completely different type and focus, and you start leaving comments on this very hashtag. After some time, the memory of the Statigram program will be replenished, and it will become clear that a large set of comments can be made by pressing just one button.

8) Fraud on Instagram is the best way to remain without subscribers

Nobody likes scammers. Including other scammers, for whom another competitor is unlikely to be a cause for great joy. So, be careful, and don’t think that you can kill two birds with one stone by agreeing to a not-so-legitimate procedure for the mutual exchange of likes and comments. In the vast majority of cases, you will be required to give your username and password to a rather hands-off company, which, in turn, will swear to help with the promotion and promotion of your Instagram account. If you rely on easy and quick promotion, you will simply lose your account, since all such offers of cooperation are simply a cleverly presented form of so-called spam. Your account may be closed on Instagram, and you will have to re-create and promote a new one. That's all the catch that can be obtained from such a “partnership.” Read carefully the detailed material on the topic: Why do you get banned on Instagram? - in this article we described in detail many of the troubles, blockages, hackers and other negative aspects that may arise when working on this social network.

9) You need to know when to stop using hashtags without turning it into spam

Often a beginner, just starting the path of promotion and promotion on Instagram, begins to add such a long list of hashtags to any of his photos that it seems as if they could be used to create a separate independent story. Hashtag - this is very good, but in all good things it is necessary to observe the measure, for example, 20-40 hashtag captions for one single photo will create a clear feeling of irritation among those users who are lucky enough to observe this creation. Garbage is what the excessive use of hashtags is, and if you use them, do not forget about the conciseness and accuracy of each of them, because this cannot be avoided.

10) Instagram photo feed does not tolerate excessive diversity

No less a sense of proportion will be useful to all of us when we take care of our own photo feed on Instagram. Getting a subscriber is an extremely wonderful event, but how to keep him without pushing him away with many actions is no less, and often much more important, question. In no case should you think that posting a hundred photos a day is great and cool, no, by doing this you are only dirtying the feed of other users who follow you. You will litter this way one day, two, three - and very soon absolutely everyone will unfollow your page. After all, you are creating serious inconvenience for all active Instagram subscribers. Don’t stop thinking even about such seemingly simplest little things, and in this case all roads to success will be open.

11) Feedback from the audience is the key to their hearts

Always remember that the account’s audience is “your everything” on social networks, and neglecting the attention of this same audience is simply criminal; use writing comments on Instagram and programs that help speed up this process. Don’t forget about photographs, always good ones, come up with interesting slogans and titles for the pictures, and communicate, communicate, communicate. Writing comments on Instagram is a very important area that attracts the attention of users. Promoting your account is an absolutely necessary step, but only with excellent contact with the audience can your Instagram page be truly successful. Treat the requests and wishes of users carefully, think about what else you can do for the people reading you - and people will be drawn to you. The conclusion will not be verbose, since everything necessary is outlined above in as much detail as possible. The main thing is not to forget about these tips, but at the same time constantly look for new ways of development, and then the result will be achieved. All the best to you and success on your path of independent advancement. Oh yes, be sure to read the articles below, they will expand your knowledge in this area!

The 21st century is rapidly changing and breaking previous ideas about success. Social networks have become a phenomenon, people spend hours online, communicating with each other, sharing photos or posts. A successful person is considered to be one who has many subscribers or visitors on his page on a social network. This becomes a measure of success, but not only that. The fact is that you can make good money on a popular page. Advertisers send commercial offers to the owners of such pages. That is, the user simply receives money for having a bright page with a bunch of subscribers. Therefore, many owners of accounts on social networks are interested in how to get more subscriptions, and lately the question of how to promote Instagram has been relevant.

There are quite a few ways to promote your page in this service, both paid and free.

Features of this social network

How to make an account successful on Instagram?

In order to achieve certain results in promoting your profile, you need to post popular and relevant content, monitor the quality of photos and add original short posts to them.

Then you can resort to the help of freelancers or start promoting the page yourself and promote Instagram. A program that will help with this is Tooligram Free. This is a small automatic bot that does the work of mass following, mass liking and unsubscribing.

Channel topics that are easiest to promote

In order to understand how to quickly promote Instagram, you need to understand the topics that are in demand on this social network. Statistics show that Instagram is more popular among young people, accounting for 70% of all users. Such people follow the lives of their idols, are interested in the latest fashion trends and dream of traveling, are fond of cinema, proper nutrition and keeping their body in good shape. Therefore, the following topics are popular:

  • celebrity life;
  • fashion;
  • travel and beautiful places;
  • movie;
  • healthy eating;
  • sport and fitness.

Before you promote Instagram, you need to choose the right topic for the channel and have a clear idea of ​​what content will be posted. Of course, you can mix topics in order to attract subscribers. Use all the bright moments from your life, the lives of your friends, you can download photos from the Internet, actively advertise clothes or stylish accessories, the main thing is that everything is colorful and catches your eye. Modern man is a lazy and infantile creature. It is necessary to remember human nature, and use his passions and desires when choosing a topic. Then the question of how to promote Instagram on your own will not seem so difficult. People will subscribe to quality content themselves, without advertising or PR.

High quality photos are the key to a successful channel

A condition that must be observed by the owners of promoted accounts is that the quality of the photographs must be very high, without flaws, the photographs must not be blurry or low resolution. Of course, Instagram is a mobile application, so a lot will depend on the smartphone model, as well as on your photography ability. While taking a selfie on a phone is easy, more complex shots depend on some skills. Therefore, don’t be lazy, but rather search the Internet for small brochures with recommendations for beginning photographers. These tips will serve you well.

If the photo is downloaded from the Internet, you must also monitor its quality. The higher the resolution, the higher the quality of the photos and vice versa.

An original post for a photo is another sign of a successful account. It’s not enough to take a high-quality photo or download it from the Internet and post it on your profile; you need to come up with original text for it. The post for the image should be short and eye-catching, this guarantees a large number of likes and subscribers.

How to promote Instagram at the initial stage?

How much does it cost to promote Instagram? A similar task costs about 2-3 cents, so by spending 2-3 dollars a day on promoting your account, you can get about 100 new subscribers.

Where else can you place similar orders?

The best platform is "Advego". The administration of this service closely monitors the quality of work on its resource. Fraud is impossible here, since analysts promptly respond to all complaints from customers and performers. If an artist deletes likes or subscriptions, then the administration will permanently block such artist and he will lose a valuable source of income. Thus, "Advego" guarantees the advertiser quality services for the money spent.


Store accounts are a separate item. It would seem that everything is simple - I posted a photo of the product and off we go. But there are pitfalls here too. It is believed that every few photographs of a product should be diluted with personal photographs, naturally, indirectly related to the store. To put it bluntly, after three photographs of boots on a white background there should be a photograph of a girl on a bench wearing these boots.

After the topic has been chosen, the photos have been uploaded to the newly created Instagram, you should pay attention to the captions, delete all the photos and think about how to sign them and which ones to put.

It is believed that no one likes long texts on Instagram. But everything, again, depends on the topic of the blog, if it has been chosen in a way that allows, and even moreover, disposes, to the walls of text, then go ahead with the song. For example, accounts talking about bars or other interesting places in any city simply cannot get by with a few words. But for photographs of wildlife, in principle, such an approach is not needed. Two or three sentences will be enough here, because without any text I only like very beautiful pictures, and then only if there is a regular audience.

But hashtags will help you create this permanent audience and show yourself to the world.
A hashtag is any word preceded by a “#” sign. Or even a few words like #instafood or #onelove. They are placed under the photo so that other users can find your photo in a general search. If you click on or location on Instagram, a window will open with all the photos taken in this location or having the same tag.

Of course, you should select appropriate tags for your photos, but there are a certain number of tags that are popular depending on the time of year or simply because they are placed quite often. The list of popular ones for Instagram is huge, but here are some of them: #art, #girl, #followme, #vsco. #insta, #20likes, #tweetgram, #iphoneonly and others. You can find them on the Internet or identify them yourself, or just watch what tags are put by popular users. All this is done in order to get the main bonus - likes on Instagram.

There is, of course, a completely unfair and expensive, but quite fast way to get thousands of subscribers.
It's easy to buy them. There are sites that gain followers without your participation at all - you simply provide them with your accounts and account passwords, give them money and enjoy the daily increase in the number of people following you. Or there are applications for Android or iOS where you can buy subscribers yourself.

But these methods will only bring a large number of subscribers. And popularity on Instagram is considered comments and likes. Moreover, as someone smart calculated, the number of likes should be equal to 10% of the number of subscribers. That is, you can have ten thousand fake followers and fifty random “I like” photos. Although everything is not so sad - you can also buy likes.

Greetings to all Instagrammers! Let's get to know each other a little and I'll get started.

My name is Vasily Blinov, I am the author of this blog about remote work and everything connected with it. Instagram too! I myself have been working remotely since 2015 and traveling around the world. I am promoting my account on Instagram and other social networks, which will also be discussed on my blog.

I could have made a paid course on Instagram promotion and promotion, but I decided that I would post all my experience and knowledge for free, let those who make money from such training execute me for it :)

I think today’s article will be long but interesting, so I recommend reading it carefully to the end. And at the end, leave your reviews and comments about what you read.

So, let's go?

Why is it worth promoting Instagram?

In terms of audience activity, it is in first place for me.

Because there is not as much garbage there as there is, for example, on VKontakte or Facebook. News feeds and updates in which are teeming with advertising and all sorts of entertaining nonsense. People still tend to use Instagram for its intended purpose, to add photos from their lives there.

And the audience there, thanks to live content, is more open and adequate.

Therefore, I recommend that everyone who is promoting their brand, looking for clients, selling their services and products, should start promoting their business accounts or personal page on Instagram. Moreover, you can promote Instagram yourself, learn everything from scratch, using free and paid methods, which I will talk about today.

Some specialists who offer to quickly promote an Instagram account do the same thing only at 5-10 times the price. My friends, freelancers and online entrepreneurs have ordered similar services, and the results are the same as what I do myself.

Instagram promotion is a constant process; you shouldn’t hire guys who promise you to gain a lot of subscribers in a short time.

If you don’t have time to promote yourself, then it’s better to hire a permanent remote employee - an Instagram manager who will do all the work for you, retain your audience and bring new clients.

How to promote Instagram yourself?

I’ll say right away that I’m not interested in inflated numbers (subscribers), which are usually of no use. I try to gather only a live and active audience.

Where to begin?

Ahh? A! - Audience! First step.

Why the hell are you going to promote Instagram? Earn? I think that is why 95% are interested in this issue.

Then how are you going to make money? What does your client look like? What will he be interested in? What will help solve his problem, NEED? If I can put it that way.

For example, my goal is to convey to people how, thanks to it, you can make your life more interesting, free, and start traveling. Help them take the first step - master the promising Internet profession of the future.

They often write to me, ask questions, give feedback. I know that I have a large audience ranging from 17 to 70 years old. But the target group is guys aged 21-35 who want to develop, learn, master something new and dream of traveling the world.

Knowing your audience, it’s easier to create useful and interesting content for them, look for places where they live, and attract them from there through your own activity or advertising.

Next 3 simple steps- This:

  1. Profile design.
  2. Content plan creation and publication.
  3. PR and advertising.

Today I will look at them briefly, more detailed information and instructions will be in separate articles.

How to create a profile?

A photo and information about you or your product is the first thing a person who visits the page will see. For me personally, these two indicators play an important role in whether to subscribe or not.

For example, this is what my profile looks like, SUBSCRIBE -

  1. Profile photo is a live photo that is used on all my social networks. This makes it easier to find and remember me.
  2. First and last name. It is better to write in Russian as it is, and not in transliteration. Translit, firstly, not everyone will decide to make out what is written there, and secondly, they may read and remember it incorrectly.
  3. Where are you from. Increases the loyalty of your fellow countrymen.
  4. Who are you and what do you do? Let the person know right away what you do and on what issue you can be useful. To make it clear why I should subscribe to you.
  5. Active link in profile. The only place on Instagram where you can put an active link. It can lead to your website or other social network. In my case, there is a link (), which leads to an article about the online marathon in our Knowledge base.

Almost all traffic from Instagram comes through this link in the profile. Posts usually simply write a “call to action” - click on it. Because there is no point in inserting links in posts, they are inactive there, and no one will click on them.

How to publish posts?

As they say: CONTENT IS KING!

Your posts are the main factor which will hook a person, turn a visitor into a subscriber, and a subscriber into a friend or client, and will retain him for many years.

If you want to promote Instagram, gain live and active followers, then publish only your photos and thoughts. Sometimes, not often, you can dilute them with some pictures or infographics with something useful.

Instagram - this is your photo album , only on the Internet and open access. Make it so that you yourself would be pleased to enter it and look at your photos.

  1. Take great photos.
    Beautiful pictures from the Internet, jokes, demotivators, photos of food, etc. Nowadays, few people are interested anymore. People need your photos! It’s cool when Instagram is done in real time.
  2. Sign your photos.
    Create useful and entertaining content. Write your stories, what you think about, where you go, what you do, give useful advice. Encourage your opinion in the comments or like.
  3. Post more often.
    But not too often, 1-2 photos a day will be enough.
  4. Reply to comments.
    When you publish a new post, try to respond to comments immediately. Active discussions attract the most attention from other subscribers, and they also begin to comment. Live communication with subscribers in person will create more trust in you. On Instagram, it is not very convenient to track comments when subscribers are very active. That's why the service helps me StarComment in controlling comments under all posts.

To properly maintain contact with your audience, you need a content plan or at least a simple plan based on the interests of your target audience. In a separate article we will talk about how to draw up such a plan (link will come later).

How to attract new subscribers?

Now let's move on to methods that will allow you to be noticed and interest real people.

Free actions:

  1. Conduct live broadcasts.
  2. Make Stories.
  3. Use #HASHTAGS. Using hashtags, your photos can be seen by other Instagram users. Here's an article about
  4. Mark the places where the photo was taken. Other users can also notice you using geolocation tags.
  5. Give it a like. The person you liked may want to know who liked their photo, and they will go to your profile.

I have long wanted to write an article about promoting Instagram accounts (business and personal), so that instead of explaining what it is and how to attract clients there, I would simply post a link to the article.

And this will convey to the client all the usefulness in detail and at the same time save my time.

Therefore, this article will contain information about Instagram itself, why it should be used (and that is, stereotypes that people there only have fun), methods of promotion (white, gray and even black).

And of course, tips on how to organize promotion of your brand (company, services or yourself) on Instagram.

Arguments and Facts

If you know nothing at all about promotion on social media. networks, I recommend that you study this article first.

There is a lot of useful information there 😉 Have you studied it? Okay, it’s up to you, even if you were deceived...

Instagram is the fastest growing, youngest and most engaged social network. But first things first.

Let's first dive into a boring story that will amaze you with its scale. Promotion methods will also be described in detail, so take your time.

Instagram began its existence in March 2010 (or rather, its creators Michael Krieger and Kevin Systrom received the first large investments for the development of this project.

The investment amount was $500,000 (RUB 30,000,000 at the rate of 60 rubles)). The project itself would have been launched in October 2010 in the American AppStore.

By the way. Initially, the Instagram application was developed only for iOS and this is the right strategy when you develop a project, launch it on the market, and if it works, you finish it and release it for other platforms.

Two years later, the application is bought by Facebook for $1 billion. Everyone would grow that much in two years, right?

For those who want to go deeper and use this network to the maximum, our article will be useful

Instagram growth and audience

So that you understand what a promising application this is and appreciate its colossal growth not only in money, here is the dynamics of how the fans of this application increased:

  • In April 2012 – 30 million users;
  • In February 2013 – 100 million users;
  • In March 2014 – 200 million users;
  • In December 2014 – 300 million users;
  • In September 2015 – 400 million users;
  • In July 2016 – 500 million users.

Well, I think based on the numbers you can see that the growth rate in this social network is simply cosmic, it’s not for nothing that it bears the title of the fastest growing network.

But what speaks about the most involved is that out of 500 million registered users, more than 300 million people enter the application every day, that is, more than 60%.

Important. If you wanted to transfer the management to professionals, then follow the link -> Instagram management and leave a request. The specialists will do everything for you. The prices are more than reasonable!

Well, now about the youngest audience. According to Instagram research, 63% of users are people from 18 to 34 years old, and 75.7% of them are women, the rest are men.


Promoting your business on Instagram

Phew! The theory turned out to be not quite boring as it seems to me. I'm sure by now you understand that Instagram is a great place to promote your brand.

Now let's talk about ways to promote on Instagram, both free and paid. Moreover, both manually and through services. In short, it will look like this.

White ways:

  1. ;
    1. Purchasing advertising in other publics/groups;
    2. Posts from opinion leaders;
  2. , giveaways;
  3. Mutual PR ();
  4. Flash mobs.

Gray methods:

Black ways:

Now let's look at each method in more detail, down to the bones and cartilage, so to speak.

1. Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising

Since Instagram is Facebook, since it is one company, as we learned earlier, the setup is done within a single advertising account.

Moreover, the settings are done one-on-one, as if you were setting up advertising for Facebook. The only difference, one might say, is that you need to check the “Show on Instagram” box.

Pros :

  • You can target a specific target audience;
  • You can run and test different ads and offers;
  • You can see the statistics.

Minuses :

  • Not the cheapest cost per click/subscriber;
  • You can see the statistics, but not all of them (you can’t see subscribers);
  • In order for the user to be shown targeted advertising, his Instagram profile must be linked to his Facebook page.

Lifehack. If you set up targeted advertising, I recommend doing it through the Getuniq service. Completing moderation is faster and a good bonus when replenishing your advertising budget.

2. Buying advertising in other publics/groups

Advertising in another public

This is probably one of the most popular ways to promote on Instagram after mass following (more about it below) and advertising. It looks like this.

That is, you place an advertisement in any major public page with a link to your account, of course, having previously agreed with this page.


  • A fairly inexpensive way of advertising (especially recently, because prices for advertising in groups have fallen);
  • Big .


  • It's difficult to choose where your target customers are;
  • Few urban communities;
  • It is difficult to check how live the page is;
  • It's hard to track ad statistics;
  • They can get you subscribers (authors of public pages) so that you like it and order from them again.

And among the services I can recommend Sociate. This is the largest exchange for purchasing posts in other people's communities/groups. And the most proven.

3. Posts from opinion leaders

Post from an opinion leader

I talked about what this is in my article about native advertising. But, just in case, here's what it looks like on Instagram.

In short, you pay people with promoted accounts to recommend your product or service to their subscribers.

Pros :

  • A large number of promoted accounts;
  • People trust opinion leaders;
  • It can be perceived as a recommendation, and this will increase productivity.

Minuses :

  • It is difficult to identify accounts with exactly your target audience;
  • Quite an expensive pleasure (the cost of posts from TOP bloggers reaches 500 thousand rubles);
  • Difficult to track statistics;
  • There is no insurance against deception (that they will post, that subscribers are not scammed).

4. Competitions, giveaways (giveaway)


A fairly simple and effective way to get subscribers quickly is to offer them some kind of prize for certain actions.

Repost, tag friends in the photo, etc. This is what another way to promote your account on the social network Instagram might look like.

Pros :

  • With a good prize, the competition can turn out to be very viral.

Minuses :

  • If you have few subscribers, then launching a competition is simply pointless. It is better to strengthen it by purchasing advertising posts about the competition in other public pages and accounts;
  • Instagram has more complex mechanics for holding competitions and that is why some people simply do not participate in them;
  • There may be some freeloaders who will not buy. Accordingly, after the competition they will unfollow your page.

By the way, we have a special article on how to properly conduct a giveaway on Instagram, what conditions to set to make it easier to launch, and what services to use to select the winner.

5. Mutual PR (sfs)


Actually, mutual PR is mutual PR. You give publicity to people, and in return they give you free publicity. If you want to do this automatically, I highly recommend this service.


  • Absolutely free;
  • If approached correctly, this type of advertising can pass for native advertising.


  • More suitable for personal accounts;
  • There is a chance of losing your subscribers from this method of promotion (they simply won’t like it).

6. Flash mobs


Do Instagram users need to somehow have fun? So a special feature was invented - flash mobs.

What's the point? You post a photo according to certain criteria and indicate either a special hashtag or indicate the person who started it all.

For example, here is a screenshot of the latest #challengeaccepted flash mob launched on Instagram (the goal is to publish your childhood photo).

Pay attention to the number of posts with the required hashtag. Almost half a million participants! The virality is off the charts, so I advise you to use it.


  • Absolutely free;
  • Participation in some kind of large involvement is popular.


  • If such a post attracts anyone, it will be a small number of new subscribers.

7. Massfollowing

As for me personally, I believe that this is the most inexpensive and effective way to promote on Instagram (and all subsequent ones are included in this list).

Although, a year ago it gave ten times stronger results than now, but still, this method is needed.

What's the point? In short, using a special program/service (we recommend Instaplus among automatic programs based on price/quality ratio) or even manually, you subscribe to people according to the criteria you need.

People see your activity and in response to these actions, these people come to look at your page and if they are interested in your product/service/brand/personality, they subscribe to you. This is promotion through mass following (or MF).

Pros :

  • The cheapest way to promote;
  • You can set subscription criteria (if done through the program);
  • Quite a large limit per day (1,000 subscriptions + 2,000 likes).

Minuses :

  • Need training. It is quite difficult to launch the correct MF right away;
  • There are fears of freezing and even blocking your account, especially if you have recently created it;
  • You need to use a special application or software;
  • First you need to select and filter the database on which the MF will be carried out;
  • Lately, Instagram has been increasingly tightening the screws on this method of promotion.

By the way, our company also promotes Instagram through mass following, and it works, now I’ll tell you why.

The main difference is that our specialists do it manually. The coverage is less, but the quality is much higher.

I will give an example of the main advantage of this approach. One of my friends who repairs cell phones decided to promote his services through manual mass following.

For this purpose, I specially appointed a person who signed up for people according to certain criteria. Literally 2 months later he was provided with orders for a month in advance and is already opening a third location.

Approximately 60% of new clients were from Instagram. But again, this is more nonsense than popular practice 😉

8. Mass liking

In principle, it’s the same as mass following. The main difference is that instead of signing, you put “likes” on several photos of people in a row.

Accordingly, people are interested in such an active “passerby” and go to the profile. Pros and cons are the same as in mass following.

The universal combination of ML and MF is 2+1 per person (2 likes and one subscription). If you need maximum coverage, then a separate MF and a separate ML (that is, these actions need to be performed separately and for different people).

9. Masscommenting

In general, this method belongs to the gray methods of promotion, but personally I include it in the black methods of promotion.

It consists of leaving comments with appeals under the posts of ordinary people or celebrities, promoted people.

Pros :

  • This is done using a program/application.

Minuses :

  • The account from which such comments are left may be blocked;
  • One account is not enough, so there should be many of them;
  • Not suitable for promoting a serious company, as it sharply reduces the brand's reputation.

A small digression, this animation is painfully on topic. Because everything related to the masses (following/liking/commenting) looks exactly like this. Especially if it is done by a service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Like, subscribe and comment! Endless!

10. Purchasing offers

This is literally buying fake subscribers, which are easy to get by typing “promote a page on Instagram” into a search engine (for example, the SmmLaba service). They will assure you that these are real people, even if they are your potential clients.

But don't make mistakes. Don't believe it! DO YOU HEAR??? Fate is a villain, she will say, “Try,” but under no circumstances agree.

Since there are no live and targeted subscribers that can be purchased at a fixed price. All this is a deception from “the cat Basilio and the fox Alice”, who want to get easy money from you, the rich Pinocchio.

Pros :

  • They will give weight to the new account, and accordingly, with a large number of subscribers, people will be more willing to subscribe to it;

Minuses :

  • If you sharply increase subscribers in this way, your account may be blocked;
  • Over time, their number may decrease (Instagram periodically cleans out bots);
  • They are not active at all (they don’t comment or even like).

The only good thing about buying offers/likes/comments is that you can bring a post to the TOP, especially if you launch this service 5-10 minutes after the release of your publication.

Promotion details

As they say, the sweetest thing is the last – the tricks or details, you see what you call it. They won’t cause a global explosion, but a decent increase in subscribers and their engagement will increase.

  1. The name of the account should include the name of your brand or company to make it easier to find;
  2. Be sure to use cross-posting (automatically adding a post published on Instagram to all other social networks at once);
  3. Use hashtags in your publications, those same words with #. To get additional likes and subscribers.

    Or create navigation for your clients using them. By the way, you can use no more than 30 of them in a post (if 30 hashtags are not enough for you, you can also write them in the first comment, immediately after publication. They will also be taken into account in the search);

    Pause... Exhale... Continue...

  4. Don’t forget to mention the brand name in published hashtags;
  5. Place a geolocation on your photos (your city, popular places in the city).

    This way, clients will be able to immediately see your address, and you will also appear in searches by “geographical location”;

  6. Be sure to comment and like your followers' photos. Especially those who mentioned your brand (for example, they were in your cafe or beauty salon);
  7. Shoot and post videos. Now you can post videos of 1 minute duration on Instagram. And users are quite actively watching them now;
  8. Actively use Stories. This is a live broadcast of what is happening now (in the form of photos or videos), and which disappears forever from your page after 24 hours.

    There are no exact statistics about this tool yet. But here's a simple example. On the first day of release, Nike's Instagram stories received 800 thousand views. Although before this, such videos had not received even 70 thousand views.

Important. Don't forget to track your Instagram account analytics. Otherwise it turns out that you are spinning it completely wrong. An extremely simple and cost-effective program will help you with this - LiveDune.

Briefly about the main thing

My head is spinning. And you? Sometimes before writing an article, I think about what to write, the maximum will be a page.

And when I start, I see how everything is written, written and written. And the most interesting thing is not all.

As part of promoting an Instagram account, I am going to write a separate article about mass following and mass liking with specific programs, filters and actions. To expand on the topic thoroughly.

But that’s for later, now start implementing it at least in the form in which you understand it. It's better than doing nothing. And then we write here, we try. And you don't do anything.

Although it would be more correct to say, you call us and say: “I don’t understand anything, do everything for me.” When in fact, you understand everything, you just don’t get around to it. And don't argue.

I know that some of you can write articles on our blog as well as you can, but still become poor.

Lifehack. I recommend adding a multi-button to your profile. It will allow you to communicate via instant messengers, follow the link -> And with the promo code “INSCALE7” you will get 7 days free.

P.S. And yet, I’m not hinting at anything, but if you are interested in promoting on Instagram using manual mass following and want to learn more about this service, then the offer below is just for you.

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