What does webcam model mean? Working as a webcam model – what is it? About working as a web model: what is it and how to make money from it

A successful lady who earns more than $3,000 a month, but she doesn't get up at 8 am and doesn't spend all her time working. A self-sufficient young man who saved up for a car in just 4 months, but during the entire time he worked, he never encountered his superiors and, moreover, never left the house! Is that possible? Of course, if you are a webcam model!

Having decided to make money in private chats, a girl must first figure out exactly who a webcam model is and what her role is. This profession appeared recently, when the Internet became fast enough and webcams powerful. At first it was pure amateur activity, but gradually the market for these services stabilized, and professionals appeared - both chat organizers and web models with high earnings.

Who is a webcam model and how to become one?

Web models are girls who entertain men by communicating via webcam. How do they entertain? Differently. This can be erotic dancing, striptease, or just conversations on abstract topics, the main thing is that the interlocutor is satisfied and wants to pay for a private chat with this model again. Required for work:

  1. Computer (laptop, tablet) with high-speed Internet.
  2. Good quality webcam and microphone.
  3. The workplace is that part of the room that the client will see on the monitor.
  4. Registration on special sites.

The webcam model herself must:

  • be friendly, flirt;
  • look sexy;
  • be able to hold your interlocutor.

It’s no secret that the Internet attracts perverts of all stripes, but that’s the beauty of virtual communication – it can be stopped at any moment. In general, it is important not to reveal anything about yourself. Experts advise that instead of your real name, come up with a legend - a new name, address, life story. This is not only protection from inadequate people, but also a way to liberate yourself - the girl seems to be playing at another person who can do anything.

Today, so much information about the webcam business has appeared on the Internet that even the most ordinary users have become seriously interested in this industry. You can find a lot of articles about how to become a webcam model, where all they say is that you “need to register, sit in front of a webcam and the money will flow like a river.” All this is not just an understatement, but also an embellished text to lure people.

Let's take off all the masks and talk frankly not only about how to become a webcam model, but also what her responsibilities are. What difficulties await you and how you can increase your income by working in the Internet industry.

What is the job of a webcam model?

P Let's talk about how the working day goes webcam models and how you can make money in world wide web . To do this, we decided that it would be advisable to turn to one of our successful webcam models . First hand story -this is what you need!

I was given the task of writing a short essay on the topic: “The main points of the work process webcam models " Based on my own experience, I will try to tell you as much as possible!


The most important task facing webcam model this is proper communication with people, video chat e. Each person needs to find his own individual approach. Always smile and be hospitable.

I'll give you food for thought:“How do you deal with those who come to visit you? You try to show your best side. Members are guests who essentially came towebcam models to the house." Greetings your guest, try to find out as much as possible about him. Be kind to those who are looking tenderness , communication and comfort on the Internet and rejoice that a man found all this exactly in your “room”.

Set schedule

When working in a company or office, you needcome to work at 9 am, go to lunch at 12:30 and end the working day at 18:00. Webcam model also needs a schedule to follow. This is the only way to improve your workflow and schedule your day. In this case webcam model manages to complete all household chores, earn money and at the same time devote time to himself!

Maintaining a social life

Imagine any social network you know. What are you doing there? You post photos, leave various notes, sometimes write letters to friends. Webcam model should also monitor her profile on specialized platforms (where she broadcasts). Update galleries, add some points in your profile,send interesting and motivating messagesletters to members, leave notes on your page and all this must be done in addition to the fact that you communicate in the video chat itself.

Creating an image

"Each webcam model You have to realize one thing - you have a lot of competition.”That's roughly what the managers told us. I think this is only so that girls do not treat their work as mere entertainment,but they approached the matter seriously.

Having gained my own experience, I realized that a webcam model should be a bright individual! Of course, nature has already rewarded us with a unique appearance. Now your task is to correctly portray your appearance. Image is not just about clothes and makeup. First of all, when creating your image, you need to start with your character, demeanor, come up with some kind of “zest” and then play with all this wonderful filling with suitable clothes and makeup.

Strive to become better!

All of the above will help you, as a webcam model, earn enough money, but if you don’t devote time to improving your skills, then, unfortunately, you will remain stuck in one place. Therefore, you just need to pull yourself together and be sure to:

    Take an English language course.

    Take care of your appearance.

    Create a specific work schedule for yourself and follow it.

    Ask managers any questions you have.

    Try to cope with your stiffness.

    You can sign up for dancing or strip plastic.

    Discover the creative person in you!

As for me...

I went through some stages of understanding my profession. Therefore, I think if I share, perhaps you will come to conclusions as quickly as possible.

3 days - this was enough to make sure that a webcam model can earn decent money!

5 days - I needed a schedule, and I made my own schedule. I printed out a sign and noted when the cute webcam model in my face starts working and how many hours she works. I tried to motivate myself!

1 Week - after 7 days I realized that webcam model She must be able to present herself correctly and began to think through her personal image.

10 day - I wrote down all the questions that interested me and asked them to the manager. I also looked at how others workV fucking models just to gain experience.

2 weeks - I started learning English on my own. Just 1 hour a day and I was very pleased with the results.

2.5 weeks - webcam model must respond quickly to its customers so as not to miss them. I needed a course on mastering the “touch typing method”.

3 weeks - I realized that my vocabulary and imagination are a little poor! To have something to talk about with clients, I wrote down topics that interested them and began to understand them. Be it a car, football, tennis or even mysticism. Webcam model should not only be attractive, but also education will not hurt.I read books before bed over a cup of green tea.

1 month - I decided to seriously pay attention to the entire work process and every little detail!

1.5 months - updated my computer and bought a decent webcam. Now I am technically equipped and purposeful webcam model.

2 months - reached earnings of 3000$ for a period (15 days). I quit my official job.

Today I am a successful lady and I am not going to stop there. I would like to emphasize one truth:

“Don't believe in fairy tales! No one will just transfer money to you. Webcam model This is your job, which must be taken not only seriously, but also with a creative approach and full dedication.”

Thank you ModelMeI discovered a lot of new things in myself and now I don’t need anything! Today I pay for my own education, help my parents, pamper myself and save for my own home! It was difficult, but I can say with confidence that I webcam model completely accomplished!

Job opening for webcam model!

Our company continues to recruit for the position webcam models . We provide you with full support and help resolve any issues. All you have to do is read some basic information about what the job requires webcam model . Then go through a simpleand fill out the personal information.

Training, setting up software for work, creating your profile, assistance in solving problems of any complexity, communication and support - everythinge difficulties and subtle pointswe take it upon ourselves!

About working as a web model: what is it and how to make money from it?

Webcam is spending time on video broadcasts on specialized foreign platforms, where users interact with a model in her room via chat. The work of a web model is to show a show or just have a nice chat, whatever you want, and the role of users is to comment and rate all the action with a “dollar”.

What do they pay for? working as a web model?

Yes, yes, imagine that there are many connoisseurs who are willing to pay for communication on the Internet. The limits of permissibility of this communication are very different. Of course, personal charm, creativity and a sparkle in the eyes, atypicality in actions and self-presentation attracts users. Working on webcam, a girl can fully demonstrate all her creative talents! Yes, this is not really work, you shouldn’t treat it like that, firstly it’s admiring glances, attention, admiration, and only then “work”. You fulfill requests (requests) from people, have a conversation and get paid for it. Many video chats also pay for simply being on the broadcast; isn’t this a dream job?

Who is it suitable for? working as a web model?

All girls and women from 18 to 45 years old with stable Internet. An important advantage that brings more income in the profession of a webcam model will be artistry and openness, because those who pay for time are well aware of falsehood, but are ready to give money for a good time. If you are lively and open-minded, ready for new adventures and big income, then you can leave an application and become our remote model, and we will help you understand all the intricacies .

How much do girls earn working as a web model?

New web models, at the very beginning of their journey, initially earn a minimum. If they are at 4-5 hours of broadcasting, then that’s about $30-70 per session. It is important to consider the temporary activity in each chat.

Best time for web model work

10:00 — 19:00 20:00 — 24:00 24:00 — 7:00
Lowest incomeAverage incomeBest income

This is due to the fact that the most solvent users are not in Russia and you should adapt to them. It is advisable to try yourself on different sites and determine from personal experience which one brings the most income. Also, your earnings are affected by your knowledge of English. The majority of visitors are foreigners, so expanding regular customers among them is an important part of working in webcams. Video chats provide assistance here too, creating an SMS chat with a built-in translator.

We have an insane community, a sea of ​​competitions and educational webinars, insights and topics that seriously increase the income of web models

Let's talk about the model's money:

Salaries are paid automatically every 2 weeks.

+ Help with registration (and this is not an easy thing), excellent support, help with work, cozy chats and a good mood. Easy access to webcams is provided.

Evaluate the performance of your web camera (which you will later purchase a professional one since your income also depends on the quality of the picture). Set up the light in the room where you will be working; a dark room will not work. Try on a couple of outfits for work and see how you look on camera. Study, study and study again all the materials inside your personal account and our website, they will help you be head and shoulders above those who neglect them

Be sure to read the rules of broadcasting inside your personal account after registration, they are the same for everyone and work 99% on all webcam sites, then go to the video chat and start! You will be great, we believe in you!

Where does the negativity come from? working in webcam?

Yes, there are a lot of bad reviews, and they write bad things about income, and, in general, bad things, often Well-earning models also do this in collusion, since in recent years the influx of models has increased, and therefore competition in the topic has also increased. It takes more effort, and visitors have become more picky about girls, so experienced models intimidate newcomers. Few people want an influx to the “fishing place”. You just need to approach the matter wisely, figure it out, and everything will work out. The one who walks will master the road, especially since the game is worth the candle. Who doesn’t dream of high wages, and in webcam this is not particularly difficult after just a few months. We recommend reading


Today we will talk in detail about how to prepare for a video chat with a webcam model. How to behave when communicating with a client, what to strive for and what to avoid. There will be not only instructions, but also specific examples from life: what can and even should be done and what should not be allowed.

For men with whom a girl will communicate, appearance is important. But, as they say, there are no ugly people - there are unkempt people. So even if your figure is far from ideal, and you have irregular facial features, the main thing is to work hard on yourself.

Modern cosmetics completely allow this. And you don’t even have to visit beauty salons every day, just try to be neat.

But here’s what a novice webcam model should not forget before presenting her appearance on display:

Those who are unwilling or unable to take care of themselves do not stay in this business for long. However, girls don’t need to be taught this. This desire to look perfect is inherent in female nature.

Even in everyday life, representatives of the fair half try to take care of themselves. So they prepare carefully for going online, trying to make the impression lasting. Surely, you won’t forget about it.

You can think of “glossy” magazines. Of course, the beauties depicted on their pages have a striking appearance. But the preparation for the release of such images is also considerable: they are carefully retouched, sometimes to such a state that if you meet in real life, you will not recognize the beauty from the glamor page.

Representatives of the webcam business have fewer opportunities. The image cannot be edited in Photoshop, everything happens in real time.

But it is still in your power to install favorable lighting in the room. With the help of properly selected clothes and harmonious makeup, make your image attractive.

According to statistics, banal vulgarity is of interest to a very small percentage of clients. It attracts mystery, enigma, feminine beauty, sensuality with a hint of sexuality. It is this golden mean that will make you desirable to many clients.

Thoughtfulness and comfort - preparing your place

Even if you look perfect, an environment that is not conducive to sensual communication will become a repulsive factor. The client wants to break out of everyday life, and if there is an old carpet hanging in the background or shabby wallpaper dangling, this will turn him off.

Or if there is a mountain of unwashed clothes nearby or unwashed dishes standing nearby, he is unlikely to want to communicate with you again. You must create such a cozy environment that the client would want to immerse himself in, forgetting about all the problems.

This business requires you to spend a lot of time in your room, so you should also think about your personal comfort so that nothing bothers you.

For example, if you want to show that you have a lot of clothes that can be used in themed dressing up, try to fit them organically into the interior.

Sometimes clients ask the model to perform certain plastic movements, dance, etc. So you must have space to move freely.

Both when photographing and when shooting video, the correct location relative to the light source ensures the quality of the resulting image. And, on the contrary, rays falling obliquely or hitting the face can display deep shadows, make one wince, squint, etc. This all works in video chat.

Various lighting fixtures are at your disposal. You can experiment with them, changing the location, lighting angles, combining, rearranging them, achieving a result that shows you from the best side. There are no clear rules or recommendations here.

Much depends on the layout of your room. By the way, mirrors will be a good help. They expand the capabilities of lighting devices, thanks to them you can create the illusion of increasing your work space, and also, by reflecting, they will show you at the same time from different advantageous angles.

Here's what you shouldn't do: never point a bright light directly at your face. The lamp should not be behind the camera. As in everything else, the golden mean is important here - without an excess of light and without unnecessary gloom.

There is no webcam model who would not be concerned about this issue. After all, her success, her self-esteem is determined precisely by how she is seen. Surely, you will worry about this too. And there’s nothing wrong with that - it means you take a responsible approach to your work and don’t give a damn about your clients.

Modern technology will not require special knowledge or effort from you in order to prepare for the first exit - seeing yourself as others should then see.

Just switch the camera and you will see yourself on the monitor exactly as you will be in a video chat. If something doesn’t suit you, don’t worry, you still have time to correct the lighting, the shooting angle, and remove anything unnecessary from the frame. Don't forget about this the next time you go online.

Take advantage of just this opportunity: by looking at your image on the monitor, and not by twirling in front of the mirror. Only this will bring you as close as possible to the client’s perception.

Just as no one wants to look at an unkempt girl, so there is no desire to communicate with a gloomy, withdrawn, taciturn person. So try to think positive. A good mood and a friendly attitude towards people will be a wonderful help to your success. It is important to capture the client’s psychological mood and at the same time remain yourself. Then, feeling your uniqueness and kindness, they will be drawn to you again and again.

It is important to remember that girls working in the webcam business face ill-wishers. But don’t be afraid of this, the most they can do is write nasty things in the chat. You shouldn’t pay attention to them, and it’s easy to ban those who are too annoying, with just one keystroke.

Preparing the model for work

Visual educational material has been collected for the models, which will tell you how to behave correctly and what mistakes can be avoided later. After all, it is always better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.

It is important to know that the model should look great in the environment that she creates herself. You can't blend into the background. For example, if the girl is red-haired, you should not cover the sofa with a red covering or hang a picture in red tones on the wall.

The main rule is to pay attention to the situation and clothing. The member should not divert his attention from the model. And the decor should emphasize the silhouette and shape of the girl. Everything should be conducive to the client having the most enjoyable time possible.

YES: Tight and modest clothing can highlight all lines. A beautiful setting in discreet gray and white tones will highlight the model’s eye-catching makeup and hair color. This is the perfect combination of the girl’s appearance and the setting. That is, harmony must be observed above all.

NO: The girl is very close to the camera. The background is replete with orange-red tones, the girl is red-haired and wearing a yellow jacket. Thus, her appearance is completely lost. And if there is also no makeup, one can imagine the “success” of such communication. In such a situation, this is not a winning option.

In addition to the fact that a web model must use her charms given to her by nature, she must skillfully convey her own emotions.

The client must understand that she is interested in the communication process and this should be expressed in her facial expressions. In this situation, winks, languid glances, and smiles must be controlled.

The face should reflect emotions: passion, surprise, desire and sometimes even slightly feigned sadness.

YES: A bewitching look, a languid smile - this is just what you need! You need to be active and alive. Wink, bite your sponge in a sexy way. This is what the client should always see. This kind of trick is the key to a large flow of guests in your “room”.

NO: Dissatisfied or boring facial expression. Approximately such a picture can give the client the impression that the girl was forced to go online. Even a yawn should be shy and sweet. It is important to realize that you are constantly under the radar of cameras.

Most girls will never go out without makeup. And it doesn’t matter whether she’s going to throw out the trash or to a party. What if at this time her future husband comes forward to meet her, and she is not wearing makeup? Girls like these deserve respect.

Despite the fact that men love natural beauty, it is not worth showing it during the first few meetings. Beauty must be emphasized, but done correctly; too much makeup often causes the opposite effect and scares away the object of adoration.

The right makeup can magically highlight your strengths and hide your flaws. Therefore, you should go out in public with the right makeup and hairstyle. They must match the mood and setting. The way you wear to work should be given special attention, as you need to make the right impression on clients and colleagues.

As an example, you can take a blonde who is in a bright room.

YES: Catchy but very neat makeup and dark clothes will help you not blend into the general background. For a suitable hairstyle, just make a few backcombs and curl your hair with an iron. The curls are neat and natural.

NO: Coming into a public place without any makeup is unacceptable. It is imperative to take care of your hair; for many clients this is very important, and they pay attention to the hair first. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who has washed his hair and neatly styled his hair.

A girl will look great if she draws arrows and chooses a wardrobe in red tones. Thus, the girl will immediately stand out from the general background and attract attention.

YES: Do you prefer more “natural” makeup? You can use light shadows, transparent gloss or balm, and also cheat with a combination of powder and bronzer. For a complete look, simply style your hair with mousse.

NO: If you use “natural” tones incorrectly, you can ruin even the most beautiful face. A ponytail hairstyle is contraindicated for this type of makeup. Just loose hair or a beautiful braid, the right makeup and good lighting will quickly fix the problem.

Another very important place in a girl’s life is the wardrobe. The main thing is that it is chosen correctly and harmoniously combines with makeup and hairstyle. Even if a girl is wearing a minimum of clothes, she should still choose carefully.

If a girl belongs to the “Nude” category, she may appear in front of the camera in beautiful underwear. If it’s in the “Flirting” category, then the outfit should be more modest. But there are some nuances here too.

YES: For a brunette girl from the “Nude” category, an elegant red bodysuit (preferably with push-up) is ideal. Good makeup, hairstyle, correctly chosen pose - all this is the key to success among clients in this category.

NO: A brunette with suitable parameters, dressed in a sports bodysuit, will not attract clients. This choice does not emphasize her advantages at all, but rather hides them. Lace would look very good on her and would create a rather interesting look.

YES: Girls from the Flirting category can play with combinations of modesty and eroticism. Such combinations are truly win-win. Sometimes a girl in clothes can look sexier than naked. The right image, setting and artistry did their job.

NO: The inability to choose the right clothes, angle, hairstyle and makeup immediately lowers your rating both at work and in life. If you needed to find an example of what not to do, this is it. It’s immediately obvious that such a girl can interest few people.

We want to present for you a clear example of how much influence lighting has. Where is the answer to your question, why webcam models always need to monitor the lighting. Darkening, as well as excess light, should not be allowed.

You need to know that by playing with light and shadow, you can highlight each of your advantages, but it is also possible to push the place of your profile to the last!

YES: Proper exposure of light in a sufficiently bright room is the result of your decent image. Try to follow the light from a natural source, using mirrors and light colors, especially if the room is large and artificial lighting is not easy to achieve.

NO: If there is darkness, then the girl's camera will not be able to focus. This is where we can conclude that lighting plays a key role for a considerable number of webcams. Check how important the correct placement of lighting fixtures is.

They are one of the most important. In such cases as: color saturation is not conveyed, when creating a romantic color, it is not possible to focus well and there is no clarity in the image transmission! Perhaps you have to replace your camera, or take up its settings in order to fully carry out your work activities.

YES: When setting up your webcam, adjust the colors and add saturation. These types of settings, with the presence of lighting, produce clear images and natural colors.

NO: That's what they were talking about! One has only to look at this saturation of warm tones, and it is immediately clear that from excess, unnatural beauty appears. It turns out that the video was made in the nineties. Girls, not wanting to have such problems, pay attention to the lighting and webcam settings.

How to behave in a video chat

If you are really seriously thinking about a career as a webcam model, you are probably already aware of the main aspects of this difficult but interesting job.

However, some professional subtleties can only be learned through practice. Fortunately, you always have the opportunity to learn from other people’s mistakes, namely, to observe the behavior of other, successful and not so successful, models in front of the camera.

What professional secrets can you find out by “spying” on experienced ladies?

Sadly, the number of clients who can be lured by a beautiful but static picture is confidently approaching zero these days. Of course, this does not mean that close-ups are unacceptable.

Shot from a beautiful angle of a girl’s lips or legs will help attract the client’s attention, but then this attention must be somehow retained.

Experience shows that members are much more pleased to watch an active girl: dancing, posing, or even simply walking around the room.

After all, a beautiful gait, a smooth sway of the hips and a demonstration of grace and flexibility will never leave the viewer indifferent! The main thing is not to let the client get bored: a good model changes the shooting angle every 2-3 minutes.

The need to drink water, fix your makeup, or even change clothes is an absolutely normal work moment. No one will judge you if you take a few minutes to focus on your needs while turning off the broadcast.

However, if a model does not want to lose precious paid working minutes, she is not at all forbidden to go about her business right in front of the client.

The most important thing is to beautifully play out the process itself. Do you want to have a snack without stopping from work? Not a problem, because there is nothing more erotic than a beautiful girl enjoying fresh fruit with pleasure.

Thirsty? Drink water through a straw; most men find this incredibly exciting. Even fixing your makeup can be sexy, you just have to approach it with the right attitude.

Many aspiring models make the mistake of allowing the viewer to see only their body and hiding their face. This behavior creates a kind of barrier between the girl and her client, considerably cooling the latter’s interest. However, you shouldn’t rush to the other extreme either: after all, a man who is satisfied with the contemplation of a pretty woman’s face will not resort to the services of webcam models.

Due to the fact that most webcam services do not work with clients from the CIS, the likelihood of being recognized by someone you know is extremely low for working girls. However, this medal also has a downside, the name of which is the language barrier. It is worth considering that most clients will prefer to interact with a model who knows at least a few phrases in international English and will work out this issue in advance.

Remember that the more satisfied the client is, the better the webcam model’s work is paid!

How to become a webcam model

I am 19 years old, studying to be a journalist. In my free time I play video games, board games, go to concerts, go to field games, do a little cosplay and crafting (handmade items. - Note ed.) - most often I create equipment for field games for adults from the riot police. These guys are all very serious, but they love to dress up in costumes of fantasy heroes, drink vodka, run through the forest and hit each other with rubber weapons. In the summer, if possible, I’ll hitchhike around the country.

Webcam modeling is a job where you communicate with viewers (using a webcam), fulfilling some of their requests. Webcams are often compared to pornography because in both cases there is a naked girl sitting in the frame. I learned about the existence of this profession at the age of 15 from my boyfriend, who was much older than me. He said that there are girls who simply stream themselves (broadcast their image online. - Note ed.) and get good money for it.

Later on VKontakte I saw a post that a webcam studio was recruiting models: they promised dust-free remote work with good earnings and no dress code. One of the main requirements was knowledge of foreign languages. I found out that in every million-plus city there are several webcam studios that do a full-fledged business on streams (most of them are concentrated in St. Petersburg). Studios are ordinary three- or four-room apartments, each of which houses a model. Typically, studios have a large base of girls who change, for example, every six hours. The studio receives a percentage of donations.

Most of the time, webcam models just have to communicate with members. We can talk about cats and penguins, Putin and Navalny, video games and modern art

I wrote to the author of that post, but since I was underage, they didn’t take me. That didn't stop me. I started looking for people who work in the studio and asking them about how to start working for yourself. An agent from one of the studios recommended good sites (mostly foreign) where anyone can stream.

I didn’t really need money: even then I made money by selling virtual gold in World of Warcraft. I was just interested in trying webcam as an experience, the process itself was interesting. I was never afraid of anything and did not see a problem in the fact that at my age I was interested in work that involved sex. It didn’t even stop me that webcams fall under the article on pornography (Article 242 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal production and circulation of pornographic materials or objects.” - Note ed.). I had too much free time and the desire to occupy myself with something. It doesn’t sound very good, I understand, but when you’re 15 you won’t get a job.

About expectations

When I started, I had no serious fears about work. Most of all, I was worried that I would have little income or that payments from a foreign site would not reach my Russian card. I thought I would basically have to be naked and masturbate on camera. But everything turned out to be much happier: most of the time, webcam models just have to communicate with members (that’s what stream viewers are called in webcams. - Note ed.). We can talk about cats and penguins, Putin and Navalny, video games and modern art, or do something on a role-playing topic to get used to it. I don't necessarily get asked to take my clothes off, sometimes it can just be dancing.

One of the advantages of webcam is that on the site you can choose the girl’s body type that you like. I am a non-standard model, so when a person comes to me, he knows what he will see. There is no negativity about my weight. In general, webcams are a better medium than professional porn. The main thing in streaming is to please the audience: I know a lot of beautiful girls, but they don’t know how to communicate with the audience. If you cannot interest and hook people, they will leave you.

How streams work

It's hard to start from scratch. There are many different girls on cam sites, so you have to work on your image for a long time in order to somehow attract the public. The more often you go on air, the more people see and remember you. It took me almost three years to gain regular viewers. Now on average 600 people watch me from several sites, my record is 1200 members per shift.

My workspace on the site consists of three columns : I am displayed on the left, and the general chat of the viewers is displayed on the middle. The rightmost column shows the nicknames of the members: their names glow in different colors, and opposite the approximate balance of their personal wallet is indicated.

In the general chat, I usually chat, smoke cigarettes, vape, hookah and something else that cannot be named. Viewers sit in this chat for free, but can send me tips. Usually I fulfill some requests from the comments so that people don’t leave, I manipulate the fact that I will go to bed if they don’t send me donations (reward. - Note ed.). In a word, I feel like a dictator. The general chat is full of freeloaders: they don’t have money, so they’re trying to cheat the model for at least a piece of her nipple.

Webcam is a more body-positive environment than professional porn

One of the members can invite me to a private show, and if I agree, the main broadcast is paused. During private meetings, the usual masturbation, heart-to-heart conversations, striptease, role-playing games, playing mistress or slave, trying on different images and lingerie take place. Private conversations can involve one to several people, but most often they take place one-on-one. The private broadcast time depends on how much money the member has in his account. There have been cases when a person was thrown out of a private group due to lack of funds. One of my longest privates lasted 2.5 hours. All this time, money was withdrawn from the guy’s account and transferred to me (one minute - one and a half dollars). Also in private there is a “Spy” mode: the member can watch, but cannot comment - it’s cheaper.

About money

There is no and never will be real money on webcam sites. Instead, there are tokens, that is, a currency that a member purchases in order to sit in private chats or give tips to the model. Each site has different prices. Let’s say the site sells one token for one dollar, but the model will not get a whole dollar, but at best 60 cents.

Typically, I stream three to four times a week from eight in the evening to three or four in the morning. Sometimes a little less often, but that’s only if I’m sick or on vacation. Still, making money on a webcam depends on how often and consistently you appear on sites, so I try to stick to a schedule. Professional models can easily lift several times more per shift without doing anything. I work very lazily and leisurely, I can send members to their own dicks. About 50–60 thousand rubles come out per month. For a small provincial town, especially for a student, this is decent money. I have no mania to buy a tenth iPhone, so no one has any questions about where the money comes from. I spend some on entertainment, I recently bought myself a new computer, and I also save for travel.

What are the members asking for?

When I started working, absolutely any requests from members seemed strange to me, but now I’m used to it. I covered myself in paint, licked stuffed animals, washed stockings, and once even faked suicide. If we talk about taboos, I don’t do anything that is prohibited by the rules of the site: for example, you can’t show blood, waste, excessive cruelty and animals in the frame. You should also not drink or use drugs. On the site where I work, cruelty and many complex BDSM practices are allowed. I myself do not accept golden games (urophilia. - Note ed.), as well as chocolate fun (coprophilia. - Note ed.). Once I arranged an independent shibari-suspension (a special method of tying with ropes. - Note ed.) and play piercing (temporary piercing, which is often used to create an ornament. - Note ed.).

Streams, like porn, have various subsections and tags. There are webcams with first-person shooting, there are informal ones, and there are “furry monsters with black holes.” Recently, a popular toy is Lovense - a vibrator that can be controlled via the Internet. The girl inserts it into herself, and when she receives donations, it vibrates. I also have props: a decent arsenal of several sets of ropes and purely BDSM equipment is slowly being assembled from sex toys. Sometimes I purposefully sew a costume specifically for webcam.

I covered myself in paint, licked stuffed animals, washed stockings, and once even faked suicide.

There are many webcam models among the viewers, so if a movie or game comes out, the girls quickly look for a suitable costume. Some of the most popular cosplays are the heroines of Overwatch Diva And Tracer . Previously, the game Dota 2 was still popular. Of the films, superhero themes are most valued: literally six months ago, every fifth girl did skits under Harley Quinn from .

As for me, webcams are much better quality, more soulful and more realistic than most porn. It’s unlikely that I could be a porn actress, although both professions seem similar. I think that to some extent, a webcam model is required even more than a porn actress: you need to be able to talk with a crowd and in private, find an approach to different people and feel their mood. Quite often you have to act as a psychologist or sexologist. From time to time, I record and edit videos for my pages on webcam sites: these can be clips from streams or specially recorded videos. Buying individual videos is cheaper than chatting online (plus, you can get to know me through them if I'm offline). Rates for ten-minute videos start at $10–$15.

About the types of members

I have my own system by which I divide clients. Omezhki-virgins - you have to communicate with them a lot; married people - they know what they want, they are the easiest to handle; fetishists - as a rule, they fetishize feet, armpits, stockings and some toys; sick bastards are a subcategory of fetishists who couldn’t find the porn they needed on the Internet, so they try to recreate it themselves. I can't stand whiners without money who pressure me to pity me so that I pay attention to them. They ruin my mood and also make me feel guilty.

I mainly work with foreigners. I like the European mentality - they believe that people should be treated more calmly. There is nothing negative on Russian sites in general either, but I just don’t like their contingent. Plus, younger comrades write to me from European sites. Usually men under 45 years old go to Russian sites, and I feel very uncomfortable with them. I don't know how to describe it - you just have to be a girl to understand this difference.

What others think

My parents don’t know about my part-time job, although I live with them: we have a good relationship, so I don’t see any point in moving out yet. Thanks to mom’s delicious cutlets, dad’s philosophy and excellent sound insulation. I told my friends: they don’t judge me, but sometimes they tease me and make fun of me. Some people, when they find out about the money, say that they also want to try webcamming.

I can't stand whiners without money who pressure me to pity me so that I pay attention to them. They ruin my mood and also make me feel guilty

I used to have a boyfriend. I told him for a long time that I stream in the “Flirt” and “No-nude” sections - that is, only conversations, without undressing and masturbation. But one day I burned myself out. I was telling my friend that I bought new props for streaming, and he happened to be nearby at that moment. I had to tell the whole truth: he reacted normally, did not judge me and even joked: “Thank you for not” (a person who makes “bookmarks” with drugs. - Note ed.). Nevertheless, I decided to part with him in order to easily earn money and dance on bar counters in other cities and countries without remorse. I believe that while I am young, I should travel, party and meet new people. And with a young man you have to report.

About body not giving a fuck and the future

Since coming to webcam, I have become easier to relate to people and their bodies - now I don’t see anything shameful in a naked body. This is less acceptance than body-indifference: my body is none of your business. I became much more relaxed about sex and finding partners, and learned to distinguish between sincere feelings and simple animal passion. I finally accepted my body and stopped looking at it as something wrong or unsexy. An important rule: if a person’s hand is in your panties, then it’s too late to be ashamed of the fat on your sides and a pimple on your thigh. At the same time, thanks to webcam, I take better care of myself: I prefer to get my nails done, rub my heels, or buy a new wig. Without this, I would have put the screw on myself a long time ago.

In addition, some exhibitionist habits appeared. Of course, I won’t go to the park to open my coat and jerk off in half-empty minibuses, but I notice that I like to masturbate in front of an unknown audience. This may increase your sense of self-importance and self-esteem. But in real life I don’t do crazy things.

If a person’s hand is in your panties, then it’s too late to be ashamed of the fat on your sides and the pimple on your thigh.

People have jerked off, are jerking off and will jerk off. Personally, I don’t know a single webcam site that would be closed by Roskomnadzor (the department in the register of prohibited resources Chaturbate, Bongacams and Streamate. - Ed.). Webcam is online prostitution. It has always been there, it’s just that now it has migrated to the Internet. I support the legalization of prostitution. But in Russia, it seems to me, this cannot be achieved for several more generations: there are still many Soviet and religious prejudices left. First of all, legalization will benefit people who work in this field: legal protection, improved health, less chance of being scammed. In addition, this will reduce the number of girls who work against their will. Sooner or later prostitution will be legalized everywhere.

I plan to leave webcam - into journalism or crafting. You can earn even more money on props than on a webcam if you devote all your time to it. I love Russia very much, but I hope that in the future I will be able to move to Europe. I do a little political activism, I was a photographer for all political parties - I was interested in how each party worked. It turned out that everything is the same everywhere - corruption. As Saltykov-Shchedrin said: “Wake me up in a hundred years and ask what is happening in Russia now. And I will answer - they drink and steal.”

Hello dear friends. Today I will tell you what they exist. What conditions do they offer? Read, choose what suits you best. Work and earn money. And so, let's go.

For me, the absolute leader is the company ModelMe.
I'll explain why:
The most important advantage is the ability to work on several sites simultaneously.
All possible video chats are presented.
A payment of 90 percent of your earnings, not bad, right?
Several options for paying wages.
Very convenient registration, simple and clear personal account.
It is possible to block clients from Russia and CIS countries.
Competent support 24 hours a day.
Registration link

Video conference BongaCams is very profitable website. He is in demand among the members. By registering there, you can earn big money, very big money.
They promise:
60 percent of earnings received.
25 percent of payments from clients you refer.
5 percent of the earnings of the models you refer.
There are also weekly contests where winnings amount to $13,000.
Registration for models and studios

Imlive website.

The web model can set the price for a minute of private communication.

The lowest price is $1.98 and the highest is $4.98.

But for the first 90 minutes of work, the price will be fixed at $0.98.

They pay 35% of earnings.

I will help you register. All you need to do is leave me your name and email address.
You will find my contact information at the very top of the site.


Possibility to work without nudity.

You set the price for private communication yourself from $1.49 to 5.50%

Payout of earned money is 35%

To register you need to provide your name, email address and send it to me.

You will find my contact information above.

These are not all sites for working as a webcam model. There are, of course, a lot of them, I just listed the main ones.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the payment percentages will be the same if you work at home and not in a studio. If you are going to work in a studio, then you will also have to share percentages with it. For me it's better at home. Maybe someone doesn’t have the opportunity to work at home, due to technical or household parameters, then yes, in the studio you can, for starters, try yourself in the profession of a webcam model. But for me it is not desirable. Why feed a few more extra mouths?
Having analyzed this topic to its core, I realized that if you are neither lazy nor quit the work you just started, then you can actually make a lot of money. All in your hands!
The Internet has given many people the opportunity to earn good money. Don't miss your chance, because it comes once in a lifetime!
I also advise you to read the article by S.
I wish you big earnings!

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