In what form can wheat be given to rabbits? Steamed

A cereal diet is the basis that many rabbit breeders adhere to when keeping long-eared rodents. This food can be found anywhere, and at a fairly reasonable price. But what kind of grain should we feed rabbits and what type of grain is best suited for creating a nutritious diet? We will talk about this in our article.

Many rabbit breeders know that grain is very beneficial for rabbits if given correctly. This food is recommended due to its high nutritional value. It is absorbed better than milk powder or bone meal, which are given as protein supplements. High-quality raw materials contain fats, carbohydrates and protein in the required quantities. During the cold season, it is simply necessary to feed rabbits with cereals, since they can lose weight on hay and vegetables.

Barley, oats and wheat are the best grains suitable for feeding rabbits. Animals always eat them with appetite, and besides, these crops are inexpensive and are sold in any market.

Along with barley and oats, the eared ones are also fed corn. Oats are useful because they are digested better than barley, without adding excess fat to the animal. When feeding mainly barley supplements, rabbits develop a lot of internal fat. Wheat in large quantities causes bloating, and corn will also add extra weight. That is why rabbit breeders practice mixing different crops, each with its own proportions.

Remember that if you decide to feed your rabbits grain, they must have water available at all times. It is best to change it twice a day - morning and evening. If that doesn’t work, then at least once a day. Next, we invite you to watch a video about making food for rabbits based on grain and mixed feed. According to the farmer, this diet is most conducive to weight gain in rabbits.

How should you give?

To properly feed rabbits with grain, you need to be able to “cook” it, that is, figure out how best to give it and in what quantity. For example, many people prefer to feed their pets grains in dry form, so to speak, raw. But experienced rabbit breeders say that barley needs to be crushed, as it is too hard. For these purposes, devices such as grain crushers are used.

Corn, like barley, is best crushed and then steamed with hot water. It is recommended to give oats and wheat in their pure form, without water or crushing; these are soft crops and are easy for rabbits to chew. In addition, both wheat and barley can be sprouted, but this is more of a delicacy than an everyday product.

Crops such as rice and ready-made boiled porridges are not given to long-eared rodents. You should also not give bread made from white wheat flour, bread made from dark flour, or yeast rolls. These products will increase the amount of mucus in the gastrointestinal tract and lead to fermentation.


How to steam grain correctly? A mixture of crops or one crop is poured into a bucket, leaving 10 cm to the edge. Pour boiling water over it, taking into account that the contents of the bucket will increase. Then add a tablespoon of salt and mix. Cover the steamed mixture with a lid and leave for 5-6 hours.

You can prepare steamed cereals for half a bucket or even less. It all depends on the number of rabbits on your farm.


Sometimes you can feed rabbits a yeast mixture - this method is used to accelerate their growth and weight gain. It is best used for meat breeds. Any grain is ground, filled with warm water 1:2 (1 kg of grain + 2 liters of water). You must first dissolve 35-36 grams of baker's yeast in this water. After pouring, the mixture is stirred and left for 6-9 hours.

During the yeasting period, stir the mixture several times. It is recommended to leave this “starter” overnight and feed the rabbits in the morning. Add about 2-3 tbsp. spoons of mash per feeding to dry cereal mass. They feed them this way for several days, then remove the yeast mixture and give them other food. This food is most often given to rabbits that have reached the age of 4 months.

How to feed?

Different categories of rabbits have their own feeding categories. For example, adolescent rabbits are given a mixture, half of which is wheat. The second half is a combination of equal parts corn and barley. Lactating females are given oats and barley (50 to 50), they are high in calories and nutrition. But breeding males are fed a quarter of wheat plus three parts of oats.

According to Zolotukhin's method

A distinctive point in Zolotukhin’s method is feeding rabbits with dry or soaked grain. Females are given dry whole oats at rest, and crushed barley is introduced before mating and litter. For kids who can already eat themselves, they are given steamed oats, followed by a little barley, and it is better to introduce it in the summer. Crushed corn is introduced after 4 months. Well, adult males from 6 months and older can eat a dry oat-barley mixture, plus a little corn at every meal.

Video “What are the benefits of rolled cereals?”

In this video, a rabbit breeder talks about why it is better to give rolled grain to animals.

How to properly feed rabbits wheat? Many rabbit breeders know how important variety in their diet is for their pets. And in order to ensure this, it is necessary that the rabbit’s menu contains as many diverse products as possible. The fact that rabbits are herbivores and you can feed them grass is clear even to a child. But what about grains, is it possible to give wheat to rabbits?

Wheat in the diet of rabbits Grain feeds, and this includes the wheat we are interested in, are very nutritious, which is why they are sometimes also called concentrates. The energy value of 100 grams of wheat is 360 Kcal or 1505 kJ. And this cereal contains: Proteins – about 14 g; Fats – 2-2.5 g; Carbohydrates – 68-71 g; Vitamins of groups B and E; Protein. When supplementing your long-eared pet's diet with wheat, pay attention to his age-specific needs and the level of nutritional value of other foods he consumes. Wheat should generally be fed in combination with other grains such as oats, barley, and corn.

Most rabbit breeders agree that the amount of concentrated feed should not exceed 30-40% of the total amount of food consumed. This figure may vary in some specific cases. For example, during the period of intensive fattening, the amount of wheat in grain mixtures is increased, since it has a high calorie content and promotes rapid weight gain. Wheat bran is also good for fattening. More concentrated feeds can be given during lactation and pregnancy. However, feeding wheat alone is not recommended, due to the fact that it can cause bloating in the animal’s intestines and disrupt the mineral balance of the body. This is due to the high gluten content in it. How to feed it correctly A variety of wheat is used to feed domestic rodents: raw, steamed, sprouted. There is no consensus as to which of them is more useful. It is recommended to combine and alternate them. As we have already mentioned, it is not recommended to give wheat as a separate feed; it is better to include it in grain mixtures or mixed feed. You can buy them ready-made, or you can cook them yourself

Below is a recipe for universal feed (which contains the cereal we are interested in) in percentage: Cereals (wheat, oats, corn, barley) – 60%; Cake and meal – 15%; Wheat bran – 15%; Fish and meat and bone meal – 3%; Salt, chalk – 2-3%; Premixes. Before feeding your pets, it is recommended to grind such feed and thoroughly mix the ingredients together. In order for rabbits to eat it with greater appetite, many breeders recommend preparing wet mash from it, into which you can also add potatoes. Let's look at how else rabbits can consume wheat below. In its raw form, rabbits eat raw wheat quite readily. But, again, we repeat, it is better to give it in tandem with other grains. Grain is fed both whole and crushed into smaller fractions. Wheat is also included in the diet of domestic decorative rabbits, since gnawing this fairly hard product causes the animal to wear down its teeth. Many breeders note that feeding rabbits dry grain is very convenient, as it requires minimal labor - just pour the grain into the feeder and you're done. Steamed It is believed that steamed grain is better absorbed by long-eared pets and contains less fiber that is difficult to digest. In order to steam wheat, it is poured into a specially prepared container, poured with boiling water at a ratio of 1:2 and a tablespoon of salt is added (1 spoon per bucket of cereal). Then cover and leave for 5-6 hours. Both whole and crushed grains are steamed. Some breeders also use the yeast method for wheat. Yeasted grain promotes extremely rapid weight gain for animals; up to 30% of the fiber in grain processed in this way is more easily absorbed. But it can be given only during fattening and with some frequency to avoid obesity. For yeast, only crushed wheat is used. It is steamed in the manner described above and baker's yeast diluted in warm water is added to it. Yeast should be approximately 1-2% of the weight of the grain mixture. The resulting slurry is thoroughly mixed and left in a warm place for 6-9 hours. It is optimal to carry out yeasting in the evening, then by the morning you will have a “dish” ready for your rabbits, which you can safely feed them. Sprouted wheat will be especially useful for your pets. This is an excellent vitamin supplement that contains vitamins B, C, E and a number of enzymes. As a rule, sprouted grain is given to breeding stock, males and females, before mating, during lactation, and before giving birth. The germination procedure is as follows. Dry grain is soaked for a day and left in a warm place.

Many people keep rabbits at home, but, like newcomers to this business, not everyone knows what and how to feed their pets. But this is very important; along with food, animals receive useful substances, vitamins, carbons and fats, which are so necessary for normal growth and healthy immunity of the body. Next, we’ll look at feeding rabbits with grain: which grains are best to choose and how to prepare them correctly.

Choosing grain for rabbits

Before deciding on the method of feeding the grain that the rabbits will eat and which will bring them maximum benefit, because not all grain is suitable for the animal, and they don’t even like some of it, let’s find out what kind of grain is best to give to rabbits.

  1. Barley is one of the best crops for rabbits, they are excellent for feeding and plus, rabbits love it and eat it with pleasure (as do the grains presented below - wheat and oats). This cereal has a beneficial effect on the animal's digestive system. Suitable for feeding young individuals and females during the period of their activation and fruiting, since it is saturated with a whole bunch of nutrients.
  2. Wheat also occupies a leading position in the diet of rabbits. But, unlike the previous one, it can cause bloating, but only when fed in large doses. But it brings no less benefits than barley with the correct dosage.
  3. Oats are excellent for feeding eared animals. It has a positive effect on reproductive functions, plus it is nutritious and does not cause obesity. You also need to take into account that it is absorbed better than barley.
  4. Corn - although not as popular as the above-mentioned cereals, is also good for feeding. It has a rich fat content and is indispensable for feeding females. But, if you feed only corn, then the rabbits can have problems with obesity,

When answering the question of what grain to feed rabbits, you cannot choose just one grain; for this you use a grain mixture. If you feed rabbits with a mixture of the presented crops, then the rabbits will grow large and healthy, and the body will be fully saturated with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. But, in order to mix the mixture, you need to know the proportions and in what form it is best to feed it to rabbits. Before moving on to how to make a mixture with your own hands, it should be noted that feeding grain requires a constant supply of water for eared animals.

How to feed rabbits

The Internet is full of video lessons on this topic, so for those who want to see everything with their own eyes, there will be no obstacles. Next, we will look at the existing methods of preparing food, how best to give it to pets and what quantity to include in the diet. We will discuss below the types of preparation of mixtures for feeding rabbits.

  1. Dry grain can be fed to pets, and the vast majority prefer this method. Since it does not require a lot of time, effort and energy, it is easy and simple to prepare, and most importantly, very quickly. But here it should be taken into account that grains such as corn and barley need to be crushed (videos teaching how to do this easily and quickly on your own can be found on the Internet). It is believed that in its pure form the grain is too hard and difficult for the rabbit to handle. It is even better to steam these two cereals in hot water, but you can also give them in their pure form. In turn, wheat and oats are best given in their pure form, since they are soft crops and are easily chewed by rabbits. Some farmers practice and recommend sprouting species such as wheat and barley, but this is best used as a treat and given occasionally.
  2. Steaming also does not require much time, the whole process is quick and easy. To do this, take a ready-made mixture of any of the listed grains in equal proportions or a separate type and pour it into a bucket, not filling it to the edges by about 10 cm. Next, the entire taken crop is poured with boiling water, not to the edges, since the grain porridge will increase in volume. A spoonful of salt is added to the resulting mixture, and the whole thing is set aside for about 6 hours, while closing the bucket with a lid, do not forget to mix everything before doing this. After this, you can safely feed your rabbits. When cooking using this method, the proportions can be reduced or increased depending on the size of your animal group.
  3. Yeasting is great for meat breeds as it accelerates weight gain. These breeds eat this food well. To prepare it, you need a grain mixture, or grains in their pure form, necessarily ground, and pour it all with warm water (in which about 35 grams of yeast, preferably baker’s, is pre-soaked) in the proportion of 2 liters of warm water per 1 kg of grain. After this, the resulting slurry is mixed well and left alone for 6 hours, during this entire period it is recommended to stir. It is best to leave the food to infuse overnight, and add it to the feeding in the morning (it is not used in the food in its pure form, but 2-3 tablespoons are added to dry food). It is important to consider that yeast can be included in feeding strictly from 4 months.

Feeding rabbits with grain mixture (video)


IT CAN'T BE CHEAPER! feeding rabbits only wheat!

How to properly feed your pets

A properly prepared treat should also be properly fed to your animals. There are two methods for this: one is the usual one, which is familiar to everyone and has no special features, and one can be fed using the Zolotukhin method.

  1. As a first principle, it should be taken into account that feeding rabbits depends on their age category. So early-year-old rabbits and teenagers should be given porridge in a mixture of wheat (50%), corn (25%) and barley (25%). It is customary to give nursing rabbits oats and barley in equal proportions; they have a high calorie content and are enriched with nutrients that females need so much during feeding. But adult males, who are being prepared for breeding, are given 75% wheat and 25% oats.
  2. But among all, Zolotukhin’s method stands out - with it, rabbits eat dry or soaked grains. According to Zolotukhin’s method, food should be given in the following order: to a female at rest, it is customary to give oats in a whole state, not steamed, and before mating and chickling, crushed barley is introduced into the diet. Kids who have begun to feed themselves eat oats that are steamed. Then it is possible to take barley, which is preferably introduced in the summer, and after 4 months crushed corn is added. Starting from 6 months, rabbits are allowed to be given an oat-barley mixture and a small amount of corn at each meal, all of which should be dry.

Final part

After reading the information in the article, you should understand which grain is best for rabbits, and what you will feed your animals in the future. As a result, grain for rabbits is an essential food for a healthy existence and a full range of nutrients. Therefore, do not exclude it from your pets’ diet - the main thing is to maintain the correct proportions.

Even a child can understand it. But what about grains? Can rabbits be fed wheat?

Wheat must be included in the diet of rabbits because:

— wheat is a valuable source of protein, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins

— abrasive particles contained in the grain grind down the teeth of rabbits, preventing their excessive growth.

Wheat can be given either raw or steamed or.

As a rule, wheat in its raw form is included in feed or grain mixtures in an amount of about 30%. When feeding pregnant, lactating or animals intended for intensive feeding, the amount of wheat can be increased. For newborn rabbits (since their digestive apparatus is still poorly adapted), wheat should be gradually introduced into the diet. You need to start with a small amount and add it to or into the potato mash.

It is important to know: Wheat alone should not be used as a monofeed. This can lead to mineral imbalance. Pre-steamed wheat is better absorbed by rabbits. You can steam both whole and crushed wheat. This is a very simple way to provide rabbits with a highly digestible meal. To do this, pour 1 part of the grain with 2 parts of boiling water and add 1 tbsp. spoon onto a bucket of grain. Then cover the container and leave it for 5 hours.

For better palatability, the feed mass can be enriched with vitamins. To do this, yeast is carried out: baker's yeast diluted with warm water (2% of the total volume) is added to the steamed grain. Then everything is mixed and left in a warm place for 8 hours. If the mixture is prepared in the evening, then in the morning the rabbits will have a hearty and healthy breakfast. Yeasted grain is good to feed during fattening. Sprouted wheat will be very useful for pregnant rabbits, males and females, before pregnancy. Thanks to the high content of vitamins and enzymes, wheat sprouts will improve the metabolism and general condition of the producers, and this will contribute to the birth of healthy offspring. You can read about how to get sprouted grains in this article. It is not worth sprouting a large amount of grain, because the larger the sprout, the less nutritional value it contains. And do not forget that this is only a vitamin supplement and not as a basic nutrition. Only by alternating different ways of eating wheat will you provide your pets with a varied and healthy diet.

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If you are a beginning farmer and don’t know whether it is possible to feed rabbits with wheat, then you need to understand that this grain crop is rich in nutrients that are vital for rodents. But first you have to learn the rules of feeding.

Benefits and harms

Wheat contains a large amount of carbohydrates (up to 75%), proteins, fats, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins E, K, B, C, A, as well as a group of minerals - phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium and sodium. Therefore, it has the following properties:

  • fills the body with energy;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • removes harmful substances;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • promotes the proper distribution of nutrients in the body.

Thus, by consuming this grain, the rabbit will grow healthy and energetic. But wheat is famous not only for its beneficial properties. It turns out that it is extremely important for rodents to chew grains, since they contain abrasive particles, thanks to which the teeth are ground down, which, in turn, prevents their too rapid growth and the occurrence of pathologies such as malocclusion.

The nutritional value of grain is 360 Kcal/100 grams, so the dosage must be strictly observed. Otherwise, the rabbit will develop obesity, which will negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.

If you overfeed an animal with wheat, you can harm it:

  1. Wheat contains gluten, which in large quantities leads to flatulence (bloating).
  2. Grain does not contain absolutely all vitamins and microelements, so if you do not diversify the menu and feed your pet only wheat, an imbalance of nutrients occurs. Read more about what vitamins rabbits need and what foods to get them from.
  3. In case of an overdose, the body's absorption of minerals is blocked, since the cereal contains phytates (antinutrients).

How to properly feed wheat to rabbits?

Wheat grain is a food crop that has been used everywhere for many centuries, but it began to be introduced into food for rabbits relatively recently - several decades ago. It is used in different forms - raw, sprouted, steamed, ground, etc.


It is customary to feed raw grains simultaneously with other feeds, for example, mixed feed, grain mixture. Wheat can be crushed or added whole. But its amount should not exceed 30% of the total mass of the grain mixture. There is an exception - when intensive fattening is carried out, another 10% is added. Very young rabbits are given wheat in the form of bran, mixed with potatoes or herbs.

Raw grains are considered roughage food, so they are introduced to rabbits carefully - initially the grains are crushed and given in small quantities, but over time the portion is increased and added to the overall mixture in its entirety.


If wheat grain is steamed, poorly digestible fiber evaporates from it, so the product is absorbed much more easily. You can steam the grain whole or crushed:

  • pour 1 part of the grain into the container;
  • pour “steep” boiling water (2 parts);
  • add table salt (1 tbsp per bucket of grains);
  • cover tightly with a lid;
  • leave to infuse for 5 hours.

Rabbits really like the taste of fermented wheat, which is steamed in a similar way, but with the addition of baker's yeast to the mixture (there should be a maximum of 2% of the total mass). This method of steaming is called yeasting.


Sprouted wheat is preferred not only by animals, but also by people, because it contains a significant amount of vitamins. It can be considered a complete vitamin supplement.

When to give sprouted wheat:

  • during lactation;
  • during gestation of rabbits, especially just before birth;
  • immediately after birth.

How to germinate wheat for rabbits?

Sprouting wheat - step-by-step instructions:

  • select the best grains;
  • rinse them under plenty of water;
  • place in a container;
  • fill with water that is at room temperature;
  • leave in a warm place for 24 hours;
  • during this time, hollow grains will float to the surface, which need to be removed from the mass;
  • drain the water;
  • spread the swollen grains on a flat container (baking tray, tray, etc.) in 1-2 layers;
  • cover with a damp cloth;
  • leave in a warm place;
  • After a few days, sprouts will appear in the grains, after which they can be fed to the rabbits.

Rules that must be strictly followed:

  1. Do not germinate a large volume at once, as sprouted grains will deteriorate and become moldy over time. It is enough to make the preparation for 2-4 days.
  2. Inspect the wheat carefully before soaking. It must be in perfect condition - without moldy elements.
  3. The grain should not be excessively dry (maximum 12 months after harvest).
  4. Don't use wheat that is too raw.

Combination of wheat with other feeds

As has already become known, it is impossible to feed rabbits only wheat, so it is combined with others.

If the grains are crushed or ground, they are added to mixed feed, green grass, potatoes and other vegetables. You can make a grain mixture with the following crops:

  1. Corn has a large amount of carbohydrates, calcium, protein and fat. It is considered very healthy, but it is added to food in small quantities, as the culture leads to obesity. Before adding to the mixture, you need to separate each grain from the cob.
  2. Barley especially useful for the digestive system of rodents. It normalizes the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates constipation and promotes weight gain. It is important to grind the grains before consumption because they are coated with a film.
  3. Oats rich in pantothenic acid, which is necessary for the production of offspring. The crop is considered high-calorie, but despite this, rabbits do not gain excess weight.

To ensure that your diet is as balanced as possible, follow this scheme for combining grain crops:

Wheat is a valuable concentrated fodder that rabbits need, but in a certain dosage. Don’t forget, in addition to food mixtures, to provide your long-eared pets with adequate nutrition, add branches, plants, vegetables and fruits to their diet every day.

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