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How to learn to think positively? Six traps on the path of development. How to learn to think positively to change your life for the better

Thoughts affect a person's mood, behavior, and decisions. And this is already shaping the future that a person faces. People rarely think about the role of thoughts. However, when the moment comes to realize one's own involvement in the presence of various failures, then a person thinks about how to learn to think positively in order to.

In fact, learning to think positively is easy if you take responsibility for monitoring your own thoughts. People can think both good and bad. By the way, it is negative thinking that leads to trouble in life. Of course, positive thinking can also fail, but at least it keeps you in a good mood and in the mood for a brighter future.

Someone automatically manages to think positively. He learned this from childhood, perhaps his parents also had positive thinking. Some people have negative thinking. In any situation, he sees for himself a problem, a conflict, a danger. This, too, has been developed since childhood. It is important to understand that the direction of your thoughts can be changed if you make an effort.

Life will always be black and white. Hoping only for positive situations in life is very reckless. Look at any situation: you can find both good and bad in it. Accordingly, in each situation, you can think both positively and negatively. What a person thinks about, he begins to go to. Also, do not forget that thoughts affect mood.

People are happy to say the magic words: "Everything will be fine." They supposedly set themselves up only for the positive development of events. But how can life be only good? Isn't life sometimes clouded by dark colors?

Do not hope that “everything will be fine”, thereby setting yourself up in advance for suffering in case of failure. It is necessary to understand that not always "everything will be fine." Sometimes it will be bad. But bad doesn't mean the end of the world. This is just a period for understanding your mistakes and changing for the better (depending on what decisions you will make).

Your behavior is important

  • How exactly are you behaving? Like a child who is naughty, blames everyone, is offended by what happened not the way he wanted, or like an adult who worries, solves problems and just waits for the end of the “black streak”, realizing that what is happening is also normal, like any pleasant event?

If a person is an adult, then he will be able to cope with any problems, because he understands that it is not always only good. The bad must also be faced, because it allows you to appreciate all the good again.

  • How exactly do you feel about what is happening? Are you crying, regretting the past, or are you trying to live with bad events, eliminating them?

Sometimes life presents a person with lessons that he must realize. Perhaps you did something wrong, somewhere you made the wrong decision, because of which a negative event occurred. Understand your mistakes that led to the bad so that you don’t repeat them again and don’t provoke another bad event.

  • What are you doing for a better future? People quite often want the “good” to be realized by others, and not by themselves. In this case, they begin to expect something, criticize and express dissatisfaction when they do not get what they want. But you just need not to wait for someone to do you well, but to achieve it yourself.

And the “good” should be exactly what you expect. In other words, you should not just go with the flow and adapt to the emerging conditions of life, but create the conditions in which you want to live. Those events and results that you achieve should not be accidental, but intentional. You should not just look for something good in what happens to you, but you yourself should help ensure that those events that you consider good take place in your life.

In any case, everything will be fine. And this good should be exactly what you are counting on. You should not be surprised by the events that are taking place. To do this, you need to think and understand the laws of cause and effect relationships. Your actions lead to certain consequences. And these consequences should be exactly what you want to have in your life. What do you need to do to get the good things you expect?

Most often, good and bad depends only on you. But remember that bad things are okay, because you understand what was good for you and what you really need.

How to learn to think positively?

Positive thinking needs to be learned. When you get used to the new way of responding to situations, then this process will begin to happen automatically, by itself.

Why does a person set up not only himself, but also those around him that everything is bad? Because people very often generalize: “I won’t succeed”, “I’m locked in the car, I’m going to suffocate”, “If only I don’t get fired because I’m late”, etc. A person gets so used to his stereotypical thoughts, What do they think next for him. Try to build before you destroy. Try to justify before you accuse. Examine the situation from all sides: “Why do I think so?”, “Did you definitely see this?”, “Did you say it to your face?”.

When a person is in a panic, he does not see who is evil, who is bad. The most dangerous thing is when a person, guided by negative emotions and wrong thinking, begins to commit harmful deeds. He trusts those who should not be trusted, he listens to those who should not be listened to. Learn to listen to yourself and your heart!

You don't have to compare yourself to anyone! Each person has his own destiny. Each person has not only their own anatomical differences, but also psychological ones: their own set of character traits, humor, emotions, etc. While you are trying to become someone like another person, fate will click on your nose, showing that the position you are applying for is already taken by the person you want to become like. The Chinese say that "you need to hit the same door seven times in order to understand for the eighth time that it is not yours"

How to think positively? Catch yourself now on the thought that is in your head. Ask: Do you want this thought to become your reality in the future? If not, then start contemplating a positive thought that you want to manifest. Try to think as much as possible about what you want in your life.

Remember: what you say, write, read, watch, dream about will influence the formation of your future. By loving or hating (not accepting) something strongly, you attract it into your life. For example, if a woman denies sexual contact with men before marriage, then she will attract gentlemen to her, persuading her to have sex. You need to be neutral about what you don't like, just knowing that you don't want it. Better pay attention to what you like. Think what you would like to have, then your life will be what you want it to be.

To learn how to think positively, follow these simple rules:

  1. Exclude from your environment people who think negatively. You do not need to communicate with people often, because you already know them from childhood. It is better to refuse a society that sets you up for negativity.
  2. Include successful and positive people in your circle of friends. They will show you by example how you can reason in the most difficult situations, setting yourself up in a positive way.
  3. Follow your emotions. In difficult and unpleasant situations, negative emotions naturally arise. It should be ensured that they pass as quickly as possible and are replaced by positive ones.
  4. Stop watching movies and shows where. Stop listening to sad music.
  5. Try to find something positive in every situation. It must be there, even if you don't see it yet.

It is up to you how you think and look at the world. Positive thinking is trained and developed, even if you have not possessed it since childhood. It helps you achieve success, eliminate stressors, reduce depression and depression of health. In other words, your life will change dramatically once you start thinking differently than before.

How to think positively and attract success?

To learn to think positively, you need to want it. Only inside a person should feel the desire to stop thinking about the bad and pay attention to the good. How to think positively?

  • Smile more often.
  • Pay attention to the good that is in even the worst situation.
  • Don't give in to someone else's mood.
  • Control your thoughts and desires.
  • Do not run from problems, but solve them.
  • Always keep order in all matters.
  • Eliminate fears.
  • Don't blame yourself for mistakes.
  • Cheer up other people.
  • Experiment.
  • If negative thoughts arise, then look for reasons why this happens. Eliminate the causes of negative thoughts.
  • Enjoy life.
  • Please yourself more often.
  • Do not put off until later what you can do now and what will please you.

Success depends on how you think. Psychologists suggest avoiding the following types of thinking:

  1. Black and white - when you perceive everything exaggeratedly: either everything or nothing. Try to see shades of gray when there can be something bad in good and good in bad.
  2. Filtered - when a negative meaning is noticed in the message. When something is done to a person, he first of all thinks about the bad, about the selfish motives of another individual.
  3. Personalization - when a person blames himself for all the failures and troubles. You need to understand that not everyone can influence everything, and also engage not in self-flagellation, but in correcting their mistakes.
  4. Catastrophic - when any negative situation becomes a catastrophe for a person. Farfetchedness and exaggeration of the significance of the event should be avoided.
  5. Predictive - when a person pre-adjusts himself to the negative. Like, if the last time love did not work out, then it will never work out.

You can think positively, or you can just learn to look at situations soberly, without exaggeration. If something did not happen, then everything can happen differently, not like last time. Everything bad can be treated as a lesson in which there is something positive.


Understand that absolutely everyone has troubles and problems. There is no such person who is deprived of bad things in life. And here everyone makes a choice how to react to the situation and get out of it further. With positive thinking, a person corrects his mistakes and solves the situation, and with negative thinking, he usually only complains, is offended, blames himself or others and does not even attempt to solve the problem, because he believes in advance that it is pointless (he has not yet managed to do it, but predicted the result - one of the traits of negative thinking).

In everyday life, we often hear statements related to the content of our thoughts: “what is inside is what is outside”, “thought is material”, “negative thoughts attract similar events”, etc. It seems that there is an inner world and an outer one, each exists on its own and is not dependent on each other. However, it is not.

Negative thinking contributes to the "attraction" of negative events, due to the fact that we simply do not notice the positive, but focus on the negative. Our life goes according to the scenario that consciousness has formed. Psychology teaches that our thinking operates according to the sieve principle, i.e. the sieve is the principle of thinking, and it preserves what is closer to it. A high level of negativity provokes the inability to find a way out of a difficult situation, the creation of difficult relationships with others, and even many diseases.

The answer to the question of how to learn to think positively will give you the opportunity to change your life. Psychology notes that people who think positively are more successful, happy and healthy. They are less likely to get into trouble and are less prone to stress.

Our inner world is a reflection of the outer one, taking into account upbringing, temperament, nationality, attitudes, etc., while the outer world is so multifaceted that it gives us events and experience similar to our content.

Character traits

Positive thinking does not mean completely ignoring failures, negative events or experiences - after all, this is our experience, which will allow us not to make mistakes in the future.

Thinking positively means seeing problems in terms of opportunities, not barriers.

If trouble happens to a negatively inclined person, he can give up, perceive the event as a pattern - “it’s always like this with me”, “I’m a loser”, etc. and to give up further struggle and search for a way out, he believes that success is an accident in his life. A person who thinks positively will also be upset, but will quickly come to his senses, perceive the event as an experience and move on. He knows that success does not come without failure. Such people are most often distinguished by friendliness, smiling, quick-wittedness and curiosity.

Positive thinking excludes life in black and white. The basis of peace of mind is the understanding that today may be bad, but tomorrow everything will change for the better. Living in a “catastrophic” mode is fraught with diseases and a reduction in life expectancy. To think positively means to understand that you should not take responsibility for everything that happens around you. It is important to force yourself to let go of the situation if it is not in your power to resolve it.

10 main rules

How to come to positive thinking and change your vision of the situation, if initially you tend to see a lot of the negative? Don't give up on yourself. Our consciousness is able to form a new picture of life over time if you follow a few rules:

  1. Conscious attitude to the positive

Always set yourself up for positive emotions and thinking, do not let negative thoughts stay in your mind for a long time, if they arise - take time for an internal dialogue, try to translate the minus into a plus. If you have something to praise yourself for - be sure to do it. Remember, thinking negatively means attracting such events.

  1. Forbid disappointment

If there are obstacles and failures on your way, take them as a life experience, an opportunity to develop your weak sides and think in terms of finding workarounds.

Your task is to achieve balance, to form a positive picture of the world no matter what it costs you, and disappointments will pull you back and will not let you live happily.

  1. Hang out with positive people

The answer to the question "how to learn to think positively" will help you people like you. Try to surround yourself with those who try to see the positives in everything, do not "stick" on failures. People who hold grudges, are vindictive or do not like life at all - they take away a lot of energy and mental strength from you.

  1. Believe in your personality

Under any circumstances, keep faith in yourself and your abilities.

Psychology recommends letting something new into your life every day - for example, getting to work by a different route, or having dinner in a new place, etc. Study more the lives of those people who know what success is, its price, who went to the goal despite obstacles, and learn from them.

  1. Be purposeful

Success comes to those who clearly see their goals and are ready to move towards their achievement. Always make plans to achieve your goals and stick to them. Consider even small achievements - your mind will remember positive experiences, which will ultimately contribute to your confidence and positivity.

  1. Remember that thought is material

Developing the habit of thinking positively will help your understanding of the materiality of thoughts. Negativity is able to poison your existence and contribute to bad events in your life. Every day, think about what else you can do to come to terms with how to think positively.

  1. See the positive in the negative
  1. Rejoice in the simple

You should not tie your feeling of happiness and contentment with life to global things: for example, I will be happy only if I am rich, or I will become a star. Learn to enjoy something simple: good weather, a pleasant conversation, a good movie, and so on. It is not difficult to develop this habit - remember how many people are deprived of what you have in abundance.

  1. Constantly develop

Working on yourself brings a lot of positive. Every day you will notice that you have become smarter, more successful, and therefore happier. Investing money and effort in your development is a guarantee of your self-confidence, which will allow you to fight negativity and change your life for the better.

  1. Strive to live life to the fullest.

This means finding time, energy and money for the maximum areas of life - family, personal life, friends, work, leisure, hobbies, travel - all this should be present in your life.

Make these rules the principles by which you will live from now on. Thanks to them, you can change and live in harmony.

Creating a Favorable Environment for Positive Thoughts

When looking for an answer to the question of how to start thinking positively, psychology recommends regularly using several techniques that aim to create a “fertile ground” for positive thinking:

  • keep a diary in which you will mark your achievements;
  • meditate;
  • visualize the desired results;
  • take care of your health;
  • track your bodily reactions: posture, facial expressions, gestures;
  • smile more often.

How will your thinking change?

Summing up, we summarize - positive thinking focuses the attention of the individual:

  • Not on problems, but on tasks and goals;
  • Not on what is missing, but on what you want;
  • Not on obstacles, but on opportunities;
  • Not on the minuses, but on the pluses;
  • Not on failures, but on successes.

Such thinking will allow you to make life bright and happy, success accessible, yourself healthier, and relationships with loved ones full of love. Even if you just thought about how to learn to think positively, then you are already halfway to success.

Negative thinkers are more likely to fail than positive thinkers. A bright mind attracts success, a cheerful person often receives profitable offer cooperation and good news. To cultivate an optimist in yourself, you need to make great efforts, which are manifested in daily hard work.

Step #1. Start keeping a diary

Get a nice notebook, write down everything that happens every day in it. Such a move will help to trace the trend of negative thoughts and find their source. Fix your own feelings that cause positive or negative.

It is not necessary to keep a diary in paper form, modern gadgets are equipped with notebooks that have a formatting function. After you've made your point, take 20 minutes to analyze the data. Write the positive thoughts in the first column and the negative ones in the second column. Try to turn negative energy into positive.

For example, you feel insecure in a new position because you were fired from your last job. This leads to constant self-criticism “I’m a loser”, “I can’t do it”, etc. Try to think more broadly. Change is always good, perhaps it is at this job that you will be promoted. Strive for it, develop confidence and set big goals.

Step #2. Fight negative thoughts

People have been living in their own world with negative energy for years, and this is not normal. A person needs to experience joy, to believe in good things. If you belong to this category, turn your life around.

When negative thoughts once again visit the mind, think about whether they are true? In any situation, remain objective, do not defend negative thoughts. How would you react if a stranger spoke your thoughts out loud? Fight negativity, look for a refutation of it.

Step #3. Choose the right environment

No matter how good friends are, they can drag you into the abyss. Assess your own environment: are there people in it who constantly arrive in despondency and make me sad? If so, keep communication to a minimum. When acquaintances do not believe in their own success and push you to such thoughts, arguing that nothing will work out, give them up.

In cases where it is not possible to stop communicating with such individuals, learn to move away from the topic. During the next conversation, the interlocutor again begins to complain about life: “no money”, “the wife is useless”? Switch to another topic or try to end the conversation as soon as possible.

Choose the right environment, include in it successful people who have achieved a lot and know how thorny the path to success can be. They overcame the negative, fell, but found the strength to rise. Take an example from such personalities, they are able to radically change the idea of ​​​​the world. Try to spend most of your free time with “useful” acquaintances, follow their way of thinking and logical conclusions.

Step number 4. Eliminate irritants

In the modern world, negativity is provoked by various factors, whether it be annoying glowing banners, harsh music, stupid movies and, of course, people. Eliminate everything that makes you angry. Prefer club music to rock, replace silly comedies with action movies or melodramas. Minimize contact with hypocritical people. Spend more time reading books, listening to soothing music, mastering meditation techniques. There is a mass of motivational literature and film stories that cause a desire to act and achieve heights. Focus on them.

Step number 5. Believe in success

Stop seeing everything as a full blown disaster, don't be afraid to think differently. If you overslept for work, this does not mean that you will be fired. Assess the situation realistically, do not aggravate the situation. Such thinking causes a person to constantly be in a panic, a feeling of anxiety appears and faith in one's own success is lost.

At every panic thought, take a breath and consider the possible outcomes of the situation. Yes, you are late, the boss can issue a fine or deprive you of the bonus if the situation repeats itself systematically. Don't add fuel to the fire, you saved your work, so it's okay.

Step number 6. Don't be categorical

Categoricalness is characteristic of insecure people. They mistakenly believe that everything should be perfect, or not be at all. This results in an involuntary division into black and white, without an intermediate phase of gray. This kind of thinking is called "polarization", which causes a person to become depressed because he cannot bring things to perfection. Instead of trying to achieve white, settle for light gray.

For example, you want to build a house or make repairs in an apartment. In your opinion, housing should have large windows, expensive Italian furniture and high-quality cutlery. Having started the implementation, you understand that there is not enough money for furniture from Italy, and a saucepan for $ 300 also does not inspire confidence. All this results in despondency, as the ideal plans instantly dissolved.

Instead of being upset, get cutlery from a lesser-known company that is not inferior in quality. Buy not an Italian sofa, but a Russian one. This will be the intermediate (gray) phase. After the time has passed, you will realize that it is not always possible to achieve 10 points out of 10, sometimes a score of 8-9 is enough.

Step number 7. Get creative

Creative people immerse themselves in the activity with their heads, at a certain moment they are focused only on what they are doing. Consequently, difficulties at work, quarrels in the family, lack of money - all this goes by the wayside. Even a person who is a mathematician to the core has creative inclinations. Unleash your potential, perhaps you are good at drawing or have the ability to repair and restore cars. There are many opportunities, the main thing is to find yourself.

Sign up for courses in cutting and sewing, carving, pottery, or start learning a rare foreign language (Chinese, Japanese). Become not like everyone else, show individuality. If you do not want to attend specialized circles, try to reveal yourself on your own with the help of audio and video.

Step number 8. Don't blame yourself

Stop blaming yourself for all mortal sins. This behavior is typical of people who are highly dependent on the opinions of others. A friend walked by and didn't smile? Maybe today is not her day. Try not to dwell on what people think. For the most part, they are all gossips and envious people who talk a lot behind their backs.

It is worth taking a closer look at communication with relatives and friends. If they try to accuse you not to the point, learn to fight back. A friend asked for help with the move, and you refused for personal reasons? Did he accuse you of selfishness and neglect of others?

Do not rush to panic. Remember how many times you helped him without further ado. Most likely, the person began to take help for granted, so he did not expect a refusal. Learn to say no if the call is contrary to your desires.

Step number 9. Lead an interesting life

If you constantly sit at home, communicate little with cheerful people, do not play sports and do not travel, negative thoughts will begin to come involuntarily. To get rid of them, you have to expand your horizons.

Get a gym membership or buy a skipping rope to be able to throw out negative emotions through sports. Sign up for a pool or choose the right dance direction.

Try to travel more, it is not necessary to buy expensive tours, a trip out of town for the weekend is enough.

Find a hobby that occupies all your thoughts, develop financially and enrich yourself spiritually. Attend all kinds of entertainment events, whether it's exhibitions, a concert of your favorite artists or a historical museum.

To start thinking positively, you need to work on yourself daily. Keep a diary, write down thoughts and actions in it. Go in for sports, reconsider the environment. Reveal the creative "I", stop criticizing yourself, do not take accusations to heart.

Video: how to think positively

It's okay if you sometimes concentrate, as they say, on the negative, on life's problems, which cause bad emotions. Man is so arranged. If you put on "rose-colored glasses", always and everywhere you catch a "high", it means that you do not notice the reality that is around. It means not to see the problem that crept up and, according to the law of the escalation of evil, is about to turn into a real tragedy.

It’s bad when there are too many bad, not positive thoughts, this is a chance to earn both and depression. In this case, two simple exercises that will help you learn to think positively can help you.

What you focus on - there will be more in life ...

About "positive" exercises

Any exercise is an infinite number of repetitions. This is not a one-time workout. In general, if you decide to get involved in sports or pump your mental muscle (mind, memory) - a systematic approach is a key factor.

Three conditions - requirements:

  1. Repeat for three weeks
  2. Repeat for the dream to come
  3. Track changes in your thinking.

Exercises to start thinking positively

1. First exercise. Keep a Joyful Events Journal

It doesn't matter in what form you start making your notes: on a PC, start a diary or on your phone. Taking notes with pens differs from “just thinking” in a rather significant difference: you will take your notes much more responsibly. And then, to track the connection, a positive result from the exercise is easier.

So, we take a writing device:

1. We write a positive event that happened during this day. It can be anything, not necessarily something grand like winning the lottery or going to Disney Land. Or something - but something that caused a surge of pleasant emotions, sensations. What a pleasure to remember.

For example: “Today I met a good person”, or “I had a great time in a cafe”, “An employee made a compliment” ...

2. Write down the reason for such an event. Write an answer: why did the event from item 1 happen to me?

Examples: If "It was good to sit in a cafe" - this is because "It was a day off, I decided to make myself pleasant." If “Gave a compliment” - “Showed extraordinary ingenuity” ...

3. Repeat three times. Record at least three pleasant events that happened during the day. It is possible and more.

2. The second exercise is how to think positively. Be grateful

The exercise is similar to the one above. With that difference, in the first case - you remember the pleasant little things for the day, in this case - you remember what is with you in life. But you stopped paying attention to it - something that is repeated from day to day, and therefore, you are used to not noticing it.

Before going to bed: remember and write down three things - what you value in your life. If it's not entirely clear: write down the "what makes" from #1, although it doesn't have to be related.

Example. I am grateful for:

  • For free time
  • For financial stability
  • That I live in a country without war...

As a variant of the same exercise, if life has taken you by the throat: find any time, sit down and write as many things as possible for which you can thank life itself. Arrange about it.

Just. Is not it? Perform these exercises: the results will be noticeable in a week (earlier).

Yes, one more thing: a dull pencil is better than the sharpest memory. When positive changes begin, mark them in your notebook as well. Thus, you will trigger feedback: you will realize that it helps and help will become even stronger (the law of the escalation of good).

How to learn to think positively? Positive thinking is a conscious choice of every person. An individual has the right to choose those thoughts that will cheer him up, suggest a more constructive way out of a difficult situation, or “decorate” his day with optimistic, bright colors. Life doesn't always bring happy moments. Often there are sad days, and only having a person is able to gain strength and aim himself at fighting difficulties, achieving his goals and making the right decisions. A person often has to deal with negative thoughts, emotions, while feeling deeply unhappy, misunderstood and lonely. But changing your life for the better is very simple - you just need to learn to think positively and follow the rules of positive thinking. It must be remembered that even in the worst moments of life there is at least something good, you just need to be able to see it. By making choices in life, one can step out of the negative mindsets that limit one's life and see that life is filled with opportunities and solutions, not just worries and barriers.

It's no secret that there are many negative moments in life, and if you focus on them, then life will turn into "hard labor". Life is given to a person for happiness, it should bring joy and pleasure.

If you want to learn how to learn to think positively, you should simply follow the following tips. If you look at things realistically, then in almost every situation you can find both negative and positive sides for yourself. It's all about what a person chooses for himself. Undoubtedly, everyone wants to see only positive moments in life, but our subconscious mind does not always choose positive thoughts. is an art that needs to be learned. Thinking positively is a difficult enough person. To do this, you need to make an effort, especially for those people who have constant unpleasant moments and failures in their lives.

So, the rules that will help you learn to think positively. To begin with, you should learn that the ideal technique does not exist, and it is selected individually for each, taking into account life principles, positions, and character.

The first thing to do is to exclude from your circle of acquaintances and friends who bring on melancholy, despondency, telling unpleasant and terrible stories from their lives. It is required to exclude from your life those who, thinking negatively, do not believe in personal success, trying to convince others of failure. Such people pull their energy "to the bottom" and do not allow others to think positively, preventing them from enjoying life. If it is not possible to completely stop contact with negative people, then such communication should be minimized. You can resort to the following method, as soon as a person begins to oppress with his conversations, then you should move on to another topic and try to end the conversation faster.

The second important point is the inclusion of successful, positive and cheerful personalities in your social circle. Such people are able to radically change their attitude to life, their mood will rise, they will inspire various accomplishments, even without doing anything for this. It is important to try to take an example from them in life, communicate with them more, and following their logic, do as they advise.

It is very important to monitor your emotions. As soon as negative thoughts begin to overcome, you should immediately stop yourself and look for the cause of the negative.

The next important point is to exclude films and programs from viewing that are annoying or alarming. These irritants will contribute to the development of anxiety and tension, which will prevent the emergence of positive thoughts. After eliminating negative moments from your life, you should fill your life with positive - watching funny comedies, as well as positive news. Next, you should learn to find the positive side with the help of objective evaluation. Is everything so bad? And if it’s bad, then if you stay in this negative, it won’t be better. Therefore, it is worth pulling yourself together and realizing that life does not stop there and thus sharply change your views.

How to learn to think positively and attract success? You should reflect on your experiences and realize the delights of a positive attitude towards life. When a person decides to think positively, he begins to take control of his life and makes every day he lives more pleasant for himself, thereby attracting success to himself.

Positive thinking is displayed on the physical, mental state, on the ability to adapt to circumstances and unforeseen changes in life. Realizing this, a person has a constant positive thinking.

If you learn to think positively and live positively, you can:

- prolong your life

- reduce the impact of stress;

- minimize the appearance;

- develop resistance to cold;

- improve physical and mental condition;

- create a strong family.

It depends only on the person his attitude to life. No one can control the feelings and thoughts of the individual - only he himself. If a person is used to absorbing the preferences and negative emotions of other people, then he personally makes this choice. The individual needs to realize that their thoughts and feelings can be controlled, and having understood this, one can feel that there is an opportunity to change their thought patterns.

How to learn to think positively - exercises

You need to make a plan to help you stop thinking negatively. This means to overcome everything negative around you, which will always be in abundance. You should think about what you can do for yourself useful and constructive. It is important to decide how your own personality will react to the changes that will appear in life if you stop dictating to different people and situations what to do and what to think about. Having drawn up a plan for positive thinking, no one should be allowed to destroy it. Often, some things seem to be more significant than they really are, and they certainly do not bring as much anxiety as a person actually thinks. Not allowing yourself to succumb to all-encompassing anxiety, you need to calmly think about everything and make an informed decision.

By making a plan, a person learns to control his life and be responsible for it. The plan is quite simple - we identify and write down our negative thoughts every day, then we analyze, reflect on why they appeared and what can be changed. As the plan progresses, a person will gradually find that it is easier for him to identify his negative thoughts and it is rather difficult for him to be in the possession of negative thinking.

How to learn to think positively, psychology gives the following advice in this regard:

- look for the positive in everything;

- do not succumb to the bad mood of the people around you;

- control your thoughts and desires, because the law of gravity operates and a person unconsciously attracts into his life what he thinks about;

- be selective in communication and not let into your world dissatisfied individuals with negative emotions, constantly complaining about their lives;

- not to avoid problems, but to solve them;

- keep the house clean;

- plan ahead for cash spending by making a list. This will protect against spontaneous acquisitions and preserve inner peace;

- to be bold in any of your endeavors;

- reflect on your negative thoughts;

- timely identify and stop your bad thoughts;

- be an optimist in life, smile;

- regardless of the result, treats any of his actions aimed at changing situations as an experience;

- by raising the mood of other people, you can improve your mood, which will allow you to think in a positive direction;

- you should not reproach yourself for mistakes;

- you can’t accumulate negative emotions in yourself, so you should change the perception of situations in which negative accumulates;

- it is necessary to do what gives pleasure: to sing, dance, listen to music, go in for sports, creativity;

- find time to relax at home, do your favorite things;

- in life you should experiment, changing hairstyles, clothing style, place of residence;

Don't put off learning to think positively.

How to learn not to lose heart and think positively?

You need to identify your negative, involuntary thoughts that do not allow you to look at the world differently. By learning to quickly identify them, you can challenge and block them. When an individual identifies a negative thought and understands its origin, this helps in the further fight against negative thoughts, and then the person is able to counteract these thoughts with positive attitudes.

You can learn not to lose heart and think positively by avoiding black and white thinking. In this type of thinking, everything that a person encounters is perceived as either everything is there, or there is nothing, and there are no other shades. For example, if something goes wrong with an individual, as he would like, then it immediately falls into the category of terrible, because nothing can be saved, since there is no category of gray. In order not to think only in two directions - positive and negative, you should make a list of all possible outcomes that will allow you to see that everything is not as bad as it seems. If in any situation you see shades of gray, then this can allow a person to understand that this is not the end of the world.

You can also learn not to lose heart if you avoid personalization. With this kind of thinking, a person thinks that if something went wrong, then he is the cause of the failure. Such thinking leads to the fact that a person begins to feel terrible in any situation. To avoid such thinking, it is necessary to be rational and think carefully about the reasons for the occurrence of an unpleasant situation.

You can learn to think positively if you avoid “filtered” thinking. This means that you should not see a negative message in what was addressed to the person. For example, the boss praised the work done, but at the same time mentioned where it could be improved next time. The leader tries to help, and the person perceives this as terrible criticism. If you continue to think in this way, then there is a possibility that a person will never see the positive in any situation. Reflecting on this situation, one can conclude that the boss's positive comments far outweighed the negative ones.

For positive thinking, it is important to avoid "disaster", in which a person is completely pessimistic and believes that everything is doomed to failure. This requires the individual to be realistic and find evidence against this negative belief.

It is very important to avoid predictive thinking. For example, one should not think that if the past friendship was doomed to failure, then so will the next one. Most likely, it will be so, since the person has programmed the outcome of events in his brain, and the human subconscious will do everything so that the individual turns out to be right. Instead, you should learn from each individual life situation.

It is possible to challenge your negative thoughts, even if the individual has been thinking negatively all his life. At first, a person will feel resistance, and each time it will be necessary to remind himself that he should fight bad thoughts and not let them take over, because they can stress or make you suffer.

An effective method to begin to fight negative thoughts are questions that the individual asks himself. For example, "Is this situation really as bad as I make it out to be?" or “How can these bad thoughts help me?” After the individual feels that he is able to identify negative thoughts, he needs to immediately change them to positive ones. It doesn't mean that everything will be positive.

The purpose of positive thinking is to replace everyday unnecessary thought patterns with thoughts that will actually achieve what you want.

There are great ways to learn to think positively and attract success:

- you should find something good in events, things, people;

- it is necessary to make a list of what you can be grateful for the past day;

- it is required to perceive problem situations and people as opportunities, and not as failures, because they give a chance to learn and grow;

- you need to remind yourself that the future is filled with good opportunities;

- it is necessary to make a list of what to look forward to in the future.

So, positive thinking, like any other skill, requires reminders and practice so that you don't go back to negative thoughts. It should be remembered that it takes time to master positive thinking, since the development of these abilities is the development of certain skills that allow you to think in an optimistic direction. Say good things to yourself regularly. This will positively affect thoughts and emotions. Be sure to praise yourself for a job well done. Thus, it is possible to raise and understand what has been specifically achieved and the efforts were not in vain. Seeing particles of positive in other people, you can allow your thoughts to flourish in this direction, and the ability to control your life will be an important part in the development of positive thinking.

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