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Standard contract for motor transport services. Sample contract for the provision of transport services

The page presents, relevant in 2019, The form of the contract for the provision transport services concluded between legal entities. You can download it to yourself at any time in .doc, .rtf or .pdf format, the size of the document file is 17.7 kb.

  1. Subject of the contract
  2. Duties of the parties
  3. Terms of transportation
  4. Responsibility of the parties
  5. Transportation payment
  6. Force majeure circumstances (force majeure)
  7. The procedure for filing claims and resolving disputes
  8. Other conditions
  9. Legal addresses and bank details of the parties
  10. Signatures of the parties

CONTRACT for the provision of transport services

G. _______________

"_____" _______________ 2016

______________________________ represented by ______________________________, acting on the basis of ______________________________, hereinafter referred to as " Executor”, on the one hand, and ______________________________ represented by ______________________________, acting on the basis of ______________________________, hereinafter referred to as “ Customer”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, as follows:


1.1. The subject of this agreement is the provision by the Contractor of a full range of services for organizing the transportation of the Customer's belongings in connection with the latter's relocation to a new location at the address: ______________________________.

1.2. The Contractor provides the Customer, in agreement with the Customer, with additional services for dismantling, installation, placement, transportation, packaging, loading, unloading of office (home) furniture, office equipment, documentation and other things.

1.3. The payment for the carriage of goods (price of carriage) and the terms of carriage of goods are determined by Appendix No. __________.

1.4. Rendering fee additional services and the terms for the provision of these services are determined by Appendix No. __________.


2.1. Executor's Responsibilities:

2.1.1. The Contractor undertakes to accept from the Customer an application for transportation and ensure the supply of rolling stock and loaders to the loading point at the specified hour.

2.1.2. The Contractor is obliged to submit for loading serviceable rolling stock in a condition suitable for the transportation of this type of cargo and meeting sanitary requirements.

2.1.3. The Contractor guarantees that all its drivers have proper driver's licenses that meet the requirements of the Legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.1.4. The Contractor undertakes to perform accurately and on time all work under this Agreement in accordance with the requirements of the Customer's representative.

2.1.5. Calculate the cost of services rendered in accordance with the tariffs agreed by the parties.

2.1.6. Ensure the supply of vehicles and personnel for loading and unloading within the time specified in the Customer's application, subject to the Customer's compliance with the provisions of this agreement and other conditions agreed by the parties upon acceptance of the application.

2.2. Customer Responsibilities:

2.2.1. The Customer is obliged to send applications until __________ hours preceding the day of work.

2.2.2. In the event that the Contractor pays for a pass for the right to enter the territory of loading and unloading of the Customer's cargo, the latter compensates the Contractor's expenses in full, upon presentation of documents confirming this payment.

2.2.3. The Customer undertakes to ensure the presence of his representative during the process of transportation of things and to ensure unimpeded access of the Contractor's personnel to the premises where these works will be carried out.

2.2.4. Before the vehicle arrives for loading, the Customer is obliged to prepare the cargo for transportation (prepare, pack, prepare transportation documents, as well as passes for the right of way to the place of loading / unloading cargo, etc.), unless otherwise specified by the terms of this Agreement. Goods of a commercial nature, not issued with shipping documents, are not accepted for transportation.

2.2.5. The customer is obliged to indicate in the record card of the operation of the vehicle and the provision of additional services the actual time of arrival and departure, transport and personnel, after the work has been completed.


3.1. The Customer is obliged to send an application for the carriage of goods to the Contractor by e-mail E-mail: ____________________, while verbally by phone ____________________ to clarify that the Contractor has received it.

3.2. The Contractor independently controls the timely arrival of its vehicles and personnel for loading, and in their absence, takes all necessary measures to fulfill the Customer's request.

3.3. The Customer has the right after __________ hours preceding the day of loading, to send additional applications for the provision of services, for the implementation of which the Contractor is entitled to require contractual payment.

3.4. The deadline for performing work under this Agreement is set in the Customer's application sent to the Contractor in compliance with all necessary conditions and requirements of this Agreement.


4.1. In the event of a breakdown of vehicles following the route, the Contractor is obliged to immediately, but in any case as soon as possible, replace the defective vehicle with a serviceable equivalent vehicle, while the reloading time is not paid by the Customer.

4.2. In case of untimely refusal by the Customer from the services of the Contractor, according to the application, for reasons not reflected in section 6, the Customer shall pay the Contractor a penalty equal to the minimum time for using the vehicle for this type of car and according to the price negotiation protocol, and the minimum time for the performance of work by personnel.


5.1. The calculation of the parties is made on a weekly basis on the basis of invoices and acts of the work performed by the Contractor.

5.2. The Contractor undertakes to provide acts of work performed in the form of a detailed printout of the involved vehicles and personnel for the possibility of verification and approval by the Customer no later than the first business day of the week following the week in which the services were provided by the Contractor.

5.3. The Customer undertakes, on the basis of invoices and certificates of work performed provided by the Contractor, to pay for the Contractor's services within three banking days. The original invoices are provided to the Customer at the expense of the Contractor after each payment made by the Customer within __________ working days.

5.4. In case of delay in payment, the Customer pays a penalty in the amount of __________% of the cost of the work performed.

5.5. In case of disagreement of the Customer with the act of completed work provided by the Contractor, the Customer in writing within __________ hours from the date of receipt of the act, notifies the Contractor by phone and sends acts of disagreement by e-mail. After the parties resolve the disagreements, the Customer, on the next banking day, makes settlements with the Contractor in accordance with the updated invoices and certificates of work performed.

5.6. To confirm the payment, the Contractor has the right to demand, and the Customer is obliged to provide a facsimile copy of the payment order with a note from the Customer's bank.

5.7. Tariffs for the carriage of goods and other services may change due to an increase in the cost of transportation, as well as other factors determining the level of prices, therefore, the Contractor reserves the right to change the tariffs by notifying the Customer in writing __________ working days before the increase in tariffs for the services provided .

6. FORCE MAJEURE (force majeure)

6.1. The Party is released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, if this failure was the result of force majeure obligations that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the Party could not foresee or prevent by reasonable measures. Such emergency events include: fire, flood and other natural phenomena, hostilities, riots, acts of the authorities and administration of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The party referring to force majeure circumstances must prove their existence by providing the relevant documents issued by the competent authorities.


7.1. A pre-trial written claim is required.

7.2. The claim must be considered and an answer on the merits must be given no later than __________ days from the date of its receipt.

7.3. All disputes related to the execution of the terms of this agreement, not settled through negotiations or filing a claim in a pre-trial order, are subject to consideration in the Arbitration Court of ____________________.


8.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of its signing, and shall be considered terminated after the Parties have fully and properly fulfilled their obligations under this Agreement.

8.2. Each of the Parties has the right to terminate the Agreement ahead of schedule or amend it by notifying the other Party in writing no later than __________ days before the start of the above actions.

8.3. The terms of this agreement and its additions are confidential and may be disclosed to third parties only with the written consent of the other party.

8.4. The time of commencement of the provision of services in this agreement is the time of arrival of the vehicle and personnel at the point of departure for loading.

8.5. For the purposes of the execution of this agreement, the form of information transmitted by facsimile or by e-mail is equated to a written one.

8.6. The parties are obliged to inform each other about changes in addresses and bank details within __________ working days from the date of such changes.



Customer Legal address:______________________________________________ Postal address:________________________________________ TIN/KPP:______________________________ Phone/fax:____________________ Settlement account:______________________________ Bank name:______________________________ Correspondent account:______________________________ BIC:____________________


Artist _________________

Customer _________________

Why is the contractor in the contract listed as "Borrower"

Good afternoon We have an IP for the provision of transport services., Simplified 6%. We want to conclude an agreement with an individual, he is also a driver. What is the best deal to make with him? Crew lease agreement? Or it is possible to conclude a contract for paid services. Interested in what taxes we will pay? Is it necessary to pay personal income tax in the event of a contract for paid services?

I did not understand that the name of the counterparty must be entered in each input field?

Why, when entering as a signatory, the surname is not added to "On behalf of the Customer" Why is there no field "Name of the party (customer / Contractor)" in the details field And that it is impossible to take the Party from the "Counterparties" directory and automatically fill in all the fields.

The names of the parties in the contract are indicated in the input fields, the name of which can be changed by switching to the "Edit" mode. Perhaps you experienced a unique failure while generating the document, or you yourself made these changes. When reviewing the document, we did not find this error, so please indicate the clause of the contract in which the "Contractor" is indicated as the "Borrower".

Hello! Individual entrepreneurs and organizations are required to pay personal income tax on remuneration individuals both under a lease agreement with a crew, and under a paid services agreement (Article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The difference will be that under the Paid Services Agreement, the IP will be obliged to transfer insurance premiums for an individual from the entire amount of the contract, and under the Vehicle Lease Agreement with a crew, only from that part of the remuneration that will be for the provision of crew services. Please note that under the Vehicle Rental Agreement with Crew, the payment is divided into 2 parts: 1) for the rental of the vehicle, 2) for the services of the crew, while the ratio of amounts may be at your discretion. However, according to judicial practice, a vehicle rental agreement with a crew is more often recognized by the court as labor with compensation for the use of the vehicle for official purposes. You can use the template of the Agreement for the provision of transport services that you have chosen, or the template of the Agreement for the lease of a vehicle with a crew, located at the link: http://www.. Best regards, FreshDoc team.

Hello! The filled values ​​of input fields in one document automatically flow into similar input fields in all documents of the package. The value "Name of the signer" entered in the preamble does not go into the details block in the line "On behalf of the Customer", since these input fields have a different case. If you select in the "Party details specify:" option the answer "in a line", the "Addresses, details and signatures of the parties" block does not contain the "Name of the party" input field, which does not affect the essence of the contract, you can enter it yourself, in the mode "Edit". In order for the details of the counterparty saved in the directory to be automatically filled in with the corresponding values ​​of the details of the Agreement, it is necessary to start filling in the fields: “Name of the party” or “TIN”. Sincerely, FreshDoc team.

And how to automatically fill in the fields from the directory of counterparties?

Hello! In order for you to be able to use the directory of counterparties, you need to log in - connect a tariff or purchase a FreshDoc template. After that, the directory of counterparties will be available at the following link: http://www.. You can fill in the counterparty cards yourself or they will be automatically created when filling in the data in any template. After that, the FreshDoc template will automatically offer you auto-completion of input fields from the Directory of counterparties when you enter the first three characters in the input fields Name of the party or TIN. Sincerely, FreshDoc team.


G. _____________________

"___" ______________ of the year

"Organization" represented by Director Petr Petrovich Petrov, acting on the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the one hand and
Individual entrepreneur Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, acting on the basis of state registration certificate No. _______ dated » » __________ 20___, hereinafter referred to as the "Carrier", on the other hand, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter the Agreement, as follows:


1.1. The Carrier undertakes to accept and transport people and their luggage, and the Customer undertakes to present people for transportation.

1.2. To perform the transportation, the Carrier allocates to the Customer vehicles ______________, in the amount specified in the application (Appendix No. 1).

1.3. The validity period of the Agreement is established by the parties from the moment of signing and is valid until the parties fully fulfill their obligations.


2.1. The carrier carries out transportation of people and their luggage in accordance with the Rules of the road.

2.2. The carrier is obliged:

ensure the supply of vehicles to the landing points specified in the Customer's application (Appendix No. 1);
submit for landing serviceable rolling stock in a condition suitable for transporting people and meeting sanitary requirements;
assume responsibility for the safety of all people transported under the Treaty.
2.3. The customer is obliged:

carry out on their own and means boarding and disembarking people on the bus;
visually check the suitability of the rolling stock for the transportation of people before loading;
appoint a responsible person responsible for compliance with the rules and order when transporting people on the bus.


3.1. The amount under the contract is ___________(__________________________________) rubles.

3.2. The customer pays for the services rendered until _________________, based on the act of services performed and the carrier's invoice.


4.1. In case of non-delivery of vehicles for loading, the Carrier, at the request of the Customer, pays all losses of the Customer related to obligations to third parties that have not been fulfilled due to the failure to deliver vehicles at the set time.

4.2. In the event that the Customer refuses from the transportation declared by him less than 1 day before the date of the declared transportation, the Customer pays a penalty in the amount of 10% of the cost of the declared transportation.

4.3. If the non-delivery of vehicles at the set time has occurred due to force majeure circumstances, the Carrier is exempt from paying fines and penalties provided for in clause 4.1.


5.1. The Contract may be terminated by the Customer unilaterally in case of failure by the Carrier to comply with clause 2.2. Agreement.

5.2. Termination of the Agreement by one of the parties does not release the parties from satisfaction of claims that occurred before the application for termination of the Agreement.


6.1. All disputes under the Agreement are resolved in the arbitration court in the manner prescribed by law.

6.2. All changes and additions to the Agreement shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.

6.3. The contract is drawn up in 2 copies of 1 copy. for each side.


LLC "Organization"
Legal address:
Actual address:
TIN ____________ KPP __________

r / s ___________________________
BIC _________________________
Director______P.P. Petrov

"__" ______________ G.

Individual entrepreneur Ivanov.I.I.

on the provision of transport services in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Customer”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Executor”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor, on the basis of applications, undertakes to provide the Customer with transport services, namely passenger transportation by passenger cars, within the territory.

1.2. The Contractor provides services under this agreement on its own or by third parties using its own or rented cars.

1.3. The Customer undertakes to pay for the services of the Contractor for the carriage of passengers, carried out under this Agreement, in the manner and within the time limits stipulated by this Agreement.


2.1. The Contractor undertakes:

2.1.1. At any time of the day, ensure the provision of the required number of technically sound cars with drivers at the points and terms specified by the Customer.

2.1.2. By the date of each month, provide the Customer with an Acceptance and Transfer Certificate of services on the work-transportations performed for the previous month, as well as an invoice for payment for the work performed.

2.1.3. To guarantee the Customer the provision of the services specified in clause 1.1, clause 1.2 of this Agreement at the approved tariffs in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

2.1.4. Inform the customer about the change in tariffs for the services of the Contractor in writing no later than one day before the introduction of new tariffs. At the same time, the Contractor reserves the right to unilaterally and without prior notice to the Customer temporarily increase the amount of tariffs during the period of federal holidays.

2.2. The customer undertakes:

2.2.1. Pay for services under this Agreement in the amount, on time and in the manner provided for in this Agreement.

2.2.2. Guarantee to the Contractor the observance by passengers transported by the Contractor on the orders of the Customer of the rules of the road, the requirements of the driver, as well as their compliance public order. The possibility of a passenger being in the car in a state of strong alcohol intoxication, causing harm to the car by the latter, committing other actions that threaten the safety of the driver, other passengers and traffic is excluded.


3.1. The Customer, at least one hour before the intended trip, orders a car through the Contractor's dispatch service. Orders placed later than the specified deadlines are considered urgent and are carried out by the Contractor without a guarantee of a free car and compliance with the start time of the trip.

3.2. 15 minutes before the intended trip, the Contractor must inform the Customer about the details of the car delivery (brand, color, state number of the car).

3.3. Disputes and disagreements arising from this Agreement or in connection with it will be resolved by representatives of the parties through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute is referred to the judicial authorities.


4.1. The cost of services provided by the Contractor is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

4.2. Settlements between the parties under this agreement occur in the following order:

4.2.1. Within calendar days from the date of signing this agreement, the Customer transfers to the Contractor's settlement account a sum of money in the amount of rubles as a deposit for the services provided by the Contractor.

4.2.2. The amount of the deposit is taken into account in the settlements between the Contractor and the Customer, and the balance remaining after the settlements is transferred to the month following the reporting month.

4.2.3. At the end of the reporting month, before the next month, the Contractor issues an invoice to the Customer for the services performed for the reporting period, and also provides the Service Acceptance Certificate. The act of acceptance and transfer of services is signed by the parties within days from the date of receipt of the act by the Customer.

4.3. Based on the provisions of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the sale of services under this Agreement is not subject to VAT taxation, the amount of tax is not presented to the Customer, invoices for the sale of the Contractor's services are not drawn up.

4.4. Payment for the services of the Contractor under this Agreement can be made by the Customer in the following ways:

4.4.1. by bank transfer to the settlement account of the Contractor according to the details specified in the invoice for payment;

4.4.2. for cash payment to the cashier of the Contractor.

4.5. Full payment for services under this Agreement is made no later than the date of each month for the past month.


5.1. The fact of the proper provision of services under this Agreement is confirmed by the Certificate of acceptance and transfer of services signed by the Parties.

5.2. Services under this Agreement are considered to be performed properly and within the established time limits, if within calendar days from the date specified in the Services Acceptance and Transfer Certificate, the Customer did not transfer the signed Certificate to the Contractor and did not provide written claims and / or objections to the Contractor.


6.1. The Parties shall be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of Road Transport.

6.2. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances or extraordinary events that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, which the parties could not foresee and prevent.


7.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by authorized representatives of the parties and is valid until "" 2019 and can be extended for 1 calendar year if none of the Parties declares its intention to terminate the Agreement.

7.2. Early termination of the Agreement is possible at the request of one of the Parties after the settlement of all settlements. The initiator of termination of the Agreement is obliged to notify the other Party of its decision at least one day before the date of termination of the Agreement.


8.1. All disputes that arose between the parties in the course of fulfilling the terms of this Agreement are resolved through negotiations, and if no agreement is reached, in the Arbitration Court.

8.2. The Parties have the right to transfer their rights and / or obligations under this Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the other Party.

8.3. Any changes and additions to this Agreement will be an integral part if they are made in writing, duly executed and signed by both parties or their legal representatives.

8.4. All annexes, amendments and additions to this Agreement, signed by the parties, have priority over the main text of this Agreement.

8.5. This Agreement is made in two original copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

8.6. The terms of this Agreement, additional agreements to it and other information received by the Parties in accordance with the Agreement are confidential and not subject to disclosure.

on the provision of transport services in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Customer”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Executor”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor, on the basis of applications, undertakes to provide the Customer with transport services, namely passenger transportation by passenger cars, within the territory.

1.2. The Contractor provides services under this agreement on its own or by third parties using its own or rented cars.

1.3. The Customer undertakes to pay for the services of the Contractor for the carriage of passengers, carried out under this Agreement, in the manner and within the time limits stipulated by this Agreement.


2.1. The Contractor undertakes:

2.1.1. At any time of the day, ensure the provision of the required number of technically sound cars with drivers at the points and terms specified by the Customer.

2.1.2. By the date of each month, provide the Customer with an Acceptance and Transfer Certificate of services on the work-transportations performed for the previous month, as well as an invoice for payment for the work performed.

2.1.3. To guarantee the Customer the provision of the services specified in clause 1.1, clause 1.2 of this Agreement at the approved tariffs in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

2.1.4. Inform the customer about the change in tariffs for the services of the Contractor in writing no later than one day before the introduction of new tariffs. At the same time, the Contractor reserves the right to unilaterally and without prior notice to the Customer temporarily increase the amount of tariffs during the period of federal holidays.

2.2. The customer undertakes:

2.2.1. Pay for services under this Agreement in the amount, on time and in the manner provided for in this Agreement.

2.2.2. Guarantee to the Contractor the observance by the passengers transported by the Contractor on the orders of the Customer of the rules of the road, the requirements of the driver, as well as their observance of public order. The possibility of a passenger being in the car in a state of strong alcohol intoxication, causing harm to the car by the latter, committing other actions that threaten the safety of the driver, other passengers and traffic is excluded.


3.1. The Customer, at least one hour before the intended trip, orders a car through the Contractor's dispatch service. Orders placed later than the specified deadlines are considered urgent and are carried out by the Contractor without a guarantee of a free car and compliance with the start time of the trip.

3.2. 15 minutes before the intended trip, the Contractor must inform the Customer about the details of the car delivery (brand, color, state number of the car).

3.3. Disputes and disagreements arising from this Agreement or in connection with it will be resolved by representatives of the parties through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute is referred to the judicial authorities.


4.1. The cost of services provided by the Contractor is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

4.2. Settlements between the parties under this agreement occur in the following order:

4.2.1. Within calendar days from the date of signing this agreement, the Customer transfers to the Contractor's settlement account a sum of money in the amount of rubles as a deposit for the services provided by the Contractor.

4.2.2. The amount of the deposit is taken into account in the settlements between the Contractor and the Customer, and the balance remaining after the settlements is transferred to the month following the reporting month.

4.2.3. At the end of the reporting month, before the next month, the Contractor issues an invoice to the Customer for the services performed for the reporting period, and also provides the Service Acceptance Certificate. The act of acceptance and transfer of services is signed by the parties within days from the date of receipt of the act by the Customer.

4.3. Based on the provisions of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the sale of services under this Agreement is not subject to VAT taxation, the amount of tax is not presented to the Customer, invoices for the sale of the Contractor's services are not drawn up.

4.4. Payment for the services of the Contractor under this Agreement can be made by the Customer in the following ways:

4.4.1. by bank transfer to the settlement account of the Contractor according to the details specified in the invoice for payment;

4.4.2. for cash payment to the cashier of the Contractor.

4.5. Full payment for services under this Agreement is made no later than the date of each month for the past month.


5.1. The fact of the proper provision of services under this Agreement is confirmed by the Certificate of acceptance and transfer of services signed by the Parties.

5.2. Services under this Agreement are considered to be performed properly and within the established time limits, if within calendar days from the date specified in the Services Acceptance and Transfer Certificate, the Customer did not transfer the signed Certificate to the Contractor and did not provide written claims and / or objections to the Contractor.


6.1. The Parties shall be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of Road Transport.

6.2. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances or extraordinary events that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, which the parties could not foresee and prevent.


7.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by authorized representatives of the parties and is valid until "" 2019 and can be extended for 1 calendar year if none of the Parties declares its intention to terminate the Agreement.

7.2. Early termination of the Agreement is possible at the request of one of the Parties after the settlement of all settlements. The initiator of termination of the Agreement is obliged to notify the other Party of its decision at least one day before the date of termination of the Agreement.


8.1. All disputes that arose between the parties in the course of fulfilling the terms of this Agreement are resolved through negotiations, and if no agreement is reached, in the Arbitration Court.

8.2. The Parties have the right to transfer their rights and / or obligations under this Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the other Party.

8.3. Any changes and additions to this Agreement will be an integral part if they are made in writing, duly executed and signed by both parties or their legal representatives.

8.4. All annexes, amendments and additions to this Agreement, signed by the parties, have priority over the main text of this Agreement.

8.5. This Agreement is made in two original copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

8.6. The terms of this Agreement, additional agreements to it and other information received by the Parties in accordance with the Agreement are confidential and not subject to disclosure.



Executor Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:


Customer _________________

Artist _________________

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